NURS 332 Flashcards
Trauma Process Steps
- Prep and triage
- General impression
- Primary survey
- Secondary survey
Primary Survey
A: Alertness & airway
B: Breathing & ventilation
C: Circulation & control of hemorrhage
D: Disability (neuro status)
E: Exposure & environment control
F: Full set of vitals and family presence
G: Get adjuncts & give comforts
Secondary Survey
H: History
H: Head-to-toe assessment
J: Just keep re-evaluating
Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive
A: Alertness & airway - Assessment
AVPU, airway patency, cervical spine immobilization
A: Alertness & airway - Interventions
Jaw-thrust maneuver, oro/nasopharyngeal airway (OPA/NPA), endotracheal tube (ETT)
Ensuring ETT placement
1) CO2 detector (purple = good, 35-45mmHg)
2) Chest rise/fall observation
3) Auscultate epigastrium & bilateral breath sounds
B: Breathing & Ventilation
Breath sounds, depth, rate and pattern, work of breathing, dyspnea, spontaneous breathing, subcut emphysema (rice krispy), tracheal deviation (LATE)
C: Circulation and control of hemorrhage - Assessment
Color, temp, central pulse, control hemorrhage
C: Circulation and control of hemorrhage - Interventions
Torniquet, multiple IV’s running WARM fluids
D: Disability (neurological status)
GCS - eyeopening, verbal response, motor response
Glucose (BGM)
E: Exposure & environment control
Remove clothing (injuries), warming measures (blankets, increased room temp, warm fluids)
G: Get adjuncts & give comfort
L: Lab analysis
M: Monitor cardiac - 12-lead ECG
N: Naso/Orogastric tube to pump stomach
O: Oxygenation & capnography
P: Pain
H: History
S: S&S
A: Allergies
M: Meds
P: Past medical hx
L: Last oral intake/LMP
E: Event leading up
H: Head-to-toe Assessment
Optimize resps & cardiac function
Anterior and posterior assessment
J: Just keep re-evaluating
I: Injury & Interventions
P: Primary survey
P: Pain
CTAS Triage
1) Resuscitation
2) Emergent
3) Urgent
4) Less Urgent
5) Non-Urgent
1: Resuscitation
Threats to life or limb that need immediate interventions - trauma, car accident, heart stopped
2: Emergent
Potential threats to life or limb/require rapid interventions (trauma, suspected MI, trouble breathing)
3: Urgent
Potentially lead to a serious problem (fainting, mod trauma, head injury, asthma attack, seizures, temp > 40)
4: Less Urgent
Relate to a potential deterioration (minor trauma, sore eye/ear/throat, stitches, small fracture)
5: Non-Urgent
May be acute but non-urgent. Interventions can be safely delayed (minor trauma, prescription renewal, cold)
Disaster Management
RPM-30-2-Can do
R: Resps < 30
P: Perfusion - cap refill <2
M: mental status - can do commands
Black Triage Tag
Expectant - unlikely to survive
Red Triage Tag
Need immediate intervention, compromised ABC’s
Yellow Triage Tag
Can be delayed, potentially life threatening
Green Triage Tag
“Walking wounded”, unlikely to deteriorate
Normal pH
Normal PCO2 (partial pressure of CO2)
Normal Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
Normal PaO2 (partial pressure of oxygen)
Low pH
High pH
Low PaCO2
High PaCO2
Low HCO3-
High HCO3-
Low PaO2
Sequence of events that results in exchange of O2 & CO2 between atmosphere and body cells = WHOLE PROCESS
Flow of air in & out of alveoli (mechanical aspect)
Ventilation 3 Components
1) Mechanical movement
2) Air flows from higher-lower pressure
3) Dependent upon volume, disease, and position
ETCO2 - measures “end-tidal” CO2 exhaled
Movement of gases (O2 & CO2) across permeable membrane from high-low pressure
Dependent upon pressure difference, SA, and wall thickness
Hemoglobin Components
Heme, protein, iron
Hemoglobin function
Carries oxygen in blood - has a high affinity (attraction) to O2
Normal Hemoglobin in Female
Normal Hemoglobin in Male
% of oxygen-saturated HGB in capillary bed (>94%)
% of oxygen-saturated HGB in arterial blood (>95%)
Partial pressure of oxygen (amount of O2 dissolved in plasma) (80-100mmHg)
Low blood PaO2 level (<50mmHg)
Inadequate cellular O2 = anaerobic metabolism
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
Relationship between PaO2 and HGB molecule sat
When HGB is 50% saturated with oxygen, PaO2 is 27mmHg
