NEPSY-II Flashcards
Design Copying Global Score would be an example of what type of NEPSY-II score? a. Combined score b. Process score c. Contrast score d. Scaled score
Answer: Process Score
An examiner suspected that a child may have a learning difference in the area of math. What type of NEPSY-II assessment would serve as a good starting point? a. General Assessment Battery b. Diagnostic Assessment Battery c. Selective Assessment Battery d. Full NEPSY-II Administration
Answer: Diagnostic Assessment
What is the suitable age range for the NEPSY-II? a. 3-6 to 9-5 years b. 3-0 to 12-11 years c. 3-0 to 16-11 years d. 4-0 to 16-11 years
Answer: 3-0 to 16-11
The Fingertip Tapping subtest on the NEPSY-II is recommended for all of the clinical groups below except one, which one? a. suspected Asperger’s disorder b. suspected emotional disturbance c. suspected dysgraphia d. suspected reading disorder
Answer: Suspected Reading Disorder
What is the possible neurocognitive explanation for why a child would perform better on the Response Set (Part 2) than Auditory Attention (Part 1) on the Auditory Attention and Response Set subtest on the NEPSY-II? a. The child did not initially understand the demands of the task. b. The child needed the difficulty level of the task to increase in order to be interested in the task. c. The child lacked motivation to perform the easier portion of the task. d. Any or all of these could be the reason for the performance pattern.
Answer: The child did not initially understand the demands of the task. b. The child needed the difficulty level of the task to increase in order to be interested in the task. c. The child lacked motivation to perform the easier portion of the task.
What is the best explanation for the following pattern of scores on the NEPSY’s Auditory Attention and Response Set subtest: Response Set Combined (scaled score = 10), Total Commission Errors (percentile rank = 11-25%), and Total Correct (percentile rank = 26-75%)? a. Reflects poor selective and sustained attention perhaps due to distractibility. b. May reflect a slow time in correct responding or impulsive or inattentive responding. c. Reflects failure to understand directions. d. Reflects poor sustained attention.
Answer: May reflect a slow time in correct responding or impulsive or inattentive responding.
A high number of omissions (percentile rank > 75 and classified as above expected level) on the Auditory Attention and Response Set subtest of the NEPSY-II would reflect: a. poor vigilance b. poor selective or sustained attention c. failure to understand the directions d. any or all of the above
Answer: - a. poor vigilance b. poor selective or sustained attention c. failure to understand the directions
On the Design Copying test of the NEPSY-II, if the child shows intact capacity to imitate or create general shapes (perceives the general configuration), but confuses or leaves out pertinent details, which subtest score will most likely be lower? a. Design Copying Global Score b. Design Copying Local Score c. Design Copying General Score d. Design Copying Process Score
Answer: -Design Copying Local Score
On the NEPSY-II’s Memory for Designs subtest, a low score on this measure suggests difficulty learning visual details. What is the score on this subtest? a. Memory for Designs Content versus Spatial Contrast Score b. Memory for Designs Content Score c. Memory for Designs Spatial Score d. Memory for Designs Total Score
Answer: Memory for Designs Content Score
On the NEPSY-II Memory for Faces test, what is the neurocognitive explanation for a child achieving a higher Memory for Faces Delayed Score than the initial Memory for Faces Total Score? a. A higher rate of forgetting than expected for newly learned faces. b. Difficulties with the initial encoding or discrimination of novel faces. c. Difficulties with recognition of newly learned faces from long-term memory. d. Face recognition improves with consolidation time.
Answer: -Face Recognition improves with consolidation time
Which NEPSY-II test would be useful to measure automaticity of naming? a. Phonological Processing b. Comprehension of instructions c. Oromotor Sequences d. Speeded Naming
Answer: Speeded Naming
The Inhibition subtest on the NEPSY-II measures: a. processing speed b. verbal retrieval c. self monitoring d. any or all of the above
Answer: Processing Speed, Verbal Retrieval, Self-Monitoring
When a child has a high number of self-corrected errors on a task, this indicates: a. poor language skills b. good self monitoring c. poor self monitoring d. both a and c
Answer: Good Self Monitoring
On the NEPSY-II, indirect measures of processing speed can be evaluated by: a. Examining the completion time scores relative to the number of errors. b. Examining the completion time scores. c. Examining the errors scores. d. Examining self-corrected error scores.
Answer: -Examining the completion time scores relative to the number of errors.
A child with autism would probably perform poorly on which of the following NEPSY-II tests: a. Affect Recognition b. Theory of Mind c. Memory for Faces d. Any or all of the above
Answer: a. Affect Recognition b. Theory of Mind c. Memory for Faces
Which of the NEPSY-II subtests measures the child’s ability to infer a mental state in someone else? a. Affect Recognition b. Theory of Mind c. Memory for Faces d. Any or all of the above
Answer: -Theory of Mind
The order of the NEPSY-II subtest administration is most dependent upon: a. The ability of the child to sustain interest in the tasks. b. The time lapse between immediate and delayed memory tasks is accounted for. c. The referral question. d. The child’s age.
Answer: - The time lapse between the lapse between immediate and delayed memory tasks is accounted for.
Which NEPSY-II test would be useful to test for sign of dysarthia? a. Phonological Processing b. Comprehension of instructions c. Oromotor Sequences d. Speeded Naming
Answer: -Oromotor Sequences
This type of NEPSY-II score considers both completion time and the number of errors. What is this type of score called? a. Combined score b. Process score c. Contrast score d. Scaled score
Answer: Combined Score