Neurology journals 2015-2019 Flashcards
What are some characteristics of focal epilepsy manifesting as fear-related behavior in Boerboel dogs
Onset of signs was 3 months
howling, fearful faical expression, trembling
normal biochemical assessment
Histopathologhy - single large vacuoles in the perikaryon neurons throughout the brain
autosomal recessive suggeted
What are some common seizure precipitating factors in dog with idiopathic epilepsy?
74% of idopathic eplipetic dogs had one trigger
Stress-related, sleep deprivation, weather, hormonal
focal seizures more likely - 1.9 X
Seizure-precipitating factors in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy JVIM 2019
In an analysis of CKCS spaniels what correlation between spinal cord termination and syringomyelia?
- Spinal cord and dural sac termination were sig more caudal in CKCS compared to controls
- Presence of TL syringomyelia was associated w/ more caudal dural sac termination in CKCS
Is ventricular volume decreased after ventriculoperitoneal shunting proceudres?
percentage decrease in ventricular size was associated with resolution of ataxia and obtundation
Association between improvement of clinical signs and decrease of ventricular volume after ventriculoperitoneal shunting (VPS) in dogs with internal hydrocephalus JVIM 2019
What correlation exists between flial fibrillary acidic protein and complete spina cord injury?
Glial fibrillary acidic protein concentrations in the first 72 hours after onset of nonambulatory status predicted recovery with an accuracy of 76.7%‐89% depending on sample timing.
Are are the known causes and possible outcomes for dogs with unilateral masticatory muscle atrophy in dogs?
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors (47.6%) - MST of 5 months (1-9 months). Progression is variable (2 months to 2 years) Effect of treatment is unknown based on one study
Other tumors - 20.6% MST 2.5 months (6-25 months)
No abnormalities on MRI (28.6%) only progression in one dog
What are the expected short and long term outcomes as well as MRI findings with spinal arachnoid diverticula in 25 pugs
Mean age 7.3 years - 80% males
short-term - improvement in 80%
Long term of 21 - deteriation in 86% (12 months post sx)
Moderate correlation bt duration of c/s and outcome
8 dogs w/ deteriorating had follow-up MRI - regrowth of SAD in 2, new AD in 2, intramedullary T2W hyperintensity/syringomyelia in 6
What is the diagnostic accuracy of stereotactic brain biopsy for intracranial neoplasia in dogs?
Tumor grade agreement bt standary biopsy and necropsy in 18/23 cases
SBB underrepresented reference standard glioma grade
diagnostic accuracy 81% - smaller tumors and fewer samples correlated w/ diagnostic disscordance
What are the general correlations between coat and eye color with congenital deafness in cats?
Found ony in white cats
White kittens with at least one blue iris were 3.2X more likely to be deaf
Tukis Van, Main Coon, Norwegian forest cats seems to be over represented
Is rectal Keppra a benefitial treatment additive to therapy of patients presenting to the emergency room for seizures?
Keppra had a 94% response rate vs standard therapy alone
(standard was diazepam if needed followed by phenobarbital q 8 hr)
response = no additional seizures vs those that did
What are general expectation in dogs with acute steroid-responsive meningitis - arteritis?
48% of dogs had at least one relapse
Significant association w/ CSF cell count and frequency of disease relapse
No difference in treatment protocal and relapse
QOL associated with steroid side effects
What are signs that are associated with the presence of syringomyelia in CKCS dogs w/ Chiari Malformation?
Signs associated with syrinx presence and size - screatching, scoliosis, postural deficits, weakness
What are some general differences noted in signalment and CT findings in French bull dogs, Pugs and English Bulldogs with and without clinical signs associated with thoracic hemivertebra?
The Pug breed, higher degree of kyphosis, fewer instead of more observed hemivertebrae, and VLH hemivertebra subtype were considered independent variables predicting the presence of neurological signs.
What are some general clinical and MRI characteristics of CM in juvenile dogs?
