Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Flashcards
Early Screening for Women at High Risk
Women at high risk of type 2 diabetes
Screen with A1C (or FPG if A1C unreliable)in first trimester
A1C ≥6.5% or FPG ≥7.0 mmol/L –> treat like
type 2 diabetes
Confirm diagnosis post-partum
Why Diagnose and Treat GDM?
Shoulder dystocia and nerve injury
Neonatal hypoglycemia
Preterm delivery
Shoulder dystocia and nerve injury
Neonatal hypoglycemia
Preterm delivery
Risk factors
A family history of diabetes, especially in first degree relatives
Prepregnancy weight ≥110% of ideal body weight or body mass index over 30 kg/m2 or significant weight
gain in early adulthood, between pregnancies, or in early pregnancy
Age greater than 25 years
Previous delivery of a baby greater than 4.1 kg
Personal history of abnormal glucose tolerance
Member of an ethnic group with higher than the background rate of type 2 diabetes (in most
populations, the background rate is approximately 2 percent)
Previous unexplained perinatal loss or birth of a malformed child
Maternal birth weight greater than 4.1 kg or less than 6 pounds 2.7 kg
Glycosuria at the first prenatal visit
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Current use of glucocorticoids
Essential hypertension or pregnancy-related hypertension
Diabetes in Pregnancy: 2 Categories
- Pregestational diabetes- Pregnancy in
pre-existing diabetes
* Type 1 diabetes
* Type 2 diabetes - Gestational diabetes-Diabetes diagnosed in
Recommended Weight Gain based on
Prepregnancy BMI*
BMI< 19.8 kg/m2 28-40 pounds
BMI 19.8-26 kg/m2 25-35 pounds
BMI > 26 kg/m2 15-25 pounds
Dietary Modifications
- 33%–40% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 40% fat
Dietary Modifications~meals
Three small to moderate-sized meals
Dietary Modifications
Two to four snacks, one of which should be at bedtime
to prevent the development of ketosis overnight
Dietary Modifications-Caloric distribution
Caloric distribution across meals and snacks consists of 10% of total calories at breakfast, 30% at lunch, 30% at dinner, and 30% divided between the snacks.
Dietary Modifications-CHO
Complex CHO is preferred instead of simple CHO
Glycemic index and GDM
LGI diets reduced the risk of macrosomia
in GDM patients, and LGI diets with added
dietary fiber reduced the risk of
macrosomia further.