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Analysis of Electronic Data
Def:information stored in hard drive
a.visible data files
2.swipe file data
visible data
all info that operating Staten is presently aware of and therefore is readily accessible to the user
data/work files
documents/files produced by user such as Microsoft ppt or docx
swipe file data
the RAM(random access memory) pushes the initial file to the back burner when you open a second one. When third opened the wrapping leads to fragments of data get trapped in a switching motion in hard drive(reserves space for file working on)
swap space
a file or defined space on the hard disc drive to conserve RAM
print spool file
file sent to print if there’s public print or printer does not work oil sits in print spool file(part of hard disk drive)
latent data
area of files and disc that are typically apparent to the computer user(often not to operating system)
slack space
empty space on HDD created bc of the way HDD stores
Slack Space Ex.
one slot=512 bytes
two slots to save files=1024
if file is 824 bytes have 200 free but regardless he file will till take 2 slots
if file C is 2048 bytes it is 2 slots plus an additional 2 slots taken
-little bits of free bytes not actually available(the fragments go into slack space)
unallocated space
the free “bytes” where the fragments go
Analysis of Internet DAta
- internet cache
2.internet cookies
internet cache
expedites web browsing make it more effecient
internet cookies
saves on your computer
bookmarks favoriet past sites all info authority can access
Forensic Investigation of Internet Communication
a.role IP(internet protocol)-series of numbers and letters that I equivalent to mailing address(internet provider has this information) ex. email,texts