Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry Flashcards
What is the icf definition of ageing?
How the individual adapts biologically, socially and psychologically to disease, the environment and social factors are reflected in their oldness.
How do senses and responses change in response to ageing?
All the senses decrease (except touch)
Speed of responses decreases
How is hearing loss different between males and females?
Males are affected more by hearing loss than females
What causes falls to be so dangerous
Likelihood increases with age
Females > males
Associated with living alone, presence of chronic illness, impaired mobility, and postural instability
What are the complications of falls?
Pressure sores
Loss of confidence
Can lead to significant decline in health
What systemic changes occur as we age?
Reduced elasticity of vessels
Thickening of artery walls
Heart needs to maintain same output
Reduced kidney function
Loss of elasticity in the lungs
Metabolism less sensitive to insulin
Hormonal changes in women
Prostate enlargement in men
Muscle mass decreases
What medical comorbidities are common with ageing?
Progression of chronic diseases
Manifestation of diseases with longer latent periods
Age-related diseases (T2DM, Cancer)
Changes to immune function
Complications associated with ageing (Immobility/Falls, DVT, aspiration pneumonia)
Why is cardiovascular disease more common in older people?
Heart less compliant
Heart of 65 year old beats at 70 bpm which increases with age
What are people with T2DM at increased risk of?
Congestive heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Periperal vascular disease
Diabetic retinopathy
Kidney failure
What happens to patients’ T2DM with age?
Managed initially by diet control
Oral hypoglycaemics
Insulin supplementation
What happens to bone with age?
Osteoporosis as bone becomes more porous and weak.
More common in women due to oestrogen drop following menopause.
This increases fracture risk: Hip, wrist, back, etc
How is osteoporosis treated?
Load bearing exercise
Dietary calcium/vitD
Bisphosphonates and other antiresorptives (eg denosumab)
Why would patients use denosumab instead of bisphosphonates?
Worsening renal function. Some patients forget to take meds everyday so take 1 denosumab injection a month which is easier to manage.
What is osteoarthritis?
Mechanical wear and tear on cartilage causing it to degenerate.
What are the features of osteoarthritis?
Overgrowth of bone
Many joints affected (Hips, knees, hands, spine, feet)