Democracy And Participation- Political Parties Flashcards
Democrats typical supporters
Female urban
Degree educated
Black hispanic
Factions of democrats
Blue dog coalition- con
Centrists- mdoerate
Blue dog coalition
Trad many ccon demorats based in south
Both fiscally and socially con
Willing conmrpomise with republicans
Not done well- 6 lost 2020
Joe manchin wisconsin
Agrue that america becme increasingly con need to respond this- by keep tax low and protect trad values
Democrats for life of america- pro life
Centrists demeocrats
1980s need more moderate to respond election
Modernise trad denmocrat party- bridge gap left and right- clinton 2 election victory with new democratic coalition
Ron kind- wisconsin
Progressive/liberal democrats
Econ centrist and socially liberal
Senator warren
Unity in democrats in economy
Increase tax for richest and corportions
Increase gov spending
Willingness to increae regilations on businesses
Incrasing fed min wgae to 15 dollar per housr
Say go furher warren firther 2% over 50 mill
Social and moral issues democrats unites
Support lgbt rights
Rpo choice
Environment- biden green new deal 1.7trn
Immigration reform- dream act
Ending death penalty
Warren- mroe refuggees
Macnchin- pro life, tougher law immigration
Welfare and social justice democrats united
Healthcare right rather than privilege- suport obamacare
Greater role gov in providing a safety net for most vulnerable
Stornegr paternity/maternity rights
Reduction in student tuition fees
Left free uni
Warren and sanders medicare for all
Republican factions
Social con
Fiscal con
Libertarian wing
Populaist movement
Socially con in republicans
Emerge 1970s react to usa downward spiral
Aim create clearer mroal framework and ethical code for ocuntry
Associated with christian right- pro life, opp gay marriage, trad family values
Fiscal con- r
Hayek and friendemn ideology
Too much state inetrvention stifles econ and market forces guide people to make most profitable use of their resources
Supsicious of gov inetrvention except law and order
Have links with trad business wing of party and favour tax cuts and dcereasing gov spending
Freedom caucaus
Neo con r
Take a hawkish approach to foriegn policy and emphasise the importance of challenging hostile regime and promote american ideas aborad
Increasing defence spending
Moderates r
Less con agenda
Senator susan collins- maine
Often support democratic party, not vote in favour of lgeislation to repeal obamacare
Spport gun control
Prochoice on abortion, storong suport lgbt rights
Libertarian wing r
Free market
Minimal gov control
Isolationsit foriegn policy
Ron paul (lib) v rubio 2015 tv debate ron paul critic rubio hawkish stance on ru
Populist movemebt r
2016 politico article- trump split cop in 2
Trad values limited gov
Yet trump resentful washington establishment, trump brand populsim
Unity republican party on econ
Dont increase tax
Fiscal con
Gov spned limited
Business regulation minimal
No increase min wage
Trump 2017 tax reform 21% corp tax lowerd
Republican party not united econ
Taxes divided
Pew research cnetre 31% r more willing back candidate raise tax on wealthy, 34% no, 34% not caree
Social an moral issues agree r
Pro life
Trad family values- dont say gay bill florida ban books
Opp carbon tax and other emissions regulations
Strong support gun righst
Opp dream act which would allow greater immigration
Not united r on social and moral issues
Rinos susan collins maine- pro choice abortion, lgbtq, support gun control
Yet in minority
Welfare and social justice- unity in r
Housing costs welfare minimal, state level
Ie roe v wade left to state
Opp obamacare
Restrictions medicare
Opp lower uni fees
Welfare and social jsutice not agrree r
One r congressman cao iowa suppotr obamacare aca
Yougov 2023 47% young republicans support more gun controls, 23% older r
71% gov aid to poor more harm than good, yet poor under 30k 48% said more good than harm
Defence unity r
Neo con hawkish increase spending
Challenge hostile regimes such as iraq and afghanistan
Defence not united r
V divisive
Liberals ron paul critic rubio on hawkish ru- isolationsit fp liberal wing
Populaist rtunp make america great again
Compare two parties econ
D increase fed min wage $15/h
Increase rate corporation tax
Guarenttee euqal pay women
Higher gov spending- biden 2021 build back better bill 1.9trn
R- oppose increase fed min wage, decrease corp tax rate
Healthcare companies two parties
Strength obamacare- low or no cost for all americans esp if sanders
R- overturn obamacare, restrict medicare (help old people on low income )m insurance scheme limit gov spendng
Abortion comapre two parteis
D pro choice, support planned partnthood
R- sanctity of lide prolife
Minority rights compare two parties
Pro lgbtq, support sc legislation samee sex marriage, support blm
R- trad marriage ebetween 1 man and 1 woman is the foundation for a free society
Reversal sc legalise same sex marriage
Environment compare two parties
Eliminate carrbon power plants 2035, invest infratsucture 500mill solar panels, 60,000 wind farms
R support keystone pipeline
Gun control comp two parties
D we must take sensible action to adress gun violence, expand background checks
R- opp any measures that threaten right to bear arms
Immigration comp two parties
D create a path to asylum for undocumented immirants
R oppose anny form amnesty for illegal imigrants
Fp compare two parties
Bring foreweer wars to a resounding end- end us saudi led war yemen
R- restore our nations power
Both support ukraine, trad both support israerl but recent reluctance by democrats
Education- ccompare two parrteis
D- support affirmative action, uni tuition fee free whose families earn less 125,000/yr
R opp nat curriculum- common core
Replace family palnning with abstinence
Policy compare- social and cultural issue
Similarity- officially spport 2nd ammendment, agree problem illegal immigration needs to be tackled
Diff- abortion vast majority democracy pro choice, some in s pro life
Majority r pro lfie except rhinos senator susan collins- extreme cases outrght ban in all cases
Gay marriage- 2020 d ‘we support marriage equally’, gop dsupport trad marriage
Climate change d profss green deal
R death penalty biden abolished
Econ comp two parties
Similarity- fundamental principles with capacity and free marrket
Decrease deficit
Close tax loopsholes
Diff- d regulate to increase fairness and equity, r too mcuh influence on individ liebrty
D increease fed min wage, vast majority r opp
D higher levels tax and more spending- 292 prgressive inc sandarrs taxes for working society fairer- stimiulus over market led recovery
R party lower taxes
Welfare and social justice comp two parties
Similaritiy nhs not apply usa
Financial support covid both- but exceptional circumstances
Diff- big gov v small gov- d increase equity and sfety net market vulnerable, affrimative action obamacare
R minimal intervention and regulation by fed gov- clal repeal obamacare
D 2020 platform decrease burgden sydent debt and increase maternity partenity beneifts
R oppose slef help and personal responsibility
Etv currently the most significant diff are between rather than within parties
Trad within
Gore vidal 1976- it maes not diff which party you vote party you vote for- the 2 parties are really one party
Yet in recent years increasingly polarised - ashbee- europeanisation
Comparative - lab and democrat- econ similar
Similar- signif role for gov
Greater equity and fairness in econ sysetm
Both willing to increase taxes- esp rich and spend mroe
Degree regulatioon
Biden build back better bill 1.9trn
Corporation atx and vat school fees
Increase corp tax to 26%