NIFE Aerodynamics 2-1-1 Flashcards
Define Vector
A quantity that represents a magnitude and a direction
Define air Density
Air Density is the total mass of air particles per unit volume
Define Moment
A rotational force around a point or axis
State the requirements for equilibrium flight
Equilibrium flight exists when the sum of all forces and the sum of all moments around the center of gravity are equal to zero.
Can be in Equilibrium in an ascent as long as there is no acceleration.
State the requirements for trimmed flight
Trimmed Flight exists when the sum of all moments around the center of gravity is equal to zero.
Can be in trimmed flight on turns.
Describe the relationship between temperature and altitude (average lapse rate)
Air temperature decreases linearly with an increase in altitude at a rate of 2 degrees C (3.57 F) per 1000 ft until 36,000 ft.
Describe relationship between humidity and air density
As humidity increases, air density decreases as water molecules, which are less dense than air molecules and do not change the number of particles per unit volume of air, displace an equal number of air molecules.
State the General Gas Law
Sets the relationship between the three properties of air: pressure (P), density (p), and temperature (T). R is a constant for any given gas.
P = pRT
Define steady airflow
Exists when static pressure, density, temp, and velocity remain constant at any time.
Explain the Continuity equation
A1V1=A2V2 (subsonic only)
The cross-sectional area of the tube multiplied by the air velocity at any point is equal to the value of any other point in the stream tube. (i.e. if the cross-sectional Area decreases on one side, the Velocity must increase on the same side so both sides remain equal)
Explain Bernoulli’s Equation
Total energy of a fluid can be separated into potential energy and kinetic energy. Describes variation of pressure exerted by a moving mass of fluid. Applies to frictionless, incompressible airflow in a closed system.
Pt = Ps + 1/2(density)(V^2) Pt = Total Pressure Ps = Static Pressure V = velocity
State the different types of airspeeds
Indicated Airspeed (IAS) - Actual instrument indication of the dynamic pressure the plane is exposed to during flight. Calibrated for Knots Indicated Air Speed (KIAS)
Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) - IAS corrected for instrument error
Equivalent Airspeed (EAS) - CAS corrected for compressibility. The EAS is the true airspeed at sea level on a standard day that produces the same dynamic pressure as the actual flight condition.
True Airspeed (TAS) - The actually velocity at which an airplane moves through an air mass. Found by correcting EAS for the difference between the local air density (p) and the density of the air at sea level on a standard day (p0). At altitudes above sea level (lower density), TAS is higher than IAS.
Ground Speed
- Plane’s actual speed over ground. GS = TAS + or - Wind
Sea level, normal desnity, 150 KIAS
At 10,000 feet, decrease in density = air particle are further apart, 150 KIAS is actually closer to 175 because of how the pitot static system works.
If there is a 10mph HW, then the GS would be 165. 10mph tailwind = 185.
Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
The actual instrument indication of the dynamic pressure the airplane is exposed to during flight. Factors may create variances between IAS and actual flight speed. Shown in knots of indicated airspeed (KIAS)
Calibrated airspeed (CAS)
Indicated airspeed that has been corrected for instrument error.
Equivalent Airspeed (EAS)
Calibrated airspeed that has been corrected for compressibility error.
True Airspeed (TAS)
Equivalent Air Speed corrected for density. The actual speed a plane moves through an air mass.
Ground Speed
Airplane’s actual speed over ground. TAS corrected for wind
Define Mean Camber Line (MCL)
The locus of points halfway between the upper and lower surfaces
Define Chord
Chord is the precise measurement between the leading and trailing edges measured along the chord line
Define Camber and Camber Types
The maximum distance between the mean camber line and the chordline, measured perpendicular to the chordline.
A positively cambered airfoil produces lift at zero AOA
Symmetric camber airfoil produces no lift at zero AOA
A negative cambered airfoil produces negative lift at AOA
Define Wingspan (b)
The length of a wing, measured from wingtip to wingtip.
Define Wing Area (S)
The apparent surface area of a wing from wingtip to wingtip. The area within the outline of a wing in the plane of its chord, including the area within the feuselage, hull, or nacelles
Define Chordwise airflow
Airflow perpendicular to leading edge of an airfoil. Produces lift as it accelerates over the wing.
Define Spanwise Airflow
Airflow parallel to the leading edge. Moves from root to tip and does not accelerate over the wing and therefore does not produce lift