NPNs & PROTEINS Flashcards
Present in highest concentration in the blood ; formed in the liver from CO2 and ammonia ; major excretory product of the metabolism of proteins and other nitrogen-containing chemicals
Concentration of urea is expressed in terms of nitrogen content (BUN) :
BUN X 2.14 = urea
Urea / 2.14 = BUN
Reference method for NPN measurement
Isotope dilution mass spectrometry
Chemical method for urea is also called
Fearon method / diacetyl monoxide method / direct method
Chemical method (Fearon) : color of diazine
Enzymatic method for urea
Urease method / Indirect method
Colorimetric enzymatic method for urease : Nessler’s reagent
Dipotassium mercuric iodide / K2(HgI4)
Colorimetric enzymatic method for urease : color of dimercuric ammonium iodide
Colorimetric enzymatic method for urease : components of Berthelot reagent
Sodium hypochlorite + phenol + sodium nitroprusside
In GLDH-coupled reaction, NAD (product) is detected and measured with ____
Decreased absorbance @ 340 nm (UV)
Measurement of the increase in conductivity due to NH4+ (ammonium ions) and CO32- (carbonate ions)
BUN Reference value
6-20 mg/dL
Reference value for BUN/Creatinine ratio
10 - 20 : 1
Increased BUN is termed as
Azotemia due to dehydration, low blood volume, high protein diet, increased protein catabolism
Pre-renal azotemia
Value of BUN:creatinine ratio and creatinine in pre-renal azotemia
BUN/crea ratio >20 ; Normal creatinine
Azotemia due to low excretion (glomerulonephritis, renal failure)
Renal azotemia
Azotemia due to urinary tract obstruction (nephrolithiasis, tumors, severe infection)
Post renal azotemia
Value of BUN:creatinine ratio and creatinine in renal and postrenal azotemia
BUN/Crea ratio >20 ; High Creatinine
Postrenal azotemia : very high plasma urea concentration accompanied by renal failure
Uremia/uremic syndrome
Value of BUN:creatinine ratio and creatinine in uremia/uremic syndrome
High BUN, High Crea, Low GFR
Repeated dialysis, liver disease, low protein diet
NPNs from most to least concentrated
Amino acid
Uric acid
NPN : 45-50%
NPN : 25%
Amino acid
NPN : 10%
Uric acid
NPN : 25%
NPN : 1-2%
NPN : 0.2%
Creatinine is a substance formed from
Methionine, arginine, glycine
Excreted into plasma at a constant rate proportional to an individual’s MUSCLE MASS
Creatinine is removed from circulation by ______ ; concentration is _____ related to GFR
glomerular filtration ; Inversely
Creatinine analytical method : colorimetric, ENDPOINT, nonspecific ; subject to positive bias due to ascorbic acid, glucose, glutathione, keto acids, uric acid, cephalosporins
Chemical method (Jaffe)
Creatinine + alkaline pi rate —> red-orange tautomer
Jaffe reaction
Techniques to improve Jaffe reaction
Kinetic - timed rate reaction
Use of adsorbents : Lloyd’s reagent (sodium aluminum silicate), Fuller’s Earth (Magnesium aluminum silicate)
Sodium aluminum silicate
Adsorbent : Fuller Earth’s reagent
Magnesium Aluminum silicate
POD-coupled : oxidized chromogen aka
POD-coupled : color of quinoneimine
Red to red-purple
Standard formula for creatinine clearance
C = Urine crea (mg/dL) x volume of 24h urine (mL/min / plasma or serum crea (mg/dL)
Creatinine clearance formula if the patients is a child, physically wasted, or obese
C = U x V / P (1.73 / Actual body surface area)
Variables used in Cockcroft-Gault formula
body weight
serum creatinine
Cockcroft-Gault correction factor (if patient is a female)
X 0.85
MDRD formula variables (OLD)
Creatinine, BUN, Albumin
MDRD formula variables (NEW)
Decreased creatinine clearance or GFR may be due to _____
Impaired renal function
CKD stage : kidney damage with normal or high GFR ; GFR value
Stage 1 ; 90 and above
CKD stage : kidney damage with normal or low GFR ; GFR value
Stage 2 ; 60-89
CKD stage : moderate low GFR ; GFR value
Stage 3 ; 30-59
CKD stage : severely low GFR ; GFR value
Stage 4 ; 15-29
CKD stage : kidney failure ; GFR value
Stage 5 ; 15 or less
Product of catabolism of purines in nucleic acids or nucleoproteins ; relatively insoluble in plasma ; can be deposited in the joints and tissues at concentrations >6.8 mg/dL
Uric acid
Chemical method for uric acid determination
Phosphotungstic method / Caraway method
Catalysts used in Caraway method
Sodium carbonate
Uric acid reference value (MALE)
3.5 - 7.2 mg/dL
Uric acid reference value (FEMALE)
2.6-6.0 mg/dL
Chronic nephritis, alcoholism, gout, leukemia, chemotherapy, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Fanconi syndrome,severe liver disease, purine inhibitors, allopurinol
Produced from the catabolism of amino acids ; toxic compound metabolized exclusively in the liver via the urea cycle
Measurement of pH change as Ammonia diffuses through a selective membrane
Ammonia reference range
19-60 ug/dL
Building block of proteins
Amino acid
Determined by the acidic and basic amino acid monomers
Net charge and electrophoretic mobility
The pH at which a particular protein has a net charge equal to zero
Isoelectric point
Protein Solubility
Lowest at isoelectric point, hydrophilic and more soluble when charged
Protein nitrogen content
Protein structure level : number and types of amino acids in a SPECIFIC amino acid sequence
Protein structure level : Regularly REPEATING structures stabilized by hydrogen bonds between amino acids
Protein structure level : OVERALL shape or conformation of the protein molecule
Protein structure level : Results from the interaction of MORE THAN ONE A protein molecule or subunit
