Notes, Cautions & Warnings Flashcards
Pode-se usar packs e HP air conditioned ao mesmo tempo?
NOTE Simultaneous use of conditioned air packs and HP ground cart is prohibited.
Até quando pode-se usar o reverso depois de uma reject takeoff?
NOTE During RTO the thrust reversers can be used at maximum reverse thrust until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.
Pode-se fazer modificações nos procedimentos do FAF até a pista? (Ex: fixos, altitudes ou angulos?)
NOTE Pilot modifications to the stored procedures from the FAF to the runway (to include fixes, altitudes or descent angles) are not permitted. (AD)
E2 - Como deve-se checar o nível de oleo no E2 durante a preparação de cabine?
NOTE For E2 airplanes it is not required to check engine oil level prior to engine start. The EICAS msg ENG 1(2) OIL LO LEVEL will be showed in EICAS if oil level is low and maintenance action is required.
O que fazer pós voo se foi utilizado RSV?
NOTE When RSV power is used, an entry shall be made on the TLB. I.E. “TO1(2)(3) RSV activated during flight”.
Cite uma indicação de Starter cutout.
NOTE Starter cutout is indicated by bleed pressure increase during start.
Qual ação a ser tomada caso algum item do checklist não esteja completo?
NOTE The checklist will not proceed beyond an item until the item is accomplished and the proper response is given.
Como ter a leitura da voltagem das baterias?
NOTE To read the battery voltage, the GPU pushbutton must be disconnected (pushed OUT).
Como funciona o Bit do E1?
NOTE For E1 airplanes, to allow for the flight controls built-in-test (BIT), wait three (3) minutes after AC power is applied or for the FLT CTL TEST IN PROG message to clear before turning any hydraulic pump on.
Como funciona o Bit do E2?
NOTE For E2 airplanes, to allow for the flight controls built-in-test (BIT), wait two (2) minutes after AC power is applied or for the FLT CTL TEST IN PROG message to clear before turning any hydraulic pump on. Ensure the aircraft is not moved before the IESS is initialized. Utilize ground power whenever available to reduce APU cycles and fuel costs.
Qual a posição dos knobs da bateria para start do APU?
NOTE BATT 1 must be ON and BATT 2 must be AUTO for the APU to start.
Qual a porcentagem de APU speed eu devo ler para saber que a APU está AVAIL?
NOTE 3 seconds after APU speed has reached 95%, electrical and pneumatic loading are available. If the APU does not reach proper speed or acceleration rate within the starting cycle time, the APU will automatically shut down.
Qual o tempo mínimo após o Power up para dar start na APU?
NOTE During the Power-up, wait 30 seconds after EICAS has been energized prior to start the APU.
O que acontece quando o BIT expira?
NOTE If FLT CRTL BIT EXPIRED message is displayed, refer to the QRH.
Qual CG deve ser usado para preparação do E190/195/E2? (antes da loadsheet).
NOTE Use CG 22% for E190, CG 25% for E195 and 29% for E195-E2.
Pode-se usar Low pressure external air com APU bleed? E High Pressure external air?
NOTE Low pressure external (pre-conditioned) air in combination with APU BLEED air is acceptable. The use of HP air in combination with the APU BLEED air is prohibited.
O que fazer caso tenha informação de Heading seja imprecisa no gate?
NOTE Heading information may be inaccurate due to ground equipment magnetic disturbance at the gate.
Qual a diferença entre altimetros no PFD 1 e 2?
NOTE Normal limits are ± 20 feet between PFD 1 and 2. If a difference above the tolerance is noticed, report on technical logbook.
Descreva o funcionamento do ELT.
NOTE ELT assists the location of the airplane during search and rescue operations transmitting a radio signal on 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz automatically.
O que fazer caso tenha um ZFW muito baixo? (usual em voos de translado)
NOTE At very light ZFWs typical of ferry flights and very low customer loads, ballast fuel will be required for CG limits. Check the dispatch release for the presence of such ballast fuel and add it to the MFOD.
Pode-se liberar o mecânico antes do callout “Good Start”?
NOTE Ground Crew may be cleared to disconnect after parking brake has been set and Engine #1 ITT rises, even before the “Good Start” callout.
Qual ITT o FADEC tem como target para liberar fuel flow? e o que acontece caso o ITT esteja acima desse valor?
NOTE The FADEC will not allow fuel flow if ITT is above 120°C during ground start. In this case a dry motoring will be performed automatically and the fuel flow is commanded with ITT below 120°C.
Qual o limite de discrepancia de N1 Target eu posso ter entre a indicação no EICAS e no App de Performance?
NOTE Once TRS is confirmed, check all data on EICAS (Flex, TO, ATTCS, temperature, N1). On E1 airplanes only the difference between N1 target indication on the EICAS and N1 target calculated via the performance software must be within -0.1% and 0.5%. Most reliable values are obtained with engines running.
E2 - Quando o FADEC faz um Dry Motoring automaticamente e qual o tempo do mesmo?
NOTE FADEC will perform dry motoring before every engine start. This dry motoring can take 40 to 80 seconds based on engine parameters at the moment of engine start.
Quando o motor #2 for utilizado para taxiar, qual a ação deve ser feita em solo e porque?
NOTE On E1 airplanes, when performing a single engine taxi with engine 2 running, the Electric Hydraulic Pump 1 Selector knob must be set to ON in order to pressurize the Hydraulic System 1.
