Nouns and Modifying Nouns Flashcards
Which two types of common nouns do exist?
-count and noncount
What are count nouns?
-nouns that you can count and make plural
Which determiner can you use with singular count nouns?
-a/an, the, this, and his
Which determiner can you use for plural count nouns?
-few, many, some, these, and those
Which are the most common irregular plural nouns in academic writing?
man-men; child- children
foot-feet; woman-women
Person-people; tooth-teeth
Name some nouns that have the same form for singular and plurals
one fish-two fish
one sheep-two sheep
Name some nouns that are only plural and do not have a singular form?
-clothes, headphones, pants, glasses, jeans, scissors
What are noncount nouns? Which verb form do you you with noncount nouns?
-they can not be counted; a singular verb form
Name some common categories of noncount nouns?
- abstract concepts:health, nutrition, happiness
- activities and sports:dancing, exercise, swimming, tennis, yoga
- diseases and health conditions:arthritis, depression, diabetes, obesity
- elements and gases:gold, hydrogen, oxygen, silver
- food:beef, broccoli, cheese, rice
- liquids:coffee, gasoline, oil,tea
- natural phenomena:electricity, hail, lightning, rain, thunder
- particles:pepper, salt, sand, sugar
- subjects:economics, genetics, geology
- areas of work:construction, business, medicine, nursing
How do you use a noncount noun with a determiner?
- you can use one or none:
- >use determiner after you have already mentioned the noun and wish to give more information
What is meant with the+certain adjective? Give some examples
Which Numerus of verb has to be used?
- you can use the+certain adjective to describe a group of people with the same characteristic or quality
- > the dead, the disabled, the educated, the elderly, the living, the poor, the rich, the unemployed
- plural verb form
Name some common noncount nouns in speaking and writing?
- advice, bread, cash, coffee,damage
- equipment,evidence, fun, furniture, health
- information, knowledge, luck, milk, money
- music, news, permission, progress, publicity
- research, rice, safety, security, software
- stuff, traffic, water, weather, work
When can noncount nouns have count meaning?
-when we refer them as individual items within a general category
(I always put cheese on my pasta;English cheeses are very strong)
-by using them with measurement words describing specific quantifies
Name some measurement words, which you can use to make noncount nouns countable
-abstract concepts:a bit of, a kind of, a piece of
-activities or sports:a game of
-food: a drop of, a grain of, a piece of, a serving of, a slice of
-liquids:a cup of, a gallon/quart of, a glass of
-natural phenomena: a bolt of, a drop of, a ray of
-particles: a grain of, a pinch of
-subjects and occupations: an area of, a branch of, a field of, a type of
Miscellaneous:an article of (clothing), a bunch of (people , objects), a crowd of, a group of, a pack of( Wolves, dogs, wild animals)
A piece of (furniture, equipment, news)
For what is OSASCOMT standing for?
- Opinion: delicious, traditional, useful
- Size: large, short, small, tall
- Age: antique, new, old, two-year-old, young
- Shape: round, square, triangular
- Color: black, green, yellow
- Origin: French, imaginary, scientific
- Material: cotton, leather, metal
- Type: dog, government, shoulder
Commas in order of modifiers?
-do not use a comma between two different categories