Serum samples are applied close to the cathode end of a support medium that is saturated with an alkaline buffer (pH ___) at which proteins carry a ___ charge and migrate toward the ____
8.6 ; negative ; anode
Stains used in protein electrophoresis
Coomasssie brillian blue
Ponceau S
Amido black B
Lissamine green
Specialized colorimeter designed to can and quantitate electrophoretic pattern
Uses a higher voltage coupled with a cooling system and a more concentrated buffer ; separates proteins into 12 or more bands ; detects unusual monoclonal bands
High-resolution protein electphoresis
Indicator of malnutrition ; forms a distinct band in CSF electrophoresis
Prealbumin transports T4 as _____
Thyroxine-binding prealbumin
Prealbumin forms a complex with ______
Retinol binding protein / vitamin A
Major contributor to plasma osmotic or oncotic pressure ; general transport protein
Most abundant serum protein
Increased level in amniotic fluid ; increased in adult serum in cases of hepatocellular carcinoma
Protease inhibitor ; major component of the alpha 1 region
Alpha - antitrypsin
Deficiency is associated with SERPINA 1 gene mutation and causes juvenile hepatic cirrhosis, pulmonary emphysema
Alpha 1 - antitrypsin
Binds progesterone and some drugs ; negatively charged even in acid pH ; has a very high carbohydrate content
Alpha 1 - acid glycoprotein
Protease inhibitor ; binds prostate-specific antigen
Transports vitamin D ; low level may lead to abnormal calcium levels
Protease inhibitor ; largest non-Ig protein ; 10x increase in nephrotic syndrome, protein-losing enteropathy
Binds hemoglobin to preserve iron ; low level seen in hemolytic disorder, intravascular hemolysis
Copper-binding protein ; has oxidase activity ; low serum level in Wilson’s disease
Transports iron ; low level seen in IDA (pseudoparaprotein)
Immune response ; most abundant complement protein
C3 complement
Binds heme ; low level in intravascular hemolysis
Component of MHC or HLA molecules ; used to measure GFR
Enhances phagocytosis in inflammatory disease ; most sensitive ; 1000x increase in inflammatory states
Used as a marker for cardiovascular risk
Antibodies produced by plasma cells
Incraeased protein loss ; malnutrition/malabsorption ; decreased synthesis ; increased protein catabolism
Monoclonal gammopathy ; dehydration
Low albumin ; 10x increased of a2-macroglobulin
Nephrotic syndrome
Polyclonal gammopathy
Hepatic cirrhosis
Beta-gamma bridging ; increased IgA in beta and gamma region
Liver cirrhosis
Monoclonal spike/gammopathy ; 1 immunoglobulin type is increased
Multiple myeloma
Alpha1 globulin flat curve
Alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency
a1- and a2- globulin spike
Acute inflammation
Increased a1-globulin, a2-globulin, and gamma globulin
Chronic inflammation
Flat gamma curve
Polyclonal gammopathy ; 2 types of globulins are increased
Hepatic cirrhosis
Negative predictor of AMI ; oxygen-carrying protein in skeletal and cardiac muscles ; detected SOONER that’s TROPONIN but NOT CARDIAC SPECIFIC
Gold standard for acute myocardial infarction ; CARDIAC SPECIFIC and show SUSTAINED ELEVATION
Cardiac troponins
Troponin with greater cardiac specificity
Troponin I
Used as markers for coronary heart failure ; structurally related neurohormones that affect body fluid homeostasis and blood pressure
BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) an NT-proBNP (N-terminal-pro BNP)
Endogenous marker of GFR
Cystatin C and B-trace protein
Useful in cases where creatinine measurement is not appropriate
Cystatin C
Correlates with serum cystatin C and urine micro proteins ; not influenced by glucocorticoid therapy
B trace proteins
Biomarker of bacteremia or sepsis ; increases early in infection (3-6 hours) and has a greater specificity for infection than CRP
Early predictor of acute kidney infection
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Marker for nutritional status ; demonstrates a wide variety of cellular interactions, e.g. cell adhesion, differentiation, growth, and wound healing
Low value of this protein marker is associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome ; inversely correlated with BMI
Biochemical marker of bone resorption (osteoporosis) ; proteolyic fragments of collagen I
Cross-linked C telopeptides
Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease
Neuronal thread protein, amyloid b42, Tau protein
Ultimate reference method based on the measurement of nitrogen content (!6%)
Kjeldahl method
Measurement of refractive index due to proteins in solution
Measurement of the change in optical density following precipitation with TCA, SSA, benzalkonium chloride
UV absorption : measurement of protein absorbance at ____ nm owing mostly to ________
280 nm ; tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine
Detection o peptide bond forming a violet color (540 nm)
Biuret method
Oxidation of phenolic groups producing a DEEP BLUE color
Folin-Ciocalteau (Lowry) method
Formation of violet color in the presence of amino groups
Ninhydrin method
Measurement of the shift in absorbance when proteins bind to a dye
Dye-binding technique
Dye used for total protein
Coummassie brilliant blue
Dye used for albumin : nonspecific (globulins may also bind)
Methyl orange
Dye used for albumin : less sensitive ; subject to interferences
Dye used for albumin : most commonly used dye
Bromcresol green
Dye used for albumin : specific, sensitive, precise
Bromcresol purple
Protein reference value : total protein, ambulatory
6.5-8.3 g/dL
Albumin reference value :
3.5 - 5.5 g/dL
A/G ratio formula
Albumin / Total protein - Albumin