non-native_species Flashcards
non-native, introduce, alien and invasive species.
- do these terms all have the same meaning?
introduced and non-native =same
alien/invasisve species =same
what are non-invaisv/alien species?
alien/invasisve species = species that become establish, spread beyond the inroduction place
- can reproduce them
wha are introduced/ non-native species?
introduced species that are farmed- cannot survive in naure
what does non-native mean?
living outside its native distributional range
how can non-native species affect the variety of species in a acommunity ?
- increase the variety
but native species may shrink
–> esablishement of non native speces reduce GLOBAL diversity
name some alien psecies in norway
- ladybird
- garden lupin
- pacific oyster
- red king crab
- pacific oyster
why should aquauculture use non-native species?
- poor performance of available species (maybe due to climate change, changing conditions) –> pacific oyster instead of european oyster
- new commercial opportunities –> atlantic slamon
- proven production techniques –> nile tilapia
what are the top 4 non native species in aquaculture?
- pacific white shrimp (native : eastern pacific)
- nile tilapia (native in africa,; south egypt, central africa)
- atlantic salmon (naive in northern atlantic ocean)
- pacific oyster (= most globally produced oyster, very tolerant (native in pacific coast of asia )
in what continent is the percentage use of non-native species the highest?
south america
74% of the annual aquauculture prodction is non -native
in what continent is the percentage use of non-native species the lowest?
asia (excl. china)
why is china only on the 4t place of percentage non-native species aquaculture?
because they produce so much, and quite a lot of native species. BUT still so many non-native species.
- rank based on percentage !!!
south america:
- what is latin america number 2 producer of the world?
- what is the annual growth of AQC in the last 50 - years?
- what other species are non-native but cultivated?
atlantic salmon
- 21 % annual growth
- tilapia, common carp, shrimps
non native aquauculture in china:
- what is china the biggest producer of?
- how has introducing non-native species helped the AQC in china?
- biggest producer of turbot
- reduced disease problems –>non native = more restistant
- what non natiev species ahs been introduced mor than 2000 years ago?
common carp
- how much (percentage) is the AQC production is non-native species ?
- what species are non-native and cultivated?
- salmonids
- pacific oyster
unintenioned release to the environment is a result of… ?
- weather events
- accidents-operations
what are the top species that create the most concerns?
- shrimp
- tilapia
- catfish, tuna, salmon
- trout and oyster
habitat definition
no geographic place.
ecological area, which is made up of abiotic and biotic factors
what are ecosystem engineers?
species that
- change habitat structure
- modifiy local environment
waht are ecological consequences of introduced non native sp?
- habitat modification
- change in ecosystem functioning
- extinction of native flora an fauna (less important)
- disease transfer (gyrodacytlus slaris (plathelminthes) =parasite of japanses eel )
- genetic impacts (hybridization) brreack down of genetic complexes –> loose their strains
regions that have high levelof iendemic species are more or less vulnerable to introductions?
what is change in ecosystem functioning?
-what is it linked with?
- linked with biodiversity
- change in biodiversity and community structure
example: tilapia escapes –>graze on macrophyte –> decline in native fishes
what is habitat modifcation?
change of ecosystem- complex
- non-native species modifies the habitat-making it better for the themselves
example: pacific oyster removed possibillity to native oyster by making oyster reefs, which are highly adapted to non-native oysteer
native european oyster has no place to live
what are trans boundary-effects?
different countries have different opinions about species- wanted in one land unwanted in the other, but oceanic currents transprt species over boundaries.
macroalgae: undaria spec
green crab in USA
what are future directions/problems concerning non native species?
important is to maintain helathy ecsystems - AQC depennds on good water quality
challenge because it is so easy to transfer species over large distances
- producers want money, introduce as much as it is allowed :
- -> legislationand risk managemnt are important to prevet undesired impacts of intended introduction
what are the two ways of introducing non native species ?
-accidental (e.g. balllast water)
-deliberate (with purpose, intended)
what are ntional legislations for introducing non native species?
ICES has made a guideline for intentioned intrdocution
– >aims to minimize the impacts to the environment
how many alien species has been considered as alien species in norway? in 2007 and in 2012 ; alien species with the norwegian black list)
2007: 217 species
2012: 1180 species
(which have the potential to reproduce or which reporduce in the wild in norway within the next 50 years)
what are important aquauculture non-native species in norway
rainbow trout
crassostrea gigas
what are future direction in china? - legislations?
introduction is under governmental control
- no integrated risk assessment system
- no early warning
today stronger practice of non-native sp. AQC than before