LEFT shift on dissociation curve
Haldane: HGB holding oxygen TOO TIGHT - tissues are not getting enough
RIGHT shift on dissociation curve
Bohn: HGB not holding oxygen tight enough - tissues are getting oxygen, but SpO2 is falsely low
Arterial blood flow (peripheral or central)
3 P’s of Perfusion
PUMP (heart)
PIPES (vasculature)
PLASMA (blood)
VQ mismatch
When ventilation (V) does not match perfusion (Q) - ex. lung receives oxygen without blood flow OR lung receives blood flow but no oxygen
The result of perfusion, ventilation, and diffusion
Fraction of Inspired Oxygen
RA: 0.21 (21%)
Nasal Prong oxygen delivery
Adds 3% FiO2 (0.24), up to 6L/min
Simple mask oxygen delivery
Adds 40-60% FiO2 (0.61-0.81), up to 8-10L
Non-re-breather oxygen delivery
Adds 80-95% FiO2, 10-15L/min
High Flow & ETT ventilation oxygen delivery
Adds 21-100% FiO2
Respiratory Acidosis ABG Characteristics
Metabolic Acidosis ABG Characteristics
Respiratory Alkalosis ABG Characteristics
CO2 is LOW
Metabolic Alkalosis ABG Characteristics
Respiratory Acidosis
Retention of CO2 - CNS depression, neuromuscular disorder, obstructive lung disease
Metabolic Acidosis
Gain of Acid (H+) - DKA, lactic acidosis
Loss of base (HCO3-)
Inability to excrete acid
Respiratory Alkalosis
Excretion of CO2 - CNS hyperactivity (anxiety, fever, pain), hypoxemia increased ICP
Metabolic Alkalosis
Loss of acid (H+) - vomiting, increased aldosterone, total volume loss, admin of NaHCO3
Acidosis Effects on Heart
Decreased contractility = decreased CO = hypotension
Increased vasodilation = hypotension
Increase HR = vtach arrhythmia
Alkalosis Effects on Heart
Increased vasoconstriction
Increased HR = vtach arrhythmias, vfib, SVT
Acidosis Effects on Lungs
Increased RR - increased WOB = fatigue
Alkalosis Effects on Lungs
Decreased RR = hypoxemia
Acidosis Effects on Metabolic
Increased H+ move into cells - increase K+ (arrhythmias)
H+ alter ability of insulin on tissues (increase resistance, increased BGM)
Alkalosis Effects on Metabolic
Decreased K+ and Mg
Acidosis Effects on CNS
Altered mental status - COMA
Alkalosis Effects on CNS
Altered mental status - COMA
Seizures, tetany
Lung compensation for acidosis
Increased rate and depth of ventilation - attempt to rid body of CO2
Lung compensation for alkalosis
Decreased rate and depth of ventilation - retain CO2
Kidney compensation for acidosis
Kidney’s excrete H+ and conserve HCO3-
Kidney compensation for alkalosis
Kidney’s retain and excrete HCO3-
Uncompensated ABG Characteristics
pH normal, 1 abnormal and 1 normal value (opposite system has NOT compensated)
Partially compensated ABG characteristics
pH abnormal, 2 abnormal values (opposite system attempting to compensate)
Fully compensated ABG characteristics
pH normal, 2 abnormal values (opposite system has compensated enough to normalize pH)
Restrictive Pulmonary Disorder
Reduced total lung capacity = loss of lung volume = compromised oxygenation
Extra-pulmonary causes
obesity, flail chest, muscular dystrophy
Internal-pulmonary causes
pneumonia, HF, pneumothorax
Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
Air moves in and out at a reduced rate = air trapped = compromised oxygenation
Flow of Obstructive Disorders
- air flows into lungs & gets trapped
- difficult to exhale because alveoli can’t empty, CO2 trapped in lungs
- Airway narrowing
- Airway obstruction
- Hyper-inflated lungs & decreased elastic recoil
Cues of Obstructive Disorders
Increased lung expansion, decreased expiratory flow, decreased FEV, normal to increased TLC, increased FRV, decreased VS, chronic abnormal ABG’s (increased PCO2, normal HCO3-, normal pH or slightly acidic, decreased PO2)
Asthma Control Steps
- SABA, daily LTRA and SLIT
- SABA, medium dose ICS, LAMA, SLIT
- SABA, further assessment, LAMA, ICS, LTRA
Status Asthmaticus Cues
Unable to speak, drowsy/coma, poor respiratory effort, bradycardia, paradoxical thoracoabdominal breathing, silent chest, cyanosis and O2 sats < 92%
Major features of status asthmaticus
Pulsus paradoxus, accessory muscle use (labored), lung hyperinflation, ABG showing hypoxemia (low PO2), sudden decrease of wheezing or decreased breath sounds
