bārak / bibārek fi - to bless - this need to be corrected Flashcards
bārak / bibārek fi
to bless
anna bārakɪt
I blessed
inte bārakɪt
you (m) blessed
inti bārakti
you (f) blessed
huwwe bārak
he blessed
hiyyee bārakat
she blessed
iḥna bārakna
we blessed
intu bāraktu
you (all) blessed
humme bāraku
they blessed
B-Prefix Indicative
Used to indicate the present and future tense. Also used to indicate habit
ana babārek
I bless
inte bitbārek
you (m) bless
inti bitbārki
you (f) bless
huwwe bibārek
he blesses
hiyyee bitbārek
she blesses
iḥna binbārek
we bless
intu bitbārku
you (all) bless
humme bibārku
they bless
Simple Prefix Subjuntive
Equivalent to the infinitive in Engish but it is conjugated. It is always preceded by an auxiliary verb or by a word used as a verb.
anna rāḥ abārek
I will bless
inte rāḥ ɪtbārek
you (m) will bless
inti rāḥ ɪtbārki
you (f) will bless
huwwe rāḥ ybārek
he will bless
hiyyee rāḥ ɪtbārek
she will bless
iḥna rāḥ ɪnbārek
we will bless
intu rāḥ ɪtbārku
you (all) will bless
humme rāḥ ybārku
they will bless
Command Imperative
said to a male
said to a female
said to a group