SAMC Chapter 5
What does “NBC” stand for?
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical warfare.
What are the four basic steps to take if you suspect an NBC attack?
Mask immediately
Give the alarm
Take cover
Decontaminate as necessary
What are the four toxic chemical agents?
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
What is the standard allowable time for a soldier to mask when the alarm is sounded?
9 Seconds
What are the standard hand and arm signals for giving the alarm for chemical attack?
Extend the arm straight out and bend it to the shoulder repeatedly, shouting “GAS!”
What is mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP)?
protective gear system used by soldiers to increase protection against NBC threats, adjusted according to the level of danger.
What are the five levels of MOPP?
MOPP 0: Protective mask carried, other gear available.
MOPP 1: Suit worn, mask and gloves carried.
MOPP 2: Suit and boots worn, mask and gloves carried.
MOPP 3: Suit, boots, mask worn, gloves carried.
MOPP 4: Full protective gear (suit, boots, mask, gloves) worn.
What three types of NBC warnings are there?
Visual signals
Audible alarms
Automatic alarms (e.g., M8 or M22 alarms)
What piece of TA-50 can be used for overhead protection during a chemical or biological attack from the air?
The poncho can be used for overhead protection.
What type of attack does the M-8 alarm warn you?
It detects and warns of a chemical attack.
When under a chemical attack do you give the alarm before or after you mask? Why?
After masking. You need to protect yourself first to ensure you can still sound the alarm for others.
When must you change the filters in your mask?
Change the filters if they are damaged, clogged, or after prolonged exposure to contamination.
What is the color of the triangle marking a biologically contaminated area?
Blue triangle.
Where would a biological attack be most effective?
Biological attacks are most effective in densely populated areas.
Name the three types of biological microorganisms.
What is zoonosis?
Zoonosis refers to diseases that are transmissible from animals to humans.
What causes the most casualties in a nuclear attack?
The blast and thermal radiation cause the most casualties.
What are the symptoms of nerve agent poisoning?
Symptoms include drooling, difficulty breathing, convulsions, and pinpoint pupils.
How should an area suspected of contamination be crossed?
Cross it by moving upwind or crosswind and avoid touching anything