ṣaff/biṣuff - to park, to stand in line Flashcards
to park, to stand in a line
ana ṣaffēt
I parked, stood in line
inte ṣaffēt
You (m) parked, stood in line
inti ṣaffēti
You (f) parked, stood in line
huwwe ṣaff
He parked, stood in line
hiyye ṣaffat
She parked, stood in line
iḥna ṣaffēna
We parked, stood in line
intu ṣaffētu
You (all) parked, stood in line
humme ṣaffu
They parked, stood in line
ana baṣuff
I park, stand in line
inte bitṣuff
you (m) park, stand in line
inti bitṣuffi
you (f) park, stand in line
huwwee biṣuff
he parks, stands in line
hiyye bitṣuff
she parks, stands in line
iḥna binṣuff
we park, stand in line
intu bitṣuffu
you (all) park, stand in line
humme biṣuffu
They park, stand in line
ana rāḥ aṣuff
I will park, stand in line
inte rāḥ ɪtṣuff
you (m) will park, stand in line
inti rāḥ ɪtṣuffi
you (f) will park, stand in line
hiyye rāḥ ɪtṣuff
she will park, stand in line
huwwe rāḥ yṣuff
he will park, stand in line
iḥna rāḥ ɪnṣuff
we will park, stand in line
intu rāḥ ɪtṣuffu
you (all) will park, stand in line
humme rāḥ yṣuffu
they will park, stand in line
Park, stand in line
said to a male
Park, Stand in line
said to a female
Park, Stand in line
said to many people