News Flashcards
Trump trying to attract evangelicals
2016 trump said it would probably be the ‘’last chance’ to vote for ‘someone who would stand up for godly yprinciples’
Foriegn policy in war on terror
Us as the ‘crusader state called to save the world’ reynolds
Federalism sucess
‘Proved more effective at holding together a huge, fractious country than any comparable sized gov on teh plannet’
Economy most signif factor in presidential election
Bush snr not benefit from sucess in kuwait or demise soveit union
Instead clinton ‘read my lips- no new taxes’
Bush and religion
‘ i tryst god speaks through me’ ‘without that i couldnt do my job’- july 2004- messianic figure
Presidents can help to imporve turnout
Nearly 63% highest since 1960s
Obamacare sucess
Number of uninsured americans fell from 49-28 million 2010-26
Republican party divisiions
Three schools on foriegn policy
Primacists- preserve amercias leadership- eg kelly
Restrainers- isolationists- ramaswany
Prioriitisers- want more intervention china and less in europe and middle east- eg colby- former pentagon official under trump
Preisdnet campaign- get moderates
Biden campaign didgital add to get haley- in which trump shown repetedly insult her
Yet trump made no clear effort
President trying to suppport minority righst
Joe biden supporting transgender day of visibility
Biden stance on israel
Compared to kamala harris concerns
Biden acting in fp
Advised israel show restraint when responding to an iranian attack
Bipartisan deal in reps
Voted in favour of 61bn to go to us military aid to ukraine apr 2024
Sc rules president ultra ires
Briden- stident loan relief prgramme cancelle about 430bbn in debt
Biden impeachment inquiry
Investigating allegations of abuse of power
Biden family business
Rational theory created by
Faithless electors
26 x
7 in 2016
Yet none in 2020 due to sc chiafalo v washington 2020 states have right to change or penalise electors do not follow sate vote
Current alternatives ec
Nat pop vote interstate compact agreement- 16 states and district columbia to award all ev to whichever candidate wins overall pop vote
Tgther have 38% ecv
Examples of insider status uk v us
Uk- jamie oliver 2015 impose sugar tax proposed in health comm hearig
Us- ceo nra, LaPierre- advocated greater gun edcuation infuenced obama post sandy hook leislation- 2013
Acts of civil disobedience uk us
Uk- thrown soup at van gogh sunflowers in national gallery london
Us- group of women strippig in an evangelical church to oppose restrictions placed on abortioon
Both aim to increase media attention
Pg raise awareness certain issues uk us
Us- killig of george floyd resulted in blm more people educated civi lrighhts
Uk- blm in uk too 2020, colston statue in bristol pushed into habour making councils review statues owned and whether approprisate today
Bipartisanship example us
House of reps vote in favour 61bn dollar us military aid to ukraine
311-112 in house
79-18 senate
Issues impact candidates and divide party
Rep lee far left democrat critical isral military actions in gaxa
Prvealed tuesday pennslvania primary election
Recent protests
Campus protests on gaza - social moveemntr
Started at columbia but now spread across country
Sit ins
Grassroots activity
Us gov stop supporting israel
Has infringed civil liberties- jewish inidviduals feel unsafe
Bernie sanders- senator- backs the protests
Students are democrats core support
Biden on gaza protests
Against them
Esp because efeels undemocratic protests
Obstruct students onto campus
Block other right to education
Yet bernie sanders support
President on world stage example
Biden at d day memorial service
Sc not always on party line
National pork producers v ross 2023
The five-member majority included three Republican appointees (Gorsuch, Thomas and Barrett) and two Democratic appointees (Sotomayor and Kagan). This majority also saw one of the Court’s most conservative members (Thomas), side with one of its most reliably liberal (Sotomayor).
