nisi/binsa - to forget Flashcards
to forget
anna nsīt
I forgot
inte nsīt
you (m) forgot
inti nsīti
you (f) forgot
huwwe nisi
he forgot
hiyyee nisyat
she forgot
iḥna nsīna
we forgot
intu nsītu
you (all) forgot
humme nisyu
they forgot
B-Prefix Indicative
Used to indicate the present and future tense. Also used to indicate habit
ana bansa
I forget
inte btinsa
you (m) forget
inti btinsi
you (f) forget
huwwe binsa
he forgets
hiyyee btinsa
she forget
iḥna bninsa
we forget
intu btinsu
you (all) forget
humme binsu
they forget
Simple Prefix Subjuntive
Equivalent to the infinitive in Engish but it is conjugated. It is always preceded by an auxiliary verb or by a word used as a verb.
anna rāḥ ansa
I will forget
inte rāḥ tinsa
you (m) will forget
inti rāḥ tinsi
you (f) will forget
huwwe rāḥ yinsa
he will forget
hiyyee rāḥ tinsa
she will forget
iḥna rāḥ ninsa
we will forget
intu rāḥ tinsu
you (all) will forget
humme rāḥ yinsu
they will forget
Command Imperative
said to a male
said to a female
said to a group