Normal Labor and delivery Flashcards
What is false labor?
- irregular contractions without cervical change
- to be “labor”, there needs to be cervical change
What shape is the posterior fontanelle?
- a triangle
- we want that thing anterior
What is the classic female type of pelvis?
What is the classic male type of pelvis?
-poor prognosis for delivery
What pelvic shape will usually have an OP position at birth?
- anthropoid
- the ape pelvis: long narrow oval shape
- good delivery
What is Platypelloid?
- flattened gynecoid
- short AP, wide transverse
- poor prognosis for delivery
What is the diagonal conjugate?
- measurement from pubic symphysis to the sacral promontory
- that -2 is the obstetric conjugate; the narrowest fixed distance through which the fetal head must pass through
What condition do we NOT do a cervical exam?
-placent previa!
What are the leopold maneuvers
-just palpating parts of the baby
Describe the different labor stages
- 1: onset of true labor to complete cervical dilation
- 2: complete cervical dilation to delivery of infant
- 3: deliver of infant to delivery of placenta
- 4: delivery of placenta to stabilization of patient
When does thr first stage progress from latent to active?
-when the cervix gets to 4 cm
4/50/-2…. what do these numbers mean?
- 4 cm dilated
- 50% effaced
- -2 cm station (that is pretty high up)
What does the epidural do to the second stage of labor?
-make it a little longer
What are the cardinal movements of labor?
- engagement (station 0)
- descent
- flexion: makes it so that the smaller suboccipitophregmatic diameter is the one that is presenting first
- internal rotation
- extension
- external rotation
- expulsion: ant should delivers before posterior
What should we NOT do to the cord in the 3rd stage of delivery?
- pull on it before we know it’s ready to deliver
- could result in inversion
What is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage?
-uterine atony
What is the difference between induction of labor and augmentation of labor?
- induction: labor is induced by artifical means
- Augmentation: stimulation of labor which has already begun
What do we use to predict the outcome of induction of labor?
- bishop score, if <6, unfavorable, do c section
- if >8, it will be fine
What are some different cervical ripening agents?
- Cervidil: PGE2, vaginal insert, contraindicated if previous c section
- Cytotec: PGE1, cannot be readily removed, same contraindications
- mechanical dilators: foley bulb
what is Pitocin?
- synthetic oxytocin which stimulates myometrial contractions
- piggy backed into main IV line so it can be stopped if we see fetal distress
Why might opioids suck in pregnancy?
-they can cross the placental barrier and lead to neonatal respiratory depression
What is the most comon induction agent used for general anesthesia?
Why are inhaled anesthetics bad sometimes?
-they can also readily cross placenta and cause neonatal respiratory depression