Potential ultra vires of court/acting against president
Sc reversed unanimously the colorado sc deciison allowing trump appear on ballot for colorados 2024 presidential primary
Case was insurrection meant couldnt sit agian, yet court found that states can onlyu disqualify their own candidates from state office not deferal candidates
Not anaactivist court- judicial restriant
Limit on presidnetial power
Despite biden getting 1.6trn fir climate and infrastructure goals- such as ira , infrastructure investemnta nd job sact, american rscue plan and CHIPs and science act 2022
Only spent 17%
Contrained by implementation wityh states
Exec bypassing congress
Biden with electric car rules- reducing carbon emissions, new emissions standards for vehicles produced from 2027- did so via environmental protection agencey march 2024
Policies that biden goood for young people
Feb 2024 forgave 1.2bn student loans for over 150,000 borrowers on savings on valuable education plan
2023- bidens origional sytudent debt plan unlwarful sc
Sc case agianst president
Biden v nebraska
Jjune 2023
6v 3
Biden admin goe beyond legal uathoirty when attampted to cancel 400bn in stident lines
Sc supporting minorities
federal government must provide additional funding to cover some administrative costs incurred by Native American tribes that operate their own health-care programs. By a vote of 5-4, with Justice Neil Gorsuch – perhaps the strongest ally of Native Americans on the court – providing the deciding vote
June 2024
Becerra v san carlos apache tribe
Pg in sc case and amicus briefs used , conservative finding
May 2024
Alexander v south carolina state conference of the naacp
Amicus brief- national republican redstricting trust, naacp , sttae of alabama, judicial watch
Racal gerrymandering in soutyh carllina qst congressinoial dustrct
Sc diagreed
Landmark gerrymandering
Rucho v common cause 2019
Partisan gerrymandering claims present political questions beyond reach for fed courts
Bipartisan support bill
Antisemitism awarenss act passed in house with bipartisan support- 320-91
Mandate education dpt adopt broad definition of antisemitism usse dby internat holocaust rememberance alliance
Not in senat eyet
Bipartisan support money bill
$95 bn war aid to ukraine isral and taiwan
Apr 2024
Committee work
Foriegn affairs comm scrutinuse bill which suspend normal trade relations with russia and beelarus- aug 2022
May 2024- foriegn affairs comm- proposed changes to arms sales in israel
Unitied goverenment
Trump 2017-19
Biden 2021-23
Divided governent
Obama after 1st 2y, loosing both house and senate in 2015-17
Biden 2023-25lost house
Trump lost house 2019-21
Motion to vacate
How removed republican house speaker mccartyhy by matt gaetz
Demonstrating increased division and lack of bipartisanship
Last time congress managed to pass all 12 regular appropriations bills on time was 1997
Bidens attempt immigration reform
32% registered voters polled may yougov approve mr biden handling immigration
Senate republicans with trump encouragement made diff to pass -bar from recieving asylum all those who cross between ports of enty when migrant encouanters at southern broder execeed 2500 per day
June 4th attempt exec order to achieve this
Advisery capacity of cabinet
Dr janet yellen- economist phd yale
Secretary for the treasury
Prisoner voting case uk
Hirst v uk 2005- at echr
Agreed gov0 Chester v secretary of state for jsutice 2013
Redistriution in constitution
Article 1 section 2 article 3
Need for state legislatures to maintain same number of people in districts
Year exec order block keystone pipeline
Dapa case
Us v texas 2016
4-4 after scaliia seath but thus failed
Obama veto
Justice aginst sponsors of terrorism act 2016
Countervetoes with 97 senators for counterveto
Limitations pgs uk
Transparency of lobbyuiung, non party ccampaigning and trade union adminsitration act 2014
Inc clause limit amount charities could spend on campaigns in lead up to general election
Case sc supporting president
Nat federatuon of independent business v sebelius
Sc ruled constitution congress enact most of elements of patient porection an daca - oamacare
Inc requiremnet for americans to have health insurance by 2014
Attempts to strnegthen voting rights
John lewis voting rights advancement act 2023
Bill restore and stregthen parts of voting rights act 1965
Most notably requirment certain jurisdictions to see fed approval before enacting certain changed to voting laws
Senate block legislation
Senate republicans block right to contracception act- federal right to access contraception
Us senate block financial bill
Dec 2023- senate republicans on wednesday bloced further debate on 100bn plus proposal to aid to ukraine israel and taiwan