Neurulation and Ectoderm Derivatives Flashcards
rostral neuropore closes at day
caudal neuropore closes at day
spinal bifida occulta
neural tube closed but was slow, vertebral arches don’t close correctly. normal
fluid filled sac, vertebrae didn’t form arch. cyst-like structure covered in meninges. may or may not be normal
neural tube is in cyst, vertebrae is not in the right spot, covered with meninges. motor and sensory defects
myelocele (myeloschisis)
neural tube did not close at all. high risk of infection. motor and sensory defects
fetal alpha protein
can diagnost open neural tube congenital defects via amniocentesis
meninx primitiva
mesoderm in origin (sclerotome), neural crest cells migrate and mingle
dura mater–mesoderm
arachnoid and pia mater–neural crest
ectopia cordis
heart forms outside of body, folding issue