Normal Growth and Development Flashcards
name for growth plate of bone
area above physis
area below physis
shaft of bone
What is the Heuter-Volkmann Law
if you compress a growth plate, growth is decreased and if you stretch it, growth is increased
6m milestone
rolls, sits with support
10m milestone
sits unsupported
12m milestone
stands holding furniture
18m milestone
walks alone, broad base gait
24m milestone
starts to run, stairs 2 feet per tread
3yr milestone
upstairs 1 foot per tread
4yr milestone
downstairs 1 foot per tread, hops
8yr milestone
adult gait pattern established
how many adults are affected by flat feet
1 in 5
what causes flat feet
loss of medial longitudinal arch
what controls ankle dorsiflexion
Achilles tendon
3 things which can cause in-toeing
femoral neck anteversion
internal tibial torsion
metatarsus adductus
at 11yrs what is the usual standing intermalleolar distance
who is most commonly affected by anterior knee pain
three nerves which cross the hip joint
sciatic, femoral and obturator
which toes are most commonly affected by curly toe
how many cafe au lait spots should raise suspicion of NF
6 or more
how many neurofibromas should raise suspicion of NF
2 or more
Other features of NF
axillary freckling, Lisch nodules, pseudoarthosis, kyphoscoliosis or sphenoid dysplasia
genetic mutation in NF
What causes cerebral palsy
non-progressive damage to encephalon occurring before the growth of the CNS is complete