Neuromuscular Juntion Flashcards
what are the 5 steps of neuromuscular junction
The 5 steps of synaptic Transmission is Synthesis, storage (protect and package), release, activation and inactivation.
What is the drug encahcne by direct stimulation
Drugs can enchance synaptic transmission by direct stimulation of post synaptic receptors by natural transmitters or analogues
what is the drug enchance synaptic transmission indirect
drugs can enchnace synaptic transmission by indirect action by increased transmitter release and inhibition removal.
Drugs can inhibit synaptic transmission
drugs an be inhibit synpatic transmission by blocking synthesis storage or release from the pre synaptic neurone or blocking postsynaptic receptors
what is affinity and effiacy
Affinity is the ability of agonists to bind to receptors and efficacy is the ability of an agonist once bound to receptor to initiate a biological response
what is the difference between antagonists and agonist
agonist posses affinity and effiacy while antagonsits only have affinity
what is cholinoceptors
cholinoceptors are receptors upon which ACh acts
Cholinergic is synapses where the presynaptic neurone synthesised and release ACh transmission
what is mepp
a mepp is actiation the assoicated nitonic cation open and Na ion flux into the muscle fibre to cause local depolarisation at the endplate region
Black Widow Spider
the spider gives a massive ACH release and muscle spasms and after causes depletion of vesicles , inhibition of endocytosis and distended terminal causing paralysis
break microelectrode
nerve stimulation cause muscle contraction resulting in glass microelectrode breaking so High Mg2+ and Low Ca2+ buffer solution
what is a quantal
The amplitude of the epp is a multiple of the amplitude ofthe mepp, with the smallest epp amplitude equal to that of the mepp amplitude this release is called a quantal
what is quantal content
QC = mean EPP ampltiude / mean Mepp ampltiude
cholingeric transmission (synthesis)
Choline acetyl transferase(CAT) synthesises ACh fromprecursors choline and AcetylCoenzyme A (Acetyl Co-A)from mitochondria
reuptake of choline
Reuptake of choline is Na+-dependent & blocked competitively by hemicholinium 3(not used clinically).There will be less ACh in each vesicle
cholingeric transmission of storage
Transport of ACh into vesicles blocked by inhibition of theACh vesicular transporter by VESAMICOL
Tetrodotoxin (TTX)blocks Na+ channels(no action potential– no release, no EPP)
cholinergic transmission
Voltage-gated Ca2+ channelsblocked by conotoxins(Ca2+ influx – release).The epp amplitude decreases; nochange in themepp amplitude. A decreasedquantal content
Dendro toxin blocks voltage-gated K+channels prolonged action potential (Ca2+influx release).Increased epp amplitude; mepp amplitude – no change. Quantal content increased.The synthetic drug 4-aminopyridine(4-AP) has a similar mechanism
Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum toxin blocks vesicle fusion by cleaving a vesicular protein required for exocytosis– decreased release.EPP amplitude decreases. Mepp amplitude – no change.Quantal content decreases
Tubocuraine medically
Tubocurarine is used during surgery to produce skeletal muscle paralysis
tubocurarine qualities
Tubocuraine Competitive non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent.Used clinically: a skeletal muscle relaxant.Muscle block reversed by anticholinesterases eg.NeostigmineClinically tubocurarine mainly replaced by synthetic drugs e.g. vecuronium
a bungarotoxin
a bungarotoxin is not reversed by washout or by anticholinesterases
Succinylcholine used for rapid tracheal intubation and to prevent violent muscle contractions associated with electro convulsant therapy
Phase I Block
Phase I Block 1. persistent activation of endplate nicotinic receptors 2. prolonged depolarisation of endplate 3. inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels
Phase II block
Phase II Block 4. desensitisation of endplate nicotinic receptors 5. repolarisation of endplate 6. receptor desensitisation maintains blockade
Cholinergic Transmission
ACh is terminated by an enzyme acetylcholinesterase(AChE), which breaks down ACh to acetate and choline. Drugs which inhibitAChE,anti cholinesterases (egnervegases, neostigmine) increase the effects of ACh
True Acetylcholinesterase
True - present at cholinergic synapses and bound to the postsynaptic membrane in the synaptic cleft
Pseudo cholinesterase
Pseudocholinesterase is important in inactivating the depolarisisng neuromuscular block suzamethonium
ATROPINE counteract effects ofexcessive muscarinic receptorstimulation by ACh
OXIMESEg. pralidoxime (2-PAM)antidote to Nerve Gasreactivates the AChase But…ageing
organophosphates readily absorbed through the insect cuticle