18/20 had chronic progression
18/20 had proprioceptice ataxia, 9/20 had cervical pain
MRI - c5-6, c6-7 or both
2 surgical patients - simproved and stable at 1.5 and 5 years
Medical is variable, good short term
These findings are consistent with Ettinger and Kirks info
Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging characterization of cervical spondylomyelopathy in juvenile dogs JVIM 2019
What is the prevalence and clinical relavence of anti-n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor 1 (NMDAR1) antibodies in dogs with inflammatory neurologic disease?
9.4% of dogs
all responded to treament of MUE
Presence of cerebrospinal fluid antibodies associated with autoimmune encephalitis of humans in dogs with neurologic disease JVIM 2019
What is the utility of imepitoin in the treatment and prvention of anxiety and fear associated with noise in dogs?
Sig reduced fear prior to NYE fireworks
This is a partial agnoist at benzodiazepine bindings sites of the GABA1 receptor - affinitiy 600 times less than diazepapm; less sedating
Similar efficacy to phenobarbital for controlling seizures in another study (Plumbs)
Effectiveness of imepitoin for the control of anxiety and fear associated with noise phobia in dogs JVIM 2019
What is the expression profile of mRNA in the CSF of dogs w/ and w/o cervical spondylomeylopathy?
1.5 fold increase in miR-494 and 1.2 decrease in miR-612
What are some general predictors of urinary or fecal incontinence in dogs with TL acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion?
Dogs w/ TL injury: 9.1% UI and 25.3% FI
Paraplegic more likely to have urinary and fecal
FI more likely in those w/o NSAID and those w/o spinal shock
Lesions >40% cross-sectional area 4X more likely to develop U and FI
Predictors of urinary or fecal incontinence in dogs with thoracolumbar acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion JVIM 2019
What are the general correlations between CSF lactate and inflammatory CNS disorders?
CSF lactate above reference in 47% of dogs
No sig difference among disease categories
sig but weak correlation bt CSF and NCC
no sig difference bt lactate and survival
What are the differences between intranasal and intravenous midazolam administration?
Both successfull
IN faster
median time for seizure sessation - 33 sec vs 64
sedation and ataxia higher in IN - 88% vs 69% IV
what are the general differences in epidural pathology between cervical and TL intervertebral disc extrusion sin dogs?
dogs w/ cervical sig older, less severe, longer duration, better outcome
dogs w/ cervical had less severe calcification and inflammation
No sig difference in chondrodystrophic phenotype
Vertebral canal in cervical was larger than TL
TL IVD more narrow
Cervical more curcilar
Differences in Epidural Pathology between Cervical and Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disk Extrusions in Dogs JVIM 2018
In a study of 32 dogs with neurologic disease, how often was an infectious disease implicated when broad spectrum DNA and RNA testing was utilized?
None - suggests that MUE more likely to be autoimmune
What are the general correlations between owner observed scratching and pain behavior and neurologic examination and imaging scoring?
The only signs that were significantly associated with syrinx presence and size were scratching (phantom and scratching or rubbing of the head or ears), scoliosis, postural deficits, and weakness
What is GB2-gangliosidosis in Shiba Inu dogs?
GM1 gangliosidosis in the Shiba Inu breed (SI-GM1) is a hereditary lysosomal storage disorder caused by abnormal accumulation of GM1 ganglioside, a fatty molecule (lipid) important for normal functioning of nerve cells in the brain. Affected dogs typically present with vision loss, head tremors, walking and balance issues, and weight loss by 6 months of age. The disease is progressive and lethal by 18 months
What dosage of Keppra in cats results in best therapeutic blood levels?
500 mg Xr PO q 24 hr - this is a dosage of 86.2 mg/kg
What is the role of campylobacter infection in acute polyradiculoneuritis in dogs?
