Medical Conditions in Pregnancy Flashcards
Can you palpate a DVT?
-but you can palpate superificial thrombophlebitis
What value for glucose is abnormal?
Risk factors for development of GDM?
- obesity
- previous GDM
- Strong family hx of DM
- know glc intolerance
Maternal complications of GDM?
- increased risk of gestational htn
- increased risk of preeclampsia
- greater risk of cesarean delivery
- increase risk of developing diabetes later in life
Fetal complications of GDM?
- Macrosomia
- neonatal hypoglycemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
- operative delivery
- shoulder dystocia
- birth trauma
will DM increase the risk of spontaneous abortions?
When is the baby recommended for a cesarean delivery?
-if weight is greater than 4500 gm
What drops significantly after the delivery of placenta?
Maternal hyperthyroidism, how is the diagnosis made?
-elevated free T4 and suppressed TSH
What is the treatment for maternal hyperthyroidism?
- methimazole
When do we give methimazole?
-2nd 3rd trimester
When is PTU used?
-increased risk of liver toxicity so only used in 1st trimester
Thyroid storm
- hyperthermia
- tachycardia
- perspiration
- high output cardiac failure
tx of thyroid storm?
- B blockers: propanolol
- block secretion of thyroid hormone: Na I
- stop synth of Thyroid hormone: PTU
- Halting peripheral conversion of T4-T3: dexamethasone
- Replacing fluid losses
- bring temperature down
Hypothyroidism tx
- thyroid replacement: levothyroxine
- monitor TSH and free T3/4 levels monthly
What is neonatal thyrotoxicosis?
-transplacental transfer of thyroid stimulating antibodies
causes of neonatal ypothyroidism?
- thyroid dysgenesis
- inborn errors of thyroid function
- drug induced
What is the most common lesion for rheumatic heart disease?
-mitral stenosis
What is a contraindication to pregnancy due to decompensation during pregnancy and a high mortality rate?
- primary pulmonary hypertension
- epidural anesthesia is preferred and vaginal delivery may be an option for these patients
What is the most common cardiac arrhythmia with preggo ppl?
- supraventricular tachycardia
- usually benign
What develops within last weeks of pregnancy or within 6 months postpartum
- women with preeclamsia, htn, and poor nutrition are at risk for developing
- mortality rate is about 10%?
-postpartum cardiomyopathy
Who should all pregnant cardiac patients be co-managed with?
- a cardiologist
- fetus will need ECG
How should cardiac patients be delivered?
- vaginally
- unless there are obstetric indications
- Ab prophylaxis for endocarditis in high risk patients
What is Immune idiopathic Thrombocytopenia
- Ig’s attach to maternal platelets
- can be confused with gestational thrombocytopenia
Tx of IIT?
- begun after platelets drop 50,000
- prednisone
- IV Ig if severe
- Platelet transfusion
- Splenectomy
- neonatal thrombocytopenia can occur due to placental transfer of antiplatelet antibodies
-flared are treated with prednisone
-preterm delivery
-fetal growth restrictions
Antiphospholipid syndrome
- presence of lupus anticoagulant and or anticardiolipin antibody
- may coexist with SLE
- associated with arterial or venous thrombosis
- pregnancy complications: miscarriage, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction
Tx of antiphospholipid syndrome?
- treat during preggo with heparin.low molecular weight heparin and low-dose aspirin
- if hx of thrombosis: full anticoagulation
Acute Renal Failure ARF
- due to preexisting renal disease or pregnancy induced
- three types: Prerenal, renal, postrenal
how do you treat ARF?
- prerenal: restore volume
- renal: treatment is directed at preventing further damage
- postrenal: remove the obstruction
What is a worsening prognosis thing for Chronic renal failure?
-serum creatinine greater than 1.5-2
What is the most common organism for asymptomatic bacteriuria?
-E. Coli
- fever, CVA tenerness, malaise
- elevated WBC and abnormal urinalysis
- 20% of these patients have increased uterine activity and preterm labor
- can result in adult respiratory distress syndrome
Tx of pyelonephritis?
- IV hydration
- abx
- antipyretics
- tocolytics if needed
- will need suppression for remainder of preggo
What is a common GI thing for Preggo ppl?
Mendelson’s syndrome
- acid aspiration syndrome
- preggo women at greater risk due to delayed gastric emptying and increased intraabdominal/intragastric pressure
- can result in adult resp syndrome
Tx of mendelson’s syndrome?
- supplemental O2
- maintain airway
- tx for acute respiratory failure
Inflammatory bowel disease
- they usually do well in preggo
- can increase miscarriage risk if bowel disease is active at time of conception
Tx of IBD?
-treat acute exacerbation… same as non preggo
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP)
- cholestasis and pruritis in second half of preggo not associated with liver enzyme elevations
- itching without abdominal pain or rash
- abs reveal elevated serum bile acids
Tx of ICP
- local tx- cold baths, bicarb washes
- use of ursodeoxycholic acid
- fetal surveillance and delivery at early term
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
- scary…
- diffuse fatty infiltration of liver resulting in hepatic failure
- jaundice….
- increased PT and PTT
- elevated bilirubin
- ammonia and uric acid
Tx of acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
- termination of pregnancy
- supportive care
- people die
- but if they survive, usually full recovery
- physiologic decrease in HgB/hematocrit during pregnancy
- hematocrit less than 30% or a HgB concentration < 10
- most common reason is iron deficiency
Is pregnancy a hypercoagulable state?
-yes, upt o 5 fold increase in venous thrombosis and the greatest risk is the first 5 weeks postpartum
superficial thrombophlebitis
- most common in pts with varicose veins, obesity, and little physical activity
- limited to calf, will not turn into PE
- swelling and tenderness
tx of superficial thrombophlebitis
- Bed rest
- pain medication
- local heat
- no need for anticoagulants
- wear support hose
- more common in left leg than right
- pain in calf with dorsiflexion (homan’s sign)
- may also have dull ache, tingling, or pain with walking
tx of DVT
-low molecular weight or unfractionated heparin
Pulmonary embolism
- 70% of the time, DVT is instigating factor
- accentuated pulmonic valve second heart sound
Tx of PE
what do patients with a DVT or PE require?
- a thrombophilia work-up
- all patients with history of Thromboembolism will need prohpylactic anticoagulant therapy
What is the most common pulmonary disease in pregnancy?
- asthma
- tx is same is with non preggo ppl
What is the most common type of Headache and what do we treat it with?
- tension headache
- treat with acetaminophen
What kind of headache happens more in childbearing years?
- migraines
- usually improve during preggo
- neurology can be helpful in tx
Multiple sclerosis
- most common at age 30
- usually experience fewer and less evere episodes
- may exacerbate postpartum
- increased risk of lower birth rate infants
- increased risk of cesarean delivery
Does seizure frequency alter in pregnancy?
What seizure med should not be used because it is more teratogenic that other antiepileptics?
What are the most commonly used meds for seizures?
-dilantin and phenobarbital
if a woman gets depression with preggo, when should we avoid antidepressants?
-the first trimester
why is post partum depression so common? 70-80%!!
- usually due to hormonal fluctuations
- raises concern if persists after the first 2 weeks
- younger women at greater risk
- severest form- postpartum psychosis