Neuromuscular system and exercise Flashcards
neuromuscular system
interaction between our nervous system and skeletal muscle
muscle contraction
basis for all human movement
proprioceptors are in the
is everything voluntary
no because you have reflexes
4 functions of skeletal muscles
body posture
venous return
4 characteristics of muscle tissue
irritability - ability to receive and respond to stimuli
contractility - ability to respond to stimuli by shortening
extensibility - ability to be lengthened or stretched
elasticity - ability to retrn to resting length after being stretched
how much energy is dissipated as heat?
potential travels along
cell membrane
how many muscles do we have and percent in genders
- 40-45% BW in males
- 23 - 25% BW in females
cylindrical cells that lie parallel to each other
fibres in small vs big muslces
small muscles for precise activities movements may only have 100-300 muscle fibres (Ears and eyes)
large muscles for movement may have 1,000,000 muscles (hamstrings)
fibre length
varies from a few mm in eye muscles to 40 cm in large leg muscles
upon - surrounds entire muscle and blends into intramuscular tissue shesaths to form tendons
around - surrounds a bundle of fibres called a fasciculus
within - wraps each muscle fibre
polarized cell membrane enclosing fiber’s cellular contents
contains nuclei that house genes, mitochondria, glycogen and myoglobin
how do you transfer signals
single multinucleated muscle fibre contains
myofibrils that lie parallel to the fibre’s long axis
continuous with sarcolemma and carries polarization to interior of cell
sarcoplasmic reticulum
stores and releases Ca2
composed of myofilaments (actin and myosin)
cross striation patterns
myofibrils -
I band - lighter area
A band - darker area
A band
centre of it is the H zone, M band bisets H zone, consists protein structures that supports arrangement of myosin filaments
Z line
bisects I band and adheres to sarcolemma to provide structural stability
basic repeating unit between two Z lines, comprises the functional unit of muscle fibre
H zone
no overlap
I band
extends across two sarcomeres
how do the thick and thin filaments overlap?
3D space arrangement
3 types of proteins in sarcomere
contractile protein
actin and myosin
regulatory protein
troponin and tropomyosin
structural protein
many diff proteins form the cytoskeleton of the sarcomere
- titin - from z disc to M line, resists sarcomere stretch (as its undergoing eccentric muscle contraction)
Ca binds to
troponin, changes the tropomyosin and moves off and muscle contractin takes place
thick filaments
200-300 myosin molecules
myosin composed of
myosin heavy chain - two globular heads and rod like tail
myosin light chain
myosin heads
2 heads, each has ATPase and actin binding sites
How many heads do they use with mysoin
1 during concentric, not sure what the other one is
what muscle fibres have heavy chain?
type 1, 2A/X
myosin light chain
regulatory - chains looping - loops around myosin molecules
thin filaments
contractile protein actin and regulatory protein
contractile protein actin
- small globular subunits (G actin) combined to form fibrous actin (F actin) - 2 strands of F-actin form an actin filament
regulatory proteins
Tropomyosin and troponin
blocks the actin binding sites during resting state
controls the position of the tropomyosin
C- ca binding
I - inhibit binding of actin and myosin
T- binding troponin to tropomyosin
how do muscles shorten
sliding filament theory of andrew and hugh hyxley 0 movemnt of actin filament over the myosin filament
- I band and H zone shorten and may disappear
- A band remains unchanged
axon potential
travel down to the motor end plate
andrew and hugh huxley
published their paper and worked indepen
3 steps of contraction of a muslce fibre
generation of an AP in a motor neuron (ventral root)
transmission of the AP to the muslce fibre (motor end plate of muscle)
excitation - contraction coupling
cell bodies can be found in
spinal cord
dorsal vs ventral root
sensory vs ventral root (cell body)
upper motor neuron will
activate cell body to send a signal down the ventral motor root to alpha motor neuron (lower motor neuron) down to muscle fibers
muscle fibre is wrapped by
fascicle is wrapped by
epimysium AKA
deep fasica
parts of a tendon (7)
paratendon fascicle fascicular membrane fibril subfibril microfibril tropococollagen
in a somatic nervous system, what sends the muscle to release what to stimulate what?
