Nutrients Flashcards
What dose of Vitamin A is teratogenic?
10,000 IU - can cause osteoporosis and fracture
If a patient comes in with night blindness, growth deficits, impaired spermatogenesis, follicular hyperkeratosis, and decreased immune function… what nutrient do you suspect is deficient
Vitamin A
A patient tells you they are taking handfuls of supplements for their immunity during the pandemic, but they have new onset N/v/anorexia, confusion, increased intracranial pressure, abdominal pain, blurry vision, headache, and muscle weakness…. what supplement might you suspect
Vitamin A
What is beta-carotene useful for
Dementia and cognitive decline
A patient smokes 1 pack a day and drinks heavily and wants to prevent cognitive decline. She tells you she has been taking beta carotene…
Tell them to stop the supplement and to stop smoking/drinking ;)
Beta carotene increases incidence of lung cancer in smokers.
Beta carotene increases hepatotoxicity of ethanol when taken together
deficiency of what nutrient might prevent thiamine from being converted to its active form?
What syndromes should be suspected in al alcoholic with psychiatric disturbances, ataxia, ocular palsy, and nystagmus
Or weight loss, weakness, neuropathies, tachycardia, CHF
Thiamine deficiency causing: wernicke’s encephalopathy for the CNS signs
beriberi for the more peripheral signs of thiamine deficiency
What are the indications for B2 supplementation
Migraines, Parkinsons, Psoriasis
A patient comes ins with glossitis, weakness, depression, lacrimation, decreased visual function, and seborrheic dermatitis
She says she is vegan and hates green leafy veggies/fruits/grains
What nutrient might be deficient?
Note that B7 Biotin deficiency can also cause dermatitis (scaly), depression… but has more neuro signs like hallucinations/paresthesias/nausea
Note that B6 deficiency can also cause glossitis, but likely has weakness, neuropathy, cheilosis, and insomnia
A patient tells you that they eat 6 raw egg whites per day in a smoothie in an attempt at bulking up. They also take an anticonvulsant drug
What nutrient deficiency are they at risk for?
What sx should you look for?
B7/Biotin deficiency
Look for dermatitis, alopecia, hallucinations, paresthesias, nausea
This micronutrient can be synthesized from tryptophan and is important for tons of chemical reactions in the body
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
When might we consider Niacin supplementation?
In CVD atherosclerosis/ischemia.
In hypercholesterolemia - lowers LDL, raises HDL
In acne, psychiatric disorders, taste disorders
May enhance Insulin secretion in T1DM
A patient comes in with cracked, thick, scaly and darkly-pigmented skin rash that is symmetrical and worse in the sun.
She also says that she has diarrhea with undigested food int he stool
She says she has daily headaches, can’t sleep, forgets names all the time and feels confused, and last night had a hallucination of rats in her walls. PHQ-9 suggests severe depression.
She is vegan, GF, and allergic to legumes.
She thinks she might die if this doesn’t get figured out soon.
What is she deficient in? what does she have?
Pellagra - Niacin deficiency
The 4D’s
What side effect of Niacin?
Flushing and itching
Hepatotoxic at 3g+ per day
Mnemonic for the B vitamins
Then - Thiamine 1
Roland - Riboflavin 2
N - Niacin 3
Peter - Pantothenic Acid 5
Played - Pyridoxine 6
Bowling - Biotin 7
For - Folate 9
Coins - Cobalamin 12
Indications for B5 treatment
Acne vulgaris
Allergic Rhinitis
Low B6 is associated with elevations in what metabolite?
Max dose of B6
250 mg/day
B6 deficiency signs
B6 deficiency can cause glossitis, weakness, neuropathy, cheilosis, and insomnia. + anemia, + seizures
B6 is neurotoxic at what dose?
500 mg/day. Can cause ataxia at 2-6 g/day
Causes of deficiency of b7
Antibiotic therapy, intestinal resection, raw egg whites
B12 deficiency can cause
microcytic anemia, neurological sx, psych stuff (memory loss, depression, confusion), glossitis, peripheral neuropathy
Patient with hyperhomocysteinemia, Peripheral neuropathy may be deficient in what B vitamins?
Don’t replete folate without repleting B12 as folate supplementation can mask B12 deficiency
Signs of scurvy
Bleeding abnormalities (hemarthrosis), delayed wound healing, infections, bone pain, osteoporosis, edema, fatigue, depression