Normal Development Flashcards
When do babies begin to hold their heads up 45 degrees and can smile?
2 months
When do babies begin to grasp objects, bear weight on legs, and can laugh and squeal?
4 months
When do babies begin to pass objects hand to hand and sit with minimal support?
6 months
When do babies begin sitting up without support and pincer grasp
9 months
When do babies begin to stand alone/possibly walk and can stack 3 cubes?
12 months - 15 months (at the latest)
When do babies begin to runs and can kick a ball and use a spoon?
24 months
When do babies begin imitating speech sounds, single syllables?
6 months
When do babies begin to say da/ma/ba (jabbers or 옹알이)?
9 months
When do babies begin to say their first word like dada/mama (specific) and can respond to name?
12 months
When do babies begin to follow simple commands (no, stop)?
15 months
When do babies begin to say about 10 word vocabulary
18 months
When do children start combining words (2 word sentences; 200 vocabulary) and can play interactive games?
24 months (2 years)
When do babies recognize the primary caregiver?
2 months
When do babies develop stranger anxiety and play peek-a-boo?
8-10 months
when do babies can wave bye bye
12 months
When do babies imiate actions?
14-18 months
Characteristic of Attachment; desire to be near the people we are attached to
Proximity Maintenance
Characteristic of Attachment; returning to an attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of a fear or threat
Safe Haven
Characteristic of Attachment; an attachment figure acts as a base of security for which the child can explore the surrounding environment
Secure Base
Characteristic of Attachment; anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure
Separation Distress
Stage of Attachment; 0-2 months; baby orients to caregiver, follows with eyes, does not discriminate between figures; as long as needs are met, separation is NOT distressing
Stage of Attachment; 2-6 months; becomes attached to one or more figures in environment; as long as needs are met, separation is NOT distressing
Attachment in Making
Stage of Attachment; >6 months; infant is distressed when separated and stops crying and clings when reunited
Clear Cut Attachment
Insecure (Avoidant/Ambivalent) is characterized by willingness to explore, but low stranger anxiety, indifference to separation and AVOIDS contact upon reunion (pretty much prefers separation–> “avoidant”)
Insecure Avoidant
Insecure (Avoidant/Ambivalent) is characterized by high stranger anxiety, but an unwillingness to explore, distressed upon separation and seeks/rejects caregiver upon reunion (paradoxical distress with separation, but seeks/rejects with reunion–> “ambivalent”)
Insecure Ambivalent
“extreme insufficient care”; has at least 2 behaviors of:
- minimal social/emotional responsiveness to others
- limited positive affect
- episodes of unexplained irritability, sadness or fearfulness (even during non-threatening interactions)
Reactive Attachment Disorder (Pseudoautism)
“extreme insufficient care”; has at least 2 behaviors of:
- reduced reticence with strangers
- overly familiar social behavior
- diminished checking-back with caregivers
- willingness to go off with unfamiliar adults
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
What are the 5 stages of Psychosexual Development
Oral (Weaning) Anal (Toilet-training) Phallic (Sexual identify) Latent (Learning) Genital (Intercourse)
Person who came up with Cognitive Development; child actively engages with the world, constructing schemas to integrate and explain information; constant series of accomodating discordant info into new schemas
Jean Piaget
Which psychologist demonstrated the importance of nurturance, beyond just basic needs through the monkey experiment?
Harry Harlow
Which psychologist observed baby response (attachment styles) in strange situation (mother leaves –> stranger enters –> mother returns)?
Mary Ainsworth
A type of attachment style described by high willingness to explore; high stranger anxiety; some easy to soothe separation anxiety; enthusiastic behavior at reunion. This type forms the majority of attachment style in babies.
Secure Attachment
A type of attachment style described by variable willingness to explore; low stranger anxiety; variable separation anxiety; somewhat fearful behavior at reunion. This type forms the most minority of attachment style in babies.
Disorganized attachment