Emotional Disturbances Flashcards
Chronic stress from abuse or neglect releases cortisol which leads to memory loss and clouded thinking and reduces volume in what part of the brain? a. hippocampus b. cerebellum c. hypothalamus d. anterior cingulate
Answer: -Hippocampus
If the amygdala within the brain is hyperactive it can cause, what emotional symptoms? a. depression b. anxiety c. undue jocularity d. shyness
Answer: Anxiety
This part of the brain is thought to be the reward center which is activated in anticipation of reward. What is this brain structure? a. hippocampus b. cerebellum c. nucleus accumbens d. anterior cingulate
Answer: -Nucleus Accumbens
This region of the brain is responsible for ascribing an emotional valence or value judgment to another’s feelings. Often triggers an automatic social skills response. What is this part of the brain? a. basal ganglia b. anterior cingulate c. nucleus accumbens d. orbitofrontal cortex
Answer: -Orbitofrontal Cortex
This region of the brain is regulates motivation and reward based decision making. It is the key brain region in developing “theory of mind”. What is this part of the brain? a. anterior cingulate cortex b. basal ganglia c. nucleus accumbens d. orbitofrontal cortex
Answer: -Anterior Cingulate Cortex
What type of neurons play a crucial role in the affective development of a child by mapping the bodily feelings of others to ourselves in order to foster empathetic behavior? a. Schwann neurons b. spindle neurons c. mirror neurons d. motor neurons
Answer: -Mirror Neurons
Damage to the orbitofrontal or ventromedial prefrontal cortex is associated with an increased display of what type of behavior in both children and adults? a. depression b. reactive aggression c. social phobia d. anxiety
Answer: -Anxiety
Which of the brain areas or functions could be impaired in children who have externalizing behavioral problems? a. frontal lobe function b. speech and language center c. visuospatial processing d. all of the above
Answer: -Frontal Lobe Function, Speech and Language and Visuospatial Processing
A review of the juvenile delinquency literature suggests there are two kinds of subtypes of children with externalizing behaviors: early starters and later starters. What is a characteristic of an early starter? a. Deficits in empathy, more likely to use others for their own purposes. b. Dysfunctional beliefs about self and others. c. Difficulty with planning, and with subterfuge (more likely to be caught). d. Able to plan, and to engage in subterfuge.
Answer: -Difficulty with planning and Subterfuge
Anxiety disorders can be characterized as into which two categories? a. bottom-up anxiety disorders and top-down anxiety disorders b. under-activity anxiety disorders and top-down anxiety disorders c. under-activity anxiety disorders and over-activity anxiety disorders d. bottom-up anxiety disorders and over-activity anxiety disorders.
Answer: -Bottom up (PTSD and Panic Attacks, underactivity in the subcortical areas and Top Down Anxiety (OCD and generalized anxiety, overactivity in prefrontal cortex)