ḥabb/biḥibb - to love, to like Flashcards
to love, to like
ana ḥabbēt
I loved, liked
inte ḥabbēt
You (m) loved, you liked
inti ḥabbēti
You (f) loved, you liked
huwwe ḥabb
He loved, he liked
hiyye ḥabbat
She loved, she liked
iḥna ḥabbēna
We loved, we liked
intu ḥabbētu
You (all) loved, you (all) liked
humme ḥabbu
They loved, they liked
ana baḥibb
I love, I like
inte bitḥibb
you (m) love, you like
inti bitḥibbi
you (f) love
huwwee biḥibb
he loves
hiyye bitḥibb
she loves, she likes
iḥna binḥibb
we love, we like
intu bitḥibbu
you (all) love, you (all) like
humme biḥibbu
They love, they like
ana rāḥ aḥibb
I will love, I will like
inte rāḥ ɪtḥibb
you (m) will love, you will like
inti rāḥ ɪtḥibbi
you (f) will love, you will like
hiyye rāḥ ɪtḥibb
she will love
huwwe rāḥ yḥibb
he will love
iḥna rāḥ ɪnḥibb
we will love
intu rāḥ ɪtḥibbu
you (all) will love
humme rāḥ yḥibbu
they will love
Love, Like!
said to a female
Love, Like!
said to a male
Love, Like!
said to many people