Acute exacerbation of COPD Symptoms
Worsened dyspnea, cough of sputum production - decreased SpO2
Primary causes of acute exacerbation of COPD
Infection (viral or bacterial) vs non-infective (environmental trigger)
Secondary causes of acute exacerbation of COPD
Pneumonia, PE, CHF, pneumothorax, rib fractures, opioid/sedative use, beta-blockers
Management of COPD exacerbation
Systemic corticosteroids
Acute infection of pulmonary parenchyma that is associated with:
at least 2 symptoms (fever, chills, new cough, CP, SOB) AND crackles/bronchial lung sounds AND new opacity/consolidation on CXR
Treatment of Impaired gas exchange
antibiotics, support O2 needs, support cardiac status, remove exudate
Complications of pneumonia and impaired gas exchange
Empyema, pleural effusion, atelectasis, delayed resolution, abscess, pericarditis/endocarditis, sepsis/bacteremia
Collection of puss
Pleural Effusion
Collection of fluid in pleural cavity
Collapse in certain areas of the lungs
Complications of COVID pneumonia
Sepsis, thrombotic event, ARDS, myocardial injury, hypoxic resp failure, AKI, multisystem organ failure
Acute PE
Condition of impaired perfusion
large thrombi obstruct perfusion in pulmonary artery - blockage - increased pressure and resistance - increased RV workload - decreased lung perfusion
Diagnosis of PE
D-dimer, CT, MRI, VQ scan, CXR, TTE, ABG’s
Indicates clot but does not show where it is
Virchow’s Triad
1) Hypercoaguable state
2) Venous stasis
3) Vessel Injury
Treatment of PE
High-flow O2, mechanical ventilation, vena-cava filter (for prevention if at high risk), embolectomy, anticoagulants, thrombolytic/fibronolytic
Respiratory failure
When compensation STOPS working
1) Resp distress/insufficiency
2) Acute resp failure (2 types)
3) Respiratory arrest
Types of Acute resp failure
- Oxygenation failure (PO2 < 60)
- Ventilation failure (PCO2 > 50 and pH <7.35)
Usually a mix of BOTH types
Whole Process of resp distress and failure
1) disease process affects normal lung function
2) VQ mismatch and decreased PaO2
3) Body increases RR and depth
4) Increased PaO2 and decreased PaCO2
5) Compensation increases metabolic rate = increased oxygen consumption and decreased CO2 production
Clinical criteria of Resp failure
PaCO2 > 50 AND pH < 7.30, PaO2 < 60
Oxygen Failure Pulmonary Cues
Dyspnea, tachypnea, increased PVR
Oxygen failures CV cues
Increase BP & HR, dysrhythmias, weak thready pulse, cyanosis
Oxygen failure CNS cues
Altered LOC, restlessness, confusion
Ventilation failure pulmonary cues
Tachypnea OR bradycardia
Ventilation failure CV cues
Bounding pulse, increase BP & HR
Ventilation failure vascular cues
Headache, flushed & wet skin
Ventilation failure CNS cues
Lethargy, drowsiness, coma
Color of Pt in Resp failure
Cyanotic, grey, mottled
RR of Pt in resp failure
high (to compensate) and then low when tired
Breath sounds of pt in resp failure
None = WORST - no O2 flow
BP of pt in resp failure
high to compensate, then low when tired
HR of pt in resp failure
high to compensate, then low when tired
Interventions for Resp failure
maintain airway oxygenate, correct acid-base imbalances, support systems (fluids and electrolytes), treat the cause, control complications
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Lung damage causes sudden onset of resp failures
ARDS criteria
- Within 1 week of insult/worsened resp symptoms
- Bilateral opacities with no explanation
- Resp failure NOT explained by cardiac/fluid overload
- PEEP > 5, hypoxemia even with 100% FiO2
Non-invasive positive pressure vent, 2 pressure settings
continuous positive airway pressure, 1 pressure setting
Outermost layer, protects the heart. 2 layers - fibrous and serous
Visceral surface of the pericardium
Middle layer of thick muscular tissue. Does the major pumping action
Thin layer of endothelium and connective tissue - lines the valves
4 Chambers of the Heart
Right atrium, Right ventricles, left atrium, left ventricle
4 Valves
AV: tricuspid and mitral (atria to ventricle)
SL: pulmonic and aortic (ventricle to body)
Coronary Arteries
Supplying and draining surfaces of the heart.
