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DMD3 sem 2
> neuropathic pain > Flashcards
neuropathic pain Flashcards
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DMD3 sem 2
(69 decks)
Natal Teeth
Defining OFP
Trauma 1 and 2 - Class, aetiology, predisposing factors and mechanisms
Resorption 1 - Intro + Internal - 2020
Resorption 2 and 3 - External surface, replacement, ortho, pressure, physiol, idiopathic
Resorption 4 - external inflammatory resorption
External Invasive resorption
Orthodontics Level 4 unit A:
Amelogenesis imperfecta
atraumatic restorative treatment
Ankyloglossia (tongue ties and lip ties)
Cleft lip and Palate
Orthodontic Level 4 - Unit B
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
Post and Core Classification
Ortho Level 4 unit C
Post and Core Fabrication Techniques
Ortho Level 4 unit D
Intro to implants
Edentulous Ridges
Imaging in Pain
TMJ arthritis
Oral Appliance therapy for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
Internal TMJ derangement
Psychosocial Considerations for Orofacial pain
TMJ surgery
Neurovascular Orofacial Pain
Occlusal Appliances
Non-odontogenic Toothache
Orofacial Pain and Cancer
Botulinum toxin for OFP
The placebo effect
Emergency Medicine
Dentoalveolar Trauma 1
Dentoalveolar trauma 2
Dentoalveolar trauma 3 (Tissue Responses to Injury)
Dentoalveolar trauma 4
Dentoalveolar Trauma 5
Dentoalveolar Trauma 6
Dentoalveolar Trauma 7
Conservative Pulp Treatment 1
Conservative Pulp Treatment 2
Trauma (oral surgery)
Maxillofacial trauma
Principles of Flap Design and Suturing
MaxilloFacial Infections
Surgical Extractions
Commensal and Pathogenic Microorganisms
Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Implant Ridge Preservation
Implant Success vs Survival
Periodontal Prognosis: To Extract or not??
Implant Treatment Planning
Surgical Protocol for Implant patients
Implant Maintain and Complications
Implant restorations 1
Implant Restorations 2
Oral Dysaesthesia
neuropathic pain
Potential exam questions
Intro to Special Needs Dentistry
Using the ICF framework Taking a Medical History
Developmental Disabilities
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Psychiatric Diseases
Oncology and Palliative Care
Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry
Antibiotic Prophylaxis