Neuromuscular system and exercise cont. Flashcards
resistance training
systematic program of exercises involving the exercises involving the exertion of force against a load used to develop strength, endurance, and/or hypertrophy of the muscular system
beneficial to add muslce and bone strenthening activities using major muslce groups, at least 2 days/wk
strenthening exercises at least twice a wekk for health related benefits of such exercises
RT is used for 5
improving health - reduced risk of CV disease, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, etc
injury rehab
improving athletic performance
improving dynamic stability and preserving functional capacity
changing physical appearance
4 specificity in muscular fitness
muscular strength
muscular endurance
overload in muscular fitness is achieved by manipulating 4
load - amt of weight assigned to an exercise set
- % of 1RM
- most weight lifted for a specific # of reps
volume - load x reps x sets
rest intervals
frequency of training
higher volumes are associated with
increases in muscle size
load for muscular fitness 3
heavier loads - strength and power
mod for hypertrophy
light - endurance
reps for muscular fitness
lowest to highest - power to strength to hypertrophy to endurance
sets for muscular fitness
single set training may be appropriate for untrained ind. but higher volumes are necessary to promote further gains in intermediate and advanced participants
rest interval
short rest periods utilized for building endurance
frequency of training 3
novice - 2-3x/wk/muscle gp
intermediate 3-4
advanced 4-7
RM for strength and power
RM for hypertrophy
RM for muscular endurance
increase in exercise stress - (intensity) once adaptation has occurred
- 2 for 2 rule - if 2 or more reps over the assigned goal can be performed in two consecutive workouts for a certain exercise, weight should be added to that exercise in the next training session
1 day/muscle gp
adaptation occurs at diff rates in diff ppl (genetic disposition)
1 session/wk sufficient
neuromuscular adaptations to RT (muscle function) -4
improve muscle strength and endurance by 25-100% with 2x/wk training
increased cross sectional area
both males and females are similar
regarless of age
2 possible mechanisms for increased muscle size
hypertrophy - growth in cell size
hyperplasia - increase in the number of cells
hypertrophy for humans
hypertrophy (3)
increase in muscle fibre cross sectional area
- increase myofilament content in myofibrils
- myofilament density - space between myosin filaments does not seem to be modified
2 mechanisms of hypertrophy
signaling cascades leading to increased protein synthesis satellite cells (myosatellite) - muslce stem cells - located above the sarcolemma - quiescent unless activated can fuse with existing fibres
enhances muscle protein breakdown - limit skeletal muscle cell hypertrophy
cast induces muscle ___
leucine and hypertrophy
activates mTOR which leads to hypertrophy
path of satellite cells
proliferative and commit to differentiation (myoblast) then fuse into myotube and mature into myofibre
myostatin related muscle hypertrophy
rare genetic mutation that prevents the body from producing myostatin - characterized by increased muscle size in ind with increased muscle strength and reduced subcutaneous fat pad thickness
myostatin inhibitors
not regulated so dont take it
anabolic steroids
synthetic substances related to the hormone testosterone that promote the growth of skeletal muscle as it binds to intracellular receptors to activate the DNA to dictate the synthesis of a protein
How to achieve greatest gains
androgen administration with RT
mechanism of hypertrophy
increased protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and activation of satellite cells
5 adverse side effects of anabolic steriods
CV disease - decreased HDL
endocrine: virilization, testis atrophy, prostatic hypertrophy, gynecomastia ( covertd into estrogen) , erectile dysfunction
liver: hepatitis, adenoma, carcinoma
musculoskeletal: premature epiphyseal plate closure, increase bone density, decrease tendon strength
psychiatric: aggressiveness, extreme mood swings- depression
females have male hair growth
male breast development
hyperplasia in humans
hard to know - challenges directly measuring muscle fibers
hyperplasia in animals
mechanisms of hyperplasia
satellite cells - form new fibers
skeletal muscle fibre splitting - hypertrophied fibers break apart
hyperplasia in humans
young dead ppl - TA in dominant leg in young males had more muscle fibres than non dominant leg
increased cross sectional muscle area in powerlifters - not associated with increased muscle fiber size
- only in first years of life