In cases in which fecal sampes were collected w/in 7 adys of onset of clinical signs, acute polyradiculoneuritis was 9.4 X more likely to be positive compared to healthy dogs
significant association w/ consumption of raw chicken
C. usaliensis most common species
**Study conducted out of melbourne**
Investigation of the Role of Campylobacter Infection in Suspected Acute Polyradiculoneuritis in Dogs
What are general risk factors associated with early seizure recurrence in dogs hospitalized for seizure evaluation?
abnormal neuro exam, occurence of cluster seizures, status epileptics or combination within 72 hours prior to presentation predicted early seizure recurrence
50% of dogs had recurrent seizures while hospitalized
Average time to seizure was 7 hours (shortest in reactive > structura > idiopathic)
Clinical Risk Factors for Early Seizure Recurrence in Dogs Hospitalized for Seizure Evaluation JVIM 2018
What is the clinical relevance of transmucosal magnetic evoked potential (TMMEP) in paraplegic dogs w/ recovery of motor function?
increase amplitude and decreased latencies associated with recovery
Transcranial magnetic motor evoked potentials and magnetic resonance imaging findings in paraplegic dogs with recovery of motor function JVIM 2018
What role does postoperative rehabilitation have in recovery in non-ambulatory parapaetic or paraplegic dogs after decompressive survery for TL-IVDH?
Mediat time to waking 7.5 days
No sig difference in rehab dogs with incomplete spinal cord injury
Study population limited to more mildly affected dogs
A randomized, blinded, prospective clinical trial of postoperative rehabilitation in dogs after surgical decompression of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disc herniation JVIM 2018
What is the overall prevalence and clinical associations in dogs with seizure occurance in dogs?
0.82% of all dogs had a single seizure
Increased OR - pug 3.4
low risk :
- Shih-tzue, Westie, English Spring Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel
males > females
Dogs > 3 yrs
dogs > 40 kg higher vs 10 kg
What effects does concurrent administration of Keprra with phenobarbital and zonisamide have on keppra blood levels?
Phenobarbital results in decreased maximum drug keppra levels
half-life similar
therapeutic drug monitoring of Keppra may be helpful when pheno and keppra used together
What is the overall prevalence of Bartonella DNA in a population of dogs with inflammatory CNS disease?
No dogs tested positive
In patients with hydrated nucleus pulposus (discal cyst) extrusion does surgery vs medical management affect treatment outcome?
Median time to return of ambulation was 6.6 days post surgery vs 5.9 days post medical management
Only the length of intramedullary lesion on MRI had any influence on prognosis
What are the pharmacokinetics of gabapentin in cats?
T 1/2 is 4 hrs after single and 4 hr after a repeat dose
time to max concentartion 1 hr
bioavailability 95%
What the expected outcome on American Staffordshire Terriers with juvenile-onset polyneuropathy
All 14 had generalized motor and sensory invovlement - focal lar par in 1 and megaesophagus in 1
degeneartive polyneuropathy id’d on histopathology
11 had slow progression with good qol, 3 were euthanized after dx
autosomal recessive
Is there any clinical differences in dogs with treated with a hypofractionated vs standard radiation protocl for dogs with symptomatic intracranial neoplasia?
No sig derence in survival between groups
- Overall progression-free interval (663 d) and overall survival (637 d)
Use of steroids - dose or reduction was not sig different bt groups
Comparative evaluation of a novel, moderately hypofractionated radiation protocol in 56 dogs with symptomatic intracranial neoplasia
What is the prevalence of REM sleep behavior disorder in a smalll population of dogs with confirmed tetanus?
At least 46%
This appeared like an epileptic seizure in up to 40% of dogs
What are the associations of spinal walking and irreverasible TL spinal cord lesions who undergoe physiotherapy?
