Maxillofacial trauma Flashcards
What is the most common isolated facial bone fracture?
Nasal bone fracture
What causes facial fractures most often?
Interpersonal violence and motor vehicle accidents
Other causes include falls, sports, and industrial injuries
How does alcohol affect maxillofacial trauma?
Alcohol is an aggravating factor
Who commonly gets maxillofacial injuries?
80% are males aged 20 - 35
How is energy helpful in understanding the severity of trauma?
Kinetic energy is directly direct related to injury severity and is predicted by 1/2 inertia and v^2.
What are the symptoms of a base of skull fracture?
Base of skull fracture (Bone in base of skull. Symptoms include bruising behind the ears, bruising around the eyes and bleeding behind the eardrum.
CSF leak occurs in 20% of cases.
This results in fluid leaking from the nose or the ear.
What are the types of head injury associated with contact?
Scalp laceration
Skull fracture
Epidural haematoma
Subdural haematoma
What head injuries are associated with acceleration?
Subdural haematomas
Diffuse axonal injury.
How do sinuses protect from brain injuries during facial trama?
The sinuses act like crumple zones to distribute and absorb energy to protect the brain.
Which anatomical structures of the face are most commonly injured?
Lower third of the facial skeleton is more prominent and so it is more commonly fractured. It is also the most common cause for surgical intervention.
What causes lower third of the face fractures most often?
Assaults. Lateral forces.
The mandible is made of U shaped bone. What should you look for if it is fractured?
Look for contralateral fractures on the other side.
How does the the TMJ protect the face from injury?
Mandible articulates with temporal bone at the TMJ which acts as a crumple zone
How should cervical spine injuries be managed if they occur with facial fractures?
Stabilize the cervical spine with a rigid collar until the spine injury is ruled out.
What are the common features of a frontal bone fracture?
High energy impact
Usually involves the anterior table. Can involve the posterior table as well but that is less common but more significant because it may affect the cranial cavity.
Produces a cosmetic defect