Major Coronary Arteries
Right coronary artery (RCA)
Left main/Left coronary artery
- Left anterior descending (LAD)
- Left circumflex (LCX)
Study of flowing blood and of all the solid structures (such as arteries) through which it flows
Cardiac Output
Amount of blood the heart pumps each minute
= HR x SV
Components of stroke volume
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood ejected from the heart (LV) with each pump
Filling - pressure in the myocardial fibers at end of diastole
Force/strength of the myocardial contraction
Pressure/resistance which the ventricles pump to eject blood
Ejection Fraction
Amount of blood expelled with each contraction (50-80%)
Frank Starling Law
The more the heart is filled during diastole, the more forcefully it contractions
More fill = stronger contraction
What Systems regulate CO?
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) and Kidneys (RAAS)
Mean Arterial Pressure - high BP = high map because of increased afterload
Arterial Line indications
Need for continuous BP monitoring (hemodynamic instability, vasopressor requirement)
Frequent ABG draws
Arterial Line complications
Hemorrhage, hematoma, thrombosis, embolization, infection
Measuring Preload
Right-sided heart pressure
CVP/RAP: amount of fluid in the right side of the heart, can be measured through a CVL
NORMAL = 2-5mmHg
Pulmonary Artery Catheter
Measures CVP, PAP, PAWP, CO - very invasive, not used often
Higher pressure in systole (contracting)
normal: 20-30mmHg
Lower pressure in diastole (relaxing)
Normal: 10mmHg
Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure (PAWP)/Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure (PAOP)
Reflects pressure in the left side of the heart (left filling)
Normal: 5-12mmHg
S&S of decreased CO
Delayed cap refill, tachycardia, weak pulses, hypotension, decreased urinary output, altered LOC
Types of Heart Failure
Left-sided (CHF)
Right sided
Typical causes of HF
Cardiomyopathy (HTN, diabetes, valve disease, PV disease), CAD, dysrhythmias, rheumatic fever, cardiotoxic agents, substance misuse
Left-Sided HF - Systolic
LV not sending much blood through, causing pooling and backup in aorta (blood “backs up” into pulmonary system)
Left-Sided HF diastolic
The LV loses ability to relax - STIFF (cannot fill)
Right-Sided HF
Result of Left HF, increases lung pressure (pulmonary HTN) or RV problems, blood flow backs up into peripheral system - right side gets tired
Compensatory Mechanism - SNS stimulation
Decreased CO stimulates increased HR and increase BP by vasoconstriction
Compensatory Mechanism - RAAS activation
NOT HELPFUL - senses decreased CO, increases preload and afterload which affects contraction - BAD because there is not enough blood to be pumped effectively
HF affects on heart itself
Muscle layer increases to try to compensate - hypertrophy. This is temporarily effective, BUT oxygen needs of the heart increase and needs more blood. If not getting blood, it causes cell death and the heart fails again.