**These are paraplegic dogs w/ no pain perception
59% dogs
Median time 75.5 days
associated w/ younger age and early start of physiotherpay
age <60 months and weight= 7.8 kg associated w/ spinal waling
BCS, full-time hospitalization, type and site of lesions not sig associated w/ development of spinal walking
Acquisition of Involuntary Spinal Locomotion (Spinal Walking) in Dogs with Irreversible Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord Lesion: 81 Dogs JVIM 2017
What is the known prevalence and known risk factors for ascending/descneding myelomalacia in dogs after TL IVD herniation
0% with low grade up to 14.5% with grade 5 (greatest increase is from grade 4 to 5)
Younger age (<5.8 yrs), neuro status (grade 5) and site of disk herniation (L5-L6), duration of clinical signs before becomming nonambulatory (<24 hr), detection of T2W hyperintensity, T2 length ratio >4.57 were sig risk factors
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Presumptive Ascending/Descending Myelomalacia in Dogs after Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disk HerniationJVIM 2017
What are the known clincal featurs, imaging characteristics and long-term outcome of dogs w/ cranial meningocele or meningoencephalocele?
Young dogs - median 6.5 months
seizure and behavioral abnormalities most common
Intranasal meningoenecephalocele more common that parietal meningocele
MRI id’d meningeal enhancement of protruded tissue in 77% of cases
17 medical - seizures controlled in 10
dogs w/ intranasal MEC and mild duro signs had a fair prognosis
What is the clinical significance of phosphorylated neurofilament heavy in degenerative myelopathy?
Median CSF pNF-H was increased in all stages of DM
Dogs w/ stage 1 had increased median CSF compared to asymptomatic at risk
Sens 80.4% and spec 93.6% to DX DM in this population - ppv need to be assessed
Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy as a Diagnostic Marker of Canine Degenerative Myelopathy jvim 2017
What are several prognositc factors associated with recovery of ambulation and urinary contience in dogs with acute LS spinal cord injury?
Fewer L4-S3 dogs regained continence compared to T3-L3 dogs - no diff in recovery of aombulation
Loss of CPP, LMN incontinence and noncompressive lesions resulted in reduce likelihood of continence
Neg prog factors - absent CPP and large nonchondrodystrophic breed
small breed w/ retained CPP, compressive lesions and UMN had excellent prognosis
What is the safety and efficacy of injectable robenacoxib for the treatment of pain associated w/ soft tissus urgery
More comfotable at surgery site compared to no pai meds
What is the clinical significance of quantatative MRI findings and presence or absence of deep pain in recovery of motor function in paraplegic dogs with intervertebral disc herniation?
fractional ansiotrophy sig higher caudal to compression site that did not recover - snes% 80% and spec 55% w/ 0.66 cut off
lack of deep pain perception - sens 73.3% and spec 75%
What are the expected outcomes in patients with spinal arachnoid diverticula that are managed medically vs surgically?
Surgery did better
82% vs 30% improvement
30% medical reained stable
16% vs 40% deteriorated
What are the known clinicopathologic features and MRI findings in cats with FIP?
3 clinical syndromes - T3-L3 myelopathy, central vestibular, multifocal CNS (most common)
MRI abnormalities in all groups - contrast enhancement, ventriculomegaly, syringomyelia
All euthanized MST 14 days from onset of signs
perivascular lpyogranulomatous or lymphoplasmatic infiltrates
What are some expected external features of brachycelpahic Persian cats and internal hydrocephalus?
Mean ventricle:brain ratio of peke face was sig higher than doll-face
What are clinical characteristics of dogs with progressive myelomalaia following acute intervertebral disc extrusion?
mid-to caudal discs may be associated w/ increased risk
Mostly dachshunds (24/51)
Majority of dogs developed w/in 2 days and euthanized 3 days following
Most dogs ahd signs of disc herniation = 48 hr prior to presentation
What is the freuency and clinical implications of bacteruria in chronically paralyzed dogs
35/47 had at least one positive bacterial infection and 13 had recurrent bacteriruia
E. coli most common 24.8%
No association bt bacteruria and survival
Does polyethylene glycol and methylprednisolone assist with IVD herniation
No benefit in threatment monitored over the course of 12 weeks of acute, severe TLL IVDH when used as adjunctive treatment within 24 hours of presentation for parlysis
What is the expected progression ofsyringomyelia in CKCS and what is its relationship to the craniocervical morphology?
