Normal and Abnormal Pregnancy Flashcards
how long are the trimesters?
14 weeks each
what is used to determine pregnancy duration?
last menstrual period
what is Naegle’s rule for estimated due date?
add 7 days to last menstrual period
subtract 3 months
what frequency should repeat prenatal visits be?
q 4 weeks until 28 weeks
q 2 weeks until 28-36 weeks
every week after 36 weeks
in normal pregnancy, blood volume increases by ____-____%
during which trimester does blood volume expand the most rapidly in?
2nd trimester
the spontaneous termination of pregnancy before fetal viability
ovulation may resume as early as _____ weeks after an early abortion
what is the management for abortion? (2)
control bleeding
infection control
during which trimester are abortions most common in?
1st trimester
lack of embryonic/fetal development without cardiac motion on US without cervical dilation. Dx? management?
missed abortion
misoprostol VS dilation + curettage
lack of embryonic/fetal development without cardiac motion on US with incomplete uterine emptying. Dx? management?
incomplete abortion
misoprostol VS dilate + curettage
lack of embryonic/fetal development without cardiac motion on US and complete evacuation of the uterus. Dx? management?
complete abortion
tissue testing + reassurance
implantation of a fertilized egg in a location outside of the uterine cavity
ectopic pregnancy
what is the leading cause of maternal death due to hemorrhage in the 1st trimester?
ectopic pregnancy
any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy; does not exclude the possibility that unrecognized glucose intolerance may have antedated the pregnancy
gestational diabetes
when should low and average risk women be screened for gestational diabetes?
24-28 weeks gestation
what screening test is used for gestational diabetes?
1 hr oral glucose challenge
what diagnostic test is used for gestational diabetes?
3 hr glucose tolerance test
what levels in a 1 hr screening test are diagnostic of gestational diabetes?
fasting plasma BG > 126 and
1 hr plasma BG > 200
what levels in a 3 hr test are diagnostic of gestational diabetes?
if 2/4 blood sugar are elevated
how to optimize glucose control? (3)
monitor 4 times / day
consult dietician
exercise program
what is the 1st line option to medically treat gestational diabetes?
diagnosis of gestational diabetes warrants evaluation _____ to ensure resolution of disease. what test is used?
2 hr glucose tolerance test
when should a postpartum GTT be performed?
6-12 weeks postpartum
classified as no proteinuria, onset over 20 weeks gestation, or an onset within 48-72 hours of delivery but resolved by 12 weeks post-partum
gestational hypertension
what is the preeclampsia triad?
what is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity/mortality in the US?
when is preeclampsia known to occur?
during 1st pregnancies
what is required to diagnose preeclampsia?
> 140/90 on two separate occasions after 20 weeks gestation
AND proteinuria
what must be present to diagnose preeclampsia without proteinuria? (5)
renal insufficiency
impaired liver function
pulmonary edema
cerebral/visual symptoms
what are the symptoms in the variant of severe preeclampsia?
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets
what is the only treatment for preeclampsia?
tonic-clonic seizure as a manifestation of preeclampsia. treatment?
magnesium sulfate + deliver
what are the 3 mainstays of management of preeclampsia?
prevention of seizures
control hypertension
expedite delivery
chronic hypertension with development of new onset proteinuria after 20 weeks gestation
chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
what constitutes preterm delivery?
delivery < 37 weeks gestation or birth weight < 2500 g
what grade is texas in terms of prematurity report card?
transient state of tearfulness, anxiety, irritation, and restlessness that occur in the 1st week of postpartum and resolve by day 10
postpartum blues
management for postpartum blues?
what is the treatment for postpartum depression?
supportive care
what 2 psycho-related reactions are most common postpartum and typically last 2-3 months?
treatment for postpartum psychosis?