Release from ventricles when overloaded/stretched - KEY
Serum Electrolytes in HF
Fluid shifts, diuretics - increase Na
Urea and Creatinine in HF
RAAS - kidneys become damaged - urea and creatinine increase
Effect on kidneys lead to reduced erythropoietin albuminuria - lower RBC’s and HGB
Albuminuria in HF
Decrease heart compliance
Echocardiogram in HF
Visualizes valves, pericardial effusion, chamber enlargement, thickness of walls, ejection fraction
Cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart, pulmonary edema)
Hypoxemia - impaired diffusion
HF Acute Management - A&B
Intubation, Oxygenation (FiO2, increased pressure, and diuretics), Diuresis (removed excess fluid)
HF Acute Management - C
Optimize hemodynamics
Increase contractility
Vasodilation - reduce afterload/preload
Regulate HR
Reducing Preload in HF
Fluid management - fluid and salt restrictions , serum electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, positioning. Diuretics (loop - furosemide, thiazide - spironolactone, SGLT2i - sodium glucose cotransporter - 2 inhibitors)
Reducing Afterload
Improving contractility - ACE/ARB (stop RAAS from being activated), beta blockers (increase contractility and decrease HR), Nitrates (vasodilate), inotropes (increase contractility - digoxin), amiodarone (HR control and arrhythmias control), ICN (decrease HR)
Ventricular Assist Device - LVAD
Used as a bride to transplant - external pump/ventricle (circulates blood externally)
S&S of Pulmonary Edema
Pink frothy sputum, acute resp deterioration, decreases sats, SOB
Treatment of Pulmonary Edema
IVP furosemide - works quickly
S&S of RIGHT sided failure
Peripheral Edema, JVD
Biventricular failure S&S
JVD, 2+ edema in feet and ankles, swollen hands and fingers, distended abdomen, bibasilar crackles, productive cough with pink-tinged sputum
Disease of the valves and chambers
Causes of infective endocarditis
Microbial infection - IV drug use, valve replacements, altered immunity, structural heart defects, dental procedures, hemodialysis, infections
Infective Endocarditis Pathophysiology
1) organism adheres to valve surface - disturbed surface of endothelium attracts platelets
2) introduction of bacteria in blood
3) bacteria settle on thrombi of heart valve
4) Forms vegetations (become like emboli)
5) Vegetations enlarge and alter valve function
IE - Septic vegetations on right side of heart
Lodged in pulmonary system - PE
IE - septic vegetations on left side of heart
Lodged all over body - brain, liver, etc.
Types of Valvular disease
Stenosis, insufficiency, prolapse
Stenosis in Valves
tissue thickening narrows valve opening - risk of clots
Insufficiency in valves
allows for backflow /regurgitation - incomplete valve closure
Causes of Valvular disease
degeneration (weakens with age), calcific degeneration, IE, CAD, MI
Potential Complications of valvular disease
Arrhythmias, CMO, HF, thrombotic disorders
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Usually benign - can progress to regurgitation
One of the mitral leaflets is slightly curved the wrong way and allows some back flow
S&S Mitral Valve Prolapse
“Click murmur” - systolic murmur
Palpitations or chest pain
Aortic valve prolapse
Valve doesn’t close completely during diastole, so back flow into LV happens
diastolic murmur
Stenosis of a valve
Hardening/thickening of the valve caused by fibrosis or calcification - valve leaflets fuse (stiff and narrow)
Mitral Valve stenosis
Narrow valve opening obstructs BF from LA to LV (pressure increases, left atrium dilates, PAP increases, rt ventricle hypertrophy)
- rt HF, diastolic murmur
Aortic Valve stenosis
narrow valve opening obstructs BF from LV to aorta during systole
“wear and tear”
Left HF, systolic murmur
Treatment of valve stenosis
Valve repair/replacement, medication for symptoms, management of HF
Bicuspid aortic valve
Most common congenital cardiac malformation - 2 leaflets instead of 3
Complications of bicuspid aortic valve
HF, aortic aneurysm and dissection, stenosis or regurgitation
3 main cues of IE
Fever, NEW murmur, fatigue
Evidence of systemic embolization
Petechiae, janeway lesions (flat, painless reddened maculae on hands and feet) , splinter hemorrhages (nail beds), osler nodes (painful on palms of hands and soles of feet), roth spots (hemorrhagic lesions that appear as round or oval spots on retina)
Prosthetic (synthetic/artificial) valve replacement
