Neuropsychology Of Visuospatial processing Flashcards
What part of the visual cortex corresponds to Luria’s primary zone? a. striate cortex b. dorsal stream c. ventral stream d. extrastriate cortex
Answer: Strite Cortex
What brain structure serves as a relay station for visual information? a. retina b. optic radiations c. thalamus d. optic chiasm
Answer Thalmus
Perception of objects takes place within what part of the visual cortex? a. striate cortex b. dorsal stream c. ventral stream d. extrastriate cortex
Answer: Extrastriate Cortex
There are two streams of visual analysis within the brain. Which one recognizes where an object is located and whether it is moving? a. striate cortex b. dorsal stream c. ventral stream d. extrastriate cortex
Answer: Dorsal Stream
There are two streams of visual analysis within the brain. Which one recognizes what an object is and what color it has? a. striate cortex b. dorsal stream c. ventral stream d. extrastriate cortex
Answer: Ventral Stream
What term means an impaired ability to recognize visual information? a. simultanagnosia b. astereopsis c. prosopagnosia d. visual agnosia
Answer: Visual Agnosia
What term means impaired face recognition? a. simultanagnosia b. astereopsis c. prosopagnosia d. visual agnosia
Answer: Prosopagnosia
What brain structure seems to regulate the recognition of people’s faces? a. fusiform gyrus b. cingulate gyrus c. angular gyrus d. supramarginal
Answer: fusiform gyrus
An impaired recognition of the meaning of whole pictures or objects, but intact ability to describe the parts of the pictures/objects, describes what condition? a. simultanagnosia b. astereopsis c. prosopagnosia d. visual agnosia
Answer: simutanagnosia
What part of the visual cortex corresponds to Luria’s secondary zone? a. striate cortex b. dorsal stream c. ventral stream d. extrastriate cortex
Answer: -extrastriate cortex