Nomothetic vs Idiographic Flashcards
What is the Idiographic approach?
An approach to research that focuses more on the individual case as a means of understanding behavior, rather than formulating general laws of behavior.
What is the Nomothetic approach?
An approach that attempts to study human behavior through the development of general principles
and universal laws.
What are some Methods of investigation for the idiographic approach?
Case studies
interviews (self-report
Thematic analysis
What is a strength of the idiographic approach
P: A strength of the
idiographic approach is that
its in-depth methods of
investigation provides a
complete and global
account of the individual.
E: This may complement the
nomothetic approach by
shedding further light on
general laws and challenging
L: This means that single
cases may generate
hypothesis for further study
which may contribute to
overall understanding of
psychological phenomena.
What is a limitation of the idiographic approach?
P: A limitation is that supporters
of the idiographic approach must
still recognise the narrow and
restricted nature of their work.
E: Meaningful generalisations
cannot be made without further
examples, as there is no
adequate baseline with which to
compare behaviour. This can be
seen in examples of Freud’s
theories that have been
developed from one single case
L: Case studies tend to be the
least scientific conclusions of
behaviour and rely on subjective
interpretation of the researcher,
leaving them open to bias.
What are some methods of investigation for the nomothetic approach?
Psychometric testing
Correlational research
What is the act of Establishing principles?
Focus of trying to establish laws and principles
that can be applied to human behaviour – such as Behaviourism.
What is the act of Establishing dimensions?
The attempt to document continuums upon
which an individual can be placed. This allows comparison with others and scientific measurement.
Application to Schizophrenia in idiographic and nomothetic approaches.
Drug therapies are developed from nomothetic research, which sees the
cause of SZ as rooted in the biology of those suffering with it. The
biological cause is thought to be the same in all schizophrenics,
therefore a drug treatment that addresses the biochemical imbalance is
However, the cognitive behavioural therapy approach is treating SZ is
more idiographic and requires a therapist to listen to the patient’s
individual viewpoint.
What is a strength of the nomothetic approach?
P: A strength of the
nomothetic approach is that
the research tends to be
scientific, mirroring those
employed within the natural
E: This means that
behaviour is tested under
standardised conditions,
using data sets that provide
group averages, statistical
analysis, prediction and
L: This arguably gives the
discipline of psychology
greater scientific
What is a limitation of the nomothetic approach?
P: A limitation is when being
preoccupied on general laws,
prediction and control, we
lose the whole person
within psychology.
E: For example, knowing that
there is a 1% lifetime risk of
developing schizophrenia tells
us little about what life is like
for someone who is
experiencing the disorder.
Similar to other lab studies
where participants are treated
as scores, rather than
L: This means that the
nomothetic approach may
overlook the richness of the
human experience.
Distinguish between the idiographic and nomothetic approaches in
psychology. (4 marks)
The idiographic approach attempts to describe the nature of
the individual, this means that people are studied as unique
entities each with their own subjective experiences and
An example of this would be the Humanistic approach which
centres itself on understanding what makes individuals unique
and rejects the idea of creating general laws to understand
Whereas, the nomothetic approach is quite the opposite. This
approach attempts to produce general laws of human
behaviour with the aim of providing a benchmark against
which people can be compared, classified and measured.
An example of this would be through the key principles of the
Behaviourist approach, where the processes of learning
through classical and operant conditioning are said to be
applied to all, thus creating a general law for learning.