Nomenclature Flashcards
7 Carbon Alkane
9 Carbon Alkane
10 Carbon Alkane
11 Carbon Alkane
12 Carbon Alkane
13 Carbon Alkane
14 Carbon Alkane
20 Carbon Alkane
17 Carbon Alkane
Common name?
Common name?
tert or t-butyl
Common name?
Common name?
Common name?
Tert or t-pentyl
Common name?
Common name?
How to number carbon chain?
(3 steps)
- Start with the highest priority group as the lowest #
- The preferred chain will have more substituents.
- The chain with lower number substituents is preferred.
How are substituents written in the name?
Substituents are written before the parent name in alphabetical order. Regardless of the carbon numbering.
What separates numbers from numbers, and numbers from the wording in chemical names?
separated from # with: ,
(Ex: 2,2,2)
Wording separated from numbers with: -
(Ex 2,2-dimethyl…)
What does a tertiary (tert-) prefix on a common name substituent mean?
The carbon attached to the R-group is also attached to 3 other carbons part of the substituent.
What does an iso prefix on a common name substituent mean?
The substituent ends in a whale tail shape.
What is missing in this name?
Position of the third methyl substituent.
What needs to go around IUPAC complexly named substituents?
How are they put into the main name?
Parenthesis. Alphabetical order including the numeration EX: (2,2-dimethylpropyl) would be organized by “D”.
Highest to lowest priority naming? Five groups.
1. (1)
2. (5)
3. (4)
5. (3)
- Carboxylic acids
- Carboxylic acid Derivatives: Annhydrides > Esters > Acid Halides > Amides > Nitriles.
- other groups with O or N:
Aldehydes > Ketones > alcohols > Amines. - Alkenes > Alkynes
- Alkyl groups > Alkoxy groups > Halides.
How are alkenes carbons numbered?
They are numbered to give the alkene groups the lowest numbers
If both an alkene and alkyne are in a molecule, which name takes priority?
Whichever can be given the lower carbon number. if it’s the same alkene wins.
What is something you should always look for with alkenes?
E/Z & Cis/ Trans.
If the alkyne group has priority over the alkene in the same molecule, does ene or yne come first in the name?
it will always be en-yne but the carbon numbering will be lower for the yne.
if an alcohol is the highest ranking group on alkane, how is the carbon chain numbered?
Alcohol is a major functional group and when it is the highest present is should be on the lowest ranking carbon possible.
What is alcohol highest priority name suffix?
if an amine is the highest ranking group on alkane, how is the carbon chain numbered?
What is the chemical formula?
Amines are a major functional group and when it is the highest present is should be on the lowest ranking carbon possible.
What kind of molecule can para, ortho, and meta be used for in naming?
They can only be used for di-substituted benzene rings.
What is special about carboxylic acid and aldehydes?
They will always be at the end of a carbon chain. (Is basically what happens when you have a terminal ketone +/- OH.)
Why is oxo- used for both ketones and aldehydes (end of parent chain only) when they are not the highest priority group in the molecule?
Oxo can be used for aldehydes on the ends of the parent chain since if you draw a ketone on the terminal it becomes an aldehyde anyway.
What are two simple substituent descriptors that are considered for alphbetization?
Iso and Cyclo -notice they describe the substituent itself and thewy do not have - separating them like tert-, neo- or sec-
What does the Neo- substituent mean?
The second to last carbon of the substituent is tri-substituted. EX: Neo-heptyl substituent- would be organized by “H”
What are the carboxylic acid & derivatives and what is specific to them about their priorities?
(5-total, not including nitrile groups.)
Carboxylic acids, Anhydrides, Esters, Acid Halides, Amides.
They only have main highest priority chain names since if they were both on the same molecule it would be too reactive to exist.
How to remember anhydrides?
Two carboxylic acids that have come together and lost water (H2O)
How to name symmetrical anhydrides?
Name one symmetrical half as though it was a carboxylic acid and add anhydride.
EX: Butanoic anhydride.
How to name asymmetrical anhydrides?
Name both sides as their own carboxylic acid -oic then add anhydride.
EX: Butanoic Ethanoic Anhydride, or Acetic Butanoic anhydride.
Don’t forget alphabetization!!
Conjugate base of carboxylic acid.
Carboxylate ion