alpha motor neuron releases ACh to target muscle
2 systems in the sutonomic Nervous system and what do they target
sympathetic and parasympathetic
- smooth and cardiac muscles and glands
sympathetic activation
gives Ach in preganglion fibres to release NE
parasympathetic activation
gives ACh in pre ganglion fibres to release ACh
peripheral nervous system is and travels through
skin - somatic sensory fibre
cardio vascular - visceral sensory fibre
central nervous system sends
sympathetic and parasympathetic motor fibres to the heart, motor fiber of somatic nervous system
resting potential
depolarization goes up to
neuron with a dendrite and a cell body would receive fdbk from
stimuli or other neurons
where does the motor signla come from
ventral horn of spinal cord
what happens when a neuron is excited
permeability changes, voltage gated sodium channels goes to the inside and na is moves in and potassium
how to ensure depolarization
positive charge will excite the axn hillock which sends an AP down the axon
voltage gated sodium channels close and potassium rushes out for repolarization
myelinated/shwann cells
saltatory conduction which allows it to move faster down to axon terminal
transmission of AP to muscle fibre
- AP travels the length of axon of motor neuron to axon terminal
at the neuromuscular junction - rush of calcium enters the axon terminal to bind to either ionotropic or nicotinic receptors
-release ACh via exocytosis into the synaptic cleft - synaptic cleft and ACh receptors
- ligand gated cation channels open
more Na than Ca so
it can depolarize
What breaks down Ach
ACh esterase
what inhibits ACh
nerve gas, which stops the regulation of breathing - or botox - stops the release of the contraction - stops the vesicles from releasing ACh
what inhibits ACh
nerve gas, which stops the regulation of breathing - or botox - stops the release of the contraction - stops the vesicles from releasing ACh
what inhibits ACh
nerve gas, which stops the regulation of breathing - or botox - stops the release of the contraction - stops the vesicles from releasing ACh
once the threshold is reached, what does the ap propagate along?
when does the activation stop
When ach is removed
- diffuse away
- ACH esterase breaks it into acetic acid and choline which is transported back to axon terminal for resynthesis
excitation contraction coupling
sequence of events by which an AP in the sarcolemma initiates the sliding of the myofilaments, resulting in contraction
9 steps of EC coupling
transmission of AP along sarcolemma
depolarization of T tubule
- communication between T-tubule and SR (toilet plunger mechanism) where the voltage gated DHP (Dihydropyridine) receptors cause openings of ryanodine receptors and Ca 2 release to enter the sarcoplasm
ca binds to troponin C
conformational change in the troponin complex
tropomyosin shifts 20 degrees off the actin binding site
attachment of myosin head - cross bridge formation
cross bridge cycling - hydrolysis of ATP
reuptake of Ca by sarcoplasmic reticulum - relaxation (tropomyosin moves back up)
in what direction does EC coupling happen?
every single direction from the motor end plate
muslce triad
two sister cisternae and the T tubule
cross bridging cycle
cyclic events necessary for the generation of force or tension within the myosin heads during muscle contraction
- binding, power stroke, dissociation, activation
during a single muslce twitch myosin binds and detaches from actin _____of times
cross bridge formation - activated myosin heads binds to actin
ADP and Pi remain bound to myosin
power stroke
myosin head swivels, causing displacement of actin filament
ADP and Pi are released from myosin
- ATP binds to myosin
- actin and myosin dissociate (cross bridges detach)
energy from the hydrolysis of ATP used to activate the myosin head
ADP and PI remain bound to myosin
Rigor mortis
rigor state - dead and you have no ATP so you cant take them off
hang meat - decompose to get more tender - for the bonds to break