Neurosciences Flashcards
blood supply to parietal ¡ and temporal lobes
middle cerebral artery
blood supply to interhemispheric fissure/ top + middle + front of brain
anterior cerebral artery
blood supply to posterior lobes and bottom
posterior cerebral artery
striatum is made up of
caudate and putamen
lentiform nucleus is made up of
putamen and globus pallidus
TRAP for parkinson stands for
Akinesia (slowness)
Postural instability
components of limbic system
parahippocampal gyrus
cingulate gyrus
prefrontal cortex
primary sensory nuclei of thalamus
ventral posterior lateral
ventral posterior medial
lateral geniculate
medial geniculate
motor relay nuclei of thalamus
ventral anterior
ventral lateral
limbic relay nuclei of thalamus
association cortex nuclei of thalamus
blood supply of thalamus
posterior cerebral artery
(thalamus striate vessels)
head nucleus of autonomic nervous system and pituitary
damage of descending tracts of hypothalamus causes
horner syndrome = ptosis + anhidrosis + miosis
lesions in subthalamus cause
lesiones to epithalamus cause
Parinauds syndrome = vertical gaze palsy + convergence-retraction nystagmus (abnormal eye movements while trying to do vertical gaze) + light-near dissociation (light response is repaired but near sight response is fine)
motor tracts
flexor bias motor tracts
medullary reticulospinal
extensor bias motor tracts
lateral vestibulospinal
pontine reticulospinal
cervical muscle motor tracts
medial vestibulospinal
function of inferior colliculi
auditory center
function of superior colliculi
visual center
colliculi integrated sensory and motor function
process visual and auditory signals and coordinate reflex neck movement towards stimulus
vestibulospinal tract function
receive sensory info from ear organs that sense angular + linear acceleration
medial = cervical muscles to stabilise head, input from semicircular canals (ipsilateral)
lateral = extensor bias to keep our body erect against gravity
function of reticulospinal tract
pontine = extensor bias, stabilize self after pain input that can make us lose balance
medullary = receives input from cortex to assists corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts (flexion bias)
both aid in primitive postural control of limbs
2º sensory nucleus and tract of somatosensory protopathic input
dorsal horn of spinal cord (sensory nucleus)
spinal lemniscus
sensory nucleus and tract of somatosensory epicritic
nuclei cuneatus (EESS) and gracilis (EEII)
medial lemniscus
sensory nucleus and tract of taste
nucleus solitarius
solitario-thalamic tract (is a lemniscus)
sensory nucleus and tract of facial sensory protopathic (general sensation)
descending nucleus of CN5 in lower pons medulla
trigeminal lemniscus
sensory nucleus and tract of facial sensory epicritic (tongue and lips)
main sensory nucleus of CN5 (upper pons)
trigeminal lemniscus
sensory nucleus and tract of auditory
dorsal + ventral cochlear nuclei in lower pons/ upper medulla
accessory auditory nuclei
lateral lemniscus
sensory nucleus and tract of vestubular (balance, eye movement reflexes)
superior + inferior + lateral + medial vestibular nuclei in lower pons/ upper medulla
no lemniscus! = its a reflex
sensory nucleus and tract of vision
superior colliculi
sensory nucleus and tract of hearing
inferior colliculi
what information is propopathic
primitive (slow and fast) pain and temperature
what information is epicritic
vibration, position sense and fine touch
epicritic tract with decussation
1º sensory cortex
ventral posterior lateral n thalamus
medial lemniscus
decussation in medulla
nucleus cuneatus (above T6) o gracilis (below T6)
protopathic fast pain + temp tract with decussation
1º sensory cortex
ventral posterior lateral n thalamus
spinal lemniscus
decussation in spinal cord
lateral funiculus nucleus in rexed lamina 1 and 5