Lifelong anticoagulation with warfarin
Bioprosthetic (tissue)
No long-term anticoagulation, not as durable (last about 7-8yrs)
2 types of myocardial cells
electrical (pacemaker), mechanical cell
Electrical (pacemaker) cells
Generation and conduction of electrical impulses
Mechanical cell
do actual pumping by contracting and relaxing - dependent on electrical stimulus
Sinoatrial (SA) node
Primary pacemaker cell - responds to needs of body and controls beat based on info it receives from nervous, circulatory, and endocrine systems
AV node
Receives signal from SA node (through 3 pathways) and slows the conduction from the atria to the ventricles long enough for atrial contraction (supplied by RCA)
Bachmans bundle
Bundle in LA
SA node intrinsic rate
AV junction intrinsic junction
40-60 (if SA fails)
Purkinje fibers instrinsic rate
20-40 (if AV fails)
Cardiac conduction
calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium are used to develop “electricty”
Phase 0 of cardiac conduction
Depolarization, influx of Ca and Na
Phase 1 of cardiac conduction
Na channels close, hits “peak”
Phase 2 cardiac conduction
Influx of Ca, K slowly trickles out - prolonged depolarization
Phase 3 of cardiac conduction
rapid depolarization, decrease in K and Ca channels close - back to resting potential
Phase 4 cardiac conduction
Resting potential - leaky K channels, can not be activated again - negative
Phase 0-3 of cardiac conduction
Positive - in refractory period, cannot be activated
Stimulation - negative space letting positives in
Resting - becomes more negative - when negative enough, it can be stimulated again
ECG paper
Small box = 0.04 seconds
Big box (5 little ones) = 0.2 seconds
Each lead = 2.5 seconds, full ECG = 10 seconds
Isoelectric line
Baseline of ECG
P wave
0.08-0.11 seconds, spread of electrical impulse that depolarizes atria
PR Interval
0.12-0.2 seconds
PR segment
AV node delaying electrical impulse
<0.12 seconds
Spread of electrical impulse that depolarizes ventricles, atria repolarizes during this time
J point
Where S stops and ST segment begins
ST segment
Should be neutral (on isoelectric line)
T wave
ventricles relax
QT interval
total time of ventricular depolarization and repolarization - we only care if this is too long
6 Step ECG reading
1: rate (fast/slow?, intervals?)
2: rhythm (regular? wide/narrow WRS? p-wave?)
3: p=waves (upright? uniform? prior to WRS?)
4: PR interval (0.12-0.20 seconds, prolonged = blockage)
5: QRS (< 0.12 seconcds, wide ventricles = bad)
6: interpret
R-R interval
Ventricular BPM
Sequence Method
Select R wave on dark pink line - next dark line as shows 300, 150, 100, 75, 60 and 50 (where next r wave finds, that is the HR)
Bundle Branch Block
Functional or pathological block in one of the major branches of intraventricular conduction system - ventricles NOT depolarized simultaneously (using detour because main highway is blocked)
Hypokalaemia on ECG
T-wave inversion, ST depression, prominent U wave
Hyperkalemia on ECG
Peaked T waves, P wave flattening, PR prolongation, wide QRS
S&S of Dysrrhythmias
Vitals: fluctuating HR, increased RR, low SpO2
Lungs: crackles if fluids backed up
Heart sounds: may hear S3 and S4
PV: slow CO (> cap refill, weak pulses)
Pulse deficit: difference in apical and radial pulse
Originates from SA node
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Rate: atrial and ventricular rates 60-100
Rhythm: atrial and ventricle rhythms regular
P waves: present, upright, consistent configuration, 1 p-wave before each QRS
PR interval: 0.12-0.2 seconds, constant
QRS duration: 0.06-0.12 seconds, constant
Sinus Bradycardia
Everything normal on ECG EXCEPT HR is < 60 BPM
Sinus Tachycardia
Everything normal on ECG EXCEPT HR >100BPM
Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC)
Atrial tissue fires an impulse before the next sinus impulse is due - triggers ventricles responding sooner than expected (QRS fires too fast on ECG)
Causes of PAC
Stress, fatigue, anxiety, inflammation, infection, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs.
Atrial Flutter
Too many P waves - saw-toothed /flutter waves - atrium continuously contracting, ventricles always getting a stimulus but only contract (QRS) when they are repolarizedT
Treatment of atrial flutter
Beta-blockers, ca channel blockers, cardiovert, ablations
Biggest Complication of atrial flutter
risk of clot due to stasis.
