Newborn Physiologic Adjustments (Gastrointestinal System) Flashcards
The full term newborn is capable of swallowing, digesting, metabolizing, and absorbing what?
Proteins and simple carbohydrates and emulsifying fats.
When do labial tubercles (sucking calluses) on the upper lip disappear?
12 months of age
Sucking is a reflex behavior that begins in utero as earl as
15 to 16 wks
As early as ____ wks some infants can coordinate sucking and swallowing while breastfeeding.
28 wks
Bottle-feeding infants may not coordinate sucking and swallowing until ______ ?
32 to 34 wks
The infant is bale to move food from the lips to the pharynx. What nursing intervention will help?
Placing the nipple (breast or bottle) well inside the baby’s mouth is necessary.
When do teeth begin to develop?
In utero, with enamel formation continuing until about 10 yrs.
Where is the highest concentration of bacteria found after birth?
Lower portion of the intestine, particularly in the large intestine.
Regurgitation during the first day or two of life can be decreased by..
Avoiding overfeeding, and burping the infant and positioning them with the head slightly elevated.
What two enzymes are not functional at birth?
Pancreatic amylase and lipase
Amylase is produced by the _________ _________ after approximately ________ and by the pancreas at approximately ______ of age.
Salivary glands
3 months.
6 months
What is meconium?
Fills the lower intestine at birth. It is formed during fetal life from the amniotic fluid and its constituents, intestinal secretions (including bilirubin), and cells (shed from the mucosa).
What is the description of meconium?
Greenish black and viscous an contains occult blood. First maconimr passed is usually sterile.
When is meconium usually passed in healthy infants?
12 to 48 hrs of life. And almost all do so by 48 hrs.
What are some hunger cues of an infant?
Random hand to mouth movement
Sucking of fingers
What is a sign of good sphincter tone?
An active rectal “wink” reflex. (Contraction of the anal sphincter muscle in response to touch)
Abdominal distention at birth usually indicates:
A serious disorder such as a ruptured viscus (from abdominal wall defects) or tumors.
Distenition that occurs later can be a result of?
Overfeeding or signal gastrointestinal disorders
What is a sign of diaphragmatic hernia?
A scaphoid (sunken) abdomen, with bowel sounds heard in the chest and signs of respiratory distress.
What does fullness below the umbilicus indicate?
distended bladder
Passage of meconium from the vagina or urinary meatus is a sign of a possible…
Fistulous tract from the rectum
What all should be documented?
All output.
Amount and frequency of regurgitation after feedings.
Time, color, and character of the infant’s first stool.
Color change, gagging, and projectile vomiting occur in association with…
Esophageal and tracheoesophageal anomalies.