Normal & Abnormal Sensation Terms Flashcards
What is Barognosis?
Weight: Perceived weight of different objects in hand
What is Graphesthesia?
Letter or number: Identify number or letter drawn in the skin without visual input
What is Kinesthesia?
Movement: Identify direction and extent of movement of a joint or body part
What is Localization?
Light Touch: Identify exact location of light touch on the body using verbal response or gesturing
What is Proprioception?
Static Position: Identify static position of an extremity of body part
What is Stereognosis?
Identify object without sight
What is Allodynia?
Pain response to a non-painful stimuli
What is Analgesia?
Absence of pain while conscious
What is Causalgia?
Constant, relentless, burning hyperesthesia and hyperalgesia that develops after peripheral nerve injury
What is Dysesthesia?
Distortion of any of the senses; especially touch
What is Hyperesthesia?
Heightened Sensation
What is Hyperpathia
Extreme exaggerated response to pain
What is Hyperesthesia
Diminished sense of touch
What is Neuralgia?
Severe and multiple shock-like pains that radiate from a specific nerve distribution
What is Pallanesthesia?
Loss of vibration sensation
What is Paresthesia?
Abnormal sensations such as tingling, pins & needles or burning sensations