ECG characteristics of atrial fibrillation
rate - hard to calculate
rhythm - irregular
ration - multiple p waves
What is the most common sustained arrhythmias
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation ECG
Indiscernible P waves (no PR interval, normal QRS, ventricles are irregular rhythm)
Atrial fibrillation Complications
decreased SV by 25%, potential for clots and HF
Treatment for atrial fibrillation
Anticoagulants, beta-blockers, ca channel blockers, antiarrhythmics (digoxin)
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
Originated in AV node, NO P waves (can’t see them) - AV getting stimulated too fast, normal QRS, rate 150-250
Treatment for SVT
Modified valsava maneuver, beta blockers, ca channel blockers, antiarrhythmics, IV adenosine
IV Adenosine
Stop electrical impulses in the heart to allow SA to start firing again
Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC)
Result of increased irritability of ventricular cells - signal coming from ventricles instead of atria
NO p waves before QRS
R-on-T phenomenon
BAD - v-tach from improperly timed electrical impulses on later part of the T wave (ventricular repolarization)
PVC bigeminy
Every second (normal, PVC)
PVC trigeminy
Every third (normal, normal, PVC)
Unifocal PVC
Single irritable focus - all look the same
Multifocal PVC
Multiple irritable foci - all look different
Ventricular Tachycardia
3 or more consecutive PVCs occurring rapidly, 100-200bpm, no P waves
Torsades de points
Polymorphic - smaller and bigger pattern (not consistent) - give IV magnesium
Sustained V tach
If for > 30 seconds
Non-sustained v tach
anything less than 30 seconds
Treatment for v tach
CPR and defibrillation if pulse is lost, antiarrhythmics
Ventricle Fibrillation
Electrical chaos in ventricles
Course v fib
Bumpy on ECG
Fine v fib
smoother on ECG
Cardiac standstill, complete stop of electrical impulses (no rate or rhythm or CO or pulse)
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)
Any organized rhythm without a central pulse (pt always unresponsive)
S&S of decreased CO due to arrhythmias
Weak, lightheaded, chest pain, delayed cap refill, palpitations, change in LOC, resp distress or apnea
Algorithm for symptomatic bradycardia
HR <60 AND S&S
1) ABC - O2, IV
2) 12 lead ECG
3) treat the cause
4) decide if pt has adequate CO
Algorithm for Tachycardia
1) ABCs - O2, IV, pulse
2) 12-lead ECG
3) unstable - cardiovert (defibrillate)
H’s of Lethal arrhythmias
Hypoxia, Hypothermia, Hyper/hypokalemia, Hypovolemia, Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
T’s of Lethal arrhythmias
Toxins, Tamponade, Trauma, Thrombosis, Tension pneumothorax
Delivery of an electrical current across the heart muscles over a very brief period to terminate an abnormal heart rhythm
Cardiac Arrest Algorithm
1) Check central pulse - if nothing call code blue
2) call for help/code, get AED and defibrillator
3) Start CRP
4) Start IV, get O2 on (BVM)
5) Treat H’s and T’s or cause if known
Algorithm if VF/PVT
Assess rhythm - shockable - defibrillation, clear patient for 360J/AED shock (<10 seconds)
Algorithm for PEA/Asystole
Assess rhythm - not shockable
Types of Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Stable Angina
- Unstable Angina
Stable Angina
Angina pain develops when there is increased demand in the setting of stable atherosclerotic plaque - vessel unable to dilate enough to allow adequate blood flow to meet myocardial demand - normal ECG
Unstable Angina
Plaque ruptures and a thrombus forms around the ruptured plaque, causing partial occlusion of the vessel. Angina pain occurs at rest or progressed rapidly over a short period of time. ECG - normal OR inverted T waves OR ST depression
The plaque ruptures and thrombus formation causes partial occlusion to the vessel that results in injury and infarct to the subendocardial myocardium. ECG - normal OR inverted T waves OR ST depression
Complete occlusion of the blood vessel lumen resulting in transmural injury and infarct to the myocardium, troponin changes. ECG - hyperacute T waves OR ST elevation
S&S of ACS
Pain/discomfort/pressure, PSNS (N/V), diaphoresis, SOB/dyspnea, anxiety, fatigue, signs of impaired CO
Hyperacute Phase
Tall T wave
Early Acute phase
Tall T wave, elevated ST-segment
Later acute phase
Inverted T wave, elevated ST segment
Fully evolved phase
Inverted T wave, elevated ST segment
Management of ACS
Heparin IV infusion, DAPT (ASA, clopidogrel or ticagrelor)
Troponin function
Protein in muscles - decrease shows a problem with the heart
CK-MB Function
Increased when there is heart damage
Myoglobin Function
protein in the muscles that supply oxygen - means low red blood cells
CRP function
protein synthesized by the liver, marker for inflammation or infection
Lipid profile (cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, HDL) Functions
Plaque in vessels
INR/PT/aPTT Function
Ability of blood to clot