32% remained asymptomatic, 56% had worsened
Morphology of the CCJ at initial imaging did ot predict development of new or worsened signs or SM by the time of reevaluation
How in kinematic MRI useful in the diagnosis of CM in Doberman pinschers?
Flexion - improvement or resolution of compression 1/2
Extension - worsened compression in 2/3
extension id’d 6 new compressive lesions and was associated w/ ventral compression of c5/c6
What is the expected outcome of stereotactic radiotherapy of peripheral nerve sheath tumors in dogs?
MST 2 years w/o acute radiation side effects.
What breed and what are the defining features of a rapid eye movement sleep disorder?
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers
Onset of signs 2 months to 5 years
Marked movements during sleep, increased anxiety, noise phobia, gait abnormalities
guarded prognosis due to progressive nature
MRI- symmetrical, progressively increasing, T2-weight image intensity in caudate nuclei consistent with necrosis secondary to gray matter degenration
What breed is affected by a congenital forebrain commissural malformation, ventriculomegaly and interhemispheric cyst syndrome
Toyger cats
50% have short, rounded ears and are prone to URI and ear infection
tarsal talgarum and a plantagrade stance
mild ataxia; cp defecits worse in the hind
sterile femiles
MRI revealed asymmetry and widening of the sulci and gyri, hypoplastic cingulate gyrus and hippocampus, enlaged ventricles
Most cats had a midline cyst that was contiguous with one of the lateral ventricles
What breed is associated with a gene linked neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis disease?
Border collies CLN5 nonsense mutation
Starts with aggression, altered mentation, poor vision, ataxia, progresses to seizures
1-2 years of age
uniformly fatal
Now a report of fatal neurodegenerative disease in Australian cattle dogs
What breed possesses a homogeenous mutation in RAB3GAP1:c.743delC?
Rottweilers - results in neuonal vaculation and spinocellular degeneration
results in a polyneuropathy
What breed is known to have a KCNJ10 mutation?
Jack Russell Terriers
retuls in juvenile-onset spinceullar ataxia that progresses to myokymia (eyelid twitching) and seizures
What are the known risk factors and outcomes for cats diagnosed with myasthenia gravis?
Up to 58% euthanized
More likely in Abyssinians and somalis
Cranieal mediastinal mass in 52%
Spontaneous remission is not a characteristic - chronic disease
What percentage of dogs with neurologic disorders have abnormal findings on abdominal ultrasound?
Nondachunds had higher percentage of abnorma than dacshunds
1.3% of patients did not have advanced imaging due to abdominal ultrasound findings
Effect of screening abdominal ultrasound examination on the decision to pursue advanced diagnostic tests and treatment in dogs with neurologic disease JVIM 2015
What are the typical findings that are noted in dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD)?
aimless wandering, staring into space, avoid getting patted, difficulty finding dropped food and anxiety.
33% of normal dogs may progress to mild cognitive imapirment, 22% may progress to CCD
Plasma AB42 increased in CCD dogs
What is X-linked myotubular myopathy and what breed has been show to affect?
Labrador retrieveers
progressive weakness and muscle atrophy
diagnosis w/ muscle biopsy
rapidly progressiv and die w/in 1 month
Clinical phenotype of X-linked myotubular myopathy in Labrador retriever puppies (2015) JVIM 2015
What cervical abnormality has been demonstrated in pituitary dwarfism due to LHX3 mutation?
Atlantoaxial malformation w/ LHX3 mutation
Abnormal positioning of the dens axis & incomplete ossification of the suture lines between the ossification centers of the atlas w/ concurrent AA instability & dynamic compression of the spinal cord by the dens axis
Does