nutrition during preganancy Flashcards
nutritional needs during preganancy
Protein- Addition requirement to support the
synthesis of maternal and fetal tissues
- Requirements increase throughout
gestation and peak during the 3rd trimester
- Extra 175 g/day needed to spare protein
- Fiber is needed to prevent constipation
- Omega 3 and omega 6 are vital for nervous
system development - Precaution: fish intake
- Folate requirements increase in response to
the demands for maternal erythropoiesis,
fetal and placental growth - B12 requirements is increased
- Supplementation is provided
- Ca, P, and Mg are in great demand because
they are necessary for normal development
of the bones and teeth - Zinc, required for protein synthesis and cell development
During pregnancy, the body avidly
conserves iron and absorption increases up
to 3 folds
Iron needs of fetus have priority over
concerns during pregnancy
Excessive weight
Alcohol crosses the placenta freely and is
directly toxic.
Limits oxygen delivery to the fetus
Slows cell division which can cause abnormalities in
Affects fetal brain cell division
Interferes with nutrient transport to fetus
cigarettes smoking
Nicotine and cyanide in cigarettes are toxic to the fetus
* Smoking limits the oxygen delivered to the fetus
* Can damage fetal chromosomes
* Risk of low-birth weight baby
* Increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
* Even environmental tobacco smoke is unhealthy
Have found that moderate caffeine intake (3
cups of coffee a day) during pregnancy
has no effect on infant birth weight or length of
drug abuse
low birth weight, heartbeat abnormalities
Infants and young children of pregnant
women exposed to Pb (lead)
show signs of delayed mental and psychomotor development
Hg (mercury) in some fatty fish can damage
the developing brain and nervous system of the fetus
can cause miscarriage, stillbirth,
or severe damage to the fetus
Pregnant women should avoid
unpasteurized cheeses, undercooked meat, smoked meats
Suggestions for nausea
◦ Eat dry crackers or dry toast before rising
◦ Eat small, frequent meals
◦ Avoid food with offensive odors
◦ Avoid liquids at mealtime
Suggestions for constipation
◦ Eat high-fiber diet
◦ Participate in daily exercise
◦ Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
◦ Respond promptly to urge to defecate
pregnancy induced hypertension
-Characterized by high blood pressure, presence of protein in urine, and edema in
third trimester
-May progress into eclamptic stage with convulsions, coma, and possible death of mother and infant
Suggestions for heartburn
◦ Eat small, frequent meals
◦ Avoid spicy or greasy foods
◦ Avoid liquids at mealtime
◦ Wait at least one hour after eating to lie down and two hours before exercising
Suggestions for excessive weight gain
◦ Drink fat-free milk
◦ Eat clean, crisp, raw vegetables as snack
◦ Eat fruits and custards made with fat-free milk as desserts
◦ Broil, bake, or boil instead of fry
pregnancy induced hypertension has higher incidence with
first pregnancy, multifetal pregnancies, morbidly obese women, or women with inadequate diets
leg cramps
magnesium may relieve leg cramps
Craving for nonfood substances
◦ E.g., starch, clay (soil), or ice
Condition caused by insufficiency of RBCs,
hemoglobin, or blood volume
Causes weakness, fatigue, poor appetite, and pallor