Pode-se efetuar SETO em Icing conditions?
NOTE SETO is authorized in icing conditions (<10°C and Visible moisture) except when: 1. Contamination is present on ramps and taxiways and/or 2. Snow or freezing precipitation is falling.
Qual o momento correto de selecionarmos o Flap para decolagem?
NOTE Set the flaps to the takeoff position prior to taxi. This is accomplished after the first engine start if one-engine taxi is planned. If two-engine taxi is planned, flaps are set after the second engine start.
Qual o motivo de sempre checarmos a pág de elec antes de cada troca de barramento?
NOTE To avoid electrical power interruptions, check Electrical Synoptic Page (IDG1 and IDG2 supplying AC power).
O que fazer na decolagem ao receber o callout de “No ATTCS”?
NOTE If ATTCS remains white, PM must call “No ATTCS” and takeoff must be rejected.
O que fazer na decolagem ao receber o callout de “ENG TLA NOT TOGA”?
E caso ocorra na arremetida?
NOTE If “ENG TLA NOT TOGA” displayed on EICAS anytime during takeoff or go around with the thrust levers out of the position TO/GA, throttles must be advanced forward to the correct position (TO/GA) and FADEC will adjust power automatically.
Qual a tecnica de decolagem deve ser utilizada no SDU?
NOTE All takeoffs at SDU must be done using the Static Takeoff technique.
Quando considerar o uso de Rolling Takeoff?
NOTE Pilots should consider using Rolling Takeoff when taking off from runways with lenght greater than 1800 meters and where backtrack is not required. Static takeoff must be used when required by performance calculations and at airports where Static Takeoff is required according to MGO, Airport Briefing, NOTAM AZUL and any other operational publication.
Pode-se retardar a setagem de CLB1 após a leitura do After takeoff checklist?
NOTE CLB 1 can be retarded if there is any altitude restriction after the reading of checklist.
Quando fazer o callout de FL100 acima dessa altitude?
NOTE For airports with elevation above 5.000ft, consider FL 150 instead of FL 100.
Qual o nível entramos no espaço aéreo RVSM, qual a tolerância de overshoot de nível e uso de autopilot?
NOTE When operating in RVSM airspace (at or above FL290) and changing flight levels, do not overshoot or undershoot the CRFL by more than 150 ft. The autopilot should be operative and engaged during level cruise except during an obvious malfunction or when it must be disengaged due to turbulence.
Qual a correção de vento para VAPP?
NOTE Wind Correction: VAP = VREF + Wind Correction [Wind Correction = 1/2 steady headwind component + gust factor (min 5kt, max 20kt).
Como deve-se calcular a performance de pouso caso tenhamos a EICAS MSG - STALL PROT ICE SPEED, ou caso seja prevista essa msg durante a descida?
NOTE If the STALL PROT ICE SPEED message is present, or icing conditions are anticipated on any portion of the arrival or approach, check on QRH> Performance, the correct table for Anti-ice ON.
E2 - O que fazer caso tenhamos a mensgem de STALL PROT ICE SPEED no EICAS e não tenha mais condições nem formação de gelo na aeronave?
NOTE On E2 Airplanes if the STALL PROT ICE SPEED message is present, evaluate if weather conditions allow the ICE SPEED RESET.
Como fazer o Temperature Compensation para procedimentos de pouso que os requerem?
NOTE The use of Temperature Compensation is not authorized. Remote altimeter settings are not allowed.
O que fazer em caso de EICAS MSG “Fuel Inbalance”?
NOTE Even though balancing fuel is usually not required under normal conditions, normal checklists are used to ensure proper landing configuration under all conditions, including emergencies. Therefore, pilots must reference EICAS messages on every landing.
Porque esperamos o callout de Ground Spoilers para uso do reverso? Como efetuar uma arremetida após o Thrrust Reverses deployment?
NOTE A Rejected Landing can not be initiated after Thrust Reversers deployment, forcing the continuation of the landing with an unpredictable landing distance. This is the reason why the PF must wait for the “GROUND SPOILERS” callout before deploying Thurst Reversers.
Após quanto tempo depois de aplicar o reverso posso voltar a manete para Idle?
NOTE After applying reverse thrust (moving the thrust levers below IDLE), the Pilot must not move the thrust levers above MIN REV until the amber or green REV icon appears on the EICAS.
Quando o F/O pode iniciar o flow de after landing? E quando o checklist deve ser lido?
NOTE Short taxi with backtrack: F/O can initiate the flow on Captain´s request but checklist will be read only after vacating runway. The taxi speed cannot be higher than 30kt.
O que fazer ao cortar o motor (STOP) e a Thrust Lever esteja em alguma posição acima de idle? (o motor não vai cortar)
NOTE For an engine to be shut down, its thrust lever must be in the IDLE position prior to moving the START/STOP switch to the STOP position. If the thrust levers are NOT moved to IDLE within 30 seconds of setting the START/STOP switch to STOP, recycle the START/STOP switch to RUN, then to STOP.
Como ajustar a temperatura do cockpit em dias quentes?
NOTE Once the desired temperature has been reached set Cockpit Temperature Controller as Required
Como deve ser ajustado o ar condicionado da cabine de PAX?
NOTE Once the desired temperature has been reached set Cockpit Temperature Controller to ATTND position.