ṭile3/biṭla3 - to go out/up (3ala) Flashcards
to go out/up (3ala)
ana ɪṭli3ɪt
I went out, up
inte ɪṭli3ɪt
you (m) went out, up
inti ɪṭli3ti
you (f) went out, up
huwwe ṭile3
he went out, up
hiyye ṭil3at
she went out, up
iḥna ɪṭli3na
we went out, up
intu ɪṭli3tu
you (all) went out, up
humme ṭil3u
they went out, up
used to indicate the present and the future tense. It is also used to indicate habit
ana baṭla3
I go out/up
inte btiṭla3
you (m) go out/up
inti btiṭla3i
you (f) go out/up
huwwe biṭla3
he goes out/up
hiyye btiṭla3
she goes out/up
iḥna bniṭla3
we go out/up
intu btiṭla3u
you (all) go out/up
humme biṭla3u
they go out/up
Simple prefix
equivalent to the infinitive in English but it is conjugated. It is always preceded by an auxiliary verb or by a word used as a verb.
ana rāḥ aṭla3
I will go out/up
inte rāḥ tiṭla3
you (m) will go out/up
inti rāḥ tiṭla3i
you (f) will go out/up
huwwe rāḥ yiṭla3
he will go out/up
hiyye rāḥ tiṭla3
she will go out/up
iḥna rāḥ niṭla3
we will go out/up
intu rāḥ tiṭla3u
you (all) will go out/up
humme rāḥ yiṭla3u
they will go out/up
Command Imperative
Go out/up!
when talking to a male
Go out/up!
when talking to a female
Go out/up!
when talking to a group