daḫal/budḫul - to enter Flashcards
to enter
anna daḫalɪt
I entered
inte daḫalɪt
you (m) entered
inti daḫalɪti
you (f) entered
huwwe daḫal
he entered
hiyyee daḫalat
she entered
iḥna daḫalna
we entered
intu daḫaltu
you (all) entered
humme daḫalu
they entered
B-Prefix Indicative
Used to indicate the present and future tense. Also used to indicate habit
ana badḫul
I enter
inte btudḫul
you (m) enter
inti btudḫuli
you (f) enter
huwwe budḫul
he enters
hiyyee btudḫul
she enters
iḥna bnudḫul
we enter
intu btudḫulu
you (all) enter
humme budḫulu
they enter
Simple Prefix
Equivalent to the infinitive in Engish but it is conjugated. It is always preceded by an auxiliary verb or by a word used as a verb.
anna rāḥ adḫul
I will enter
inte rāḥ tudḫul
you (m) will enter
inti rāḥ tudḫuli
you (f) will enter
huwwe rāḥ yudḫul
he will enter
hiyyee rāḥ tudḫul
she will enter
iḥna rāḥ nudḫul
we will enter
intu rāḥ tudḫulu
you (all) will enter
humme rāḥ yudḫulu
they will enter
Command Imperative
said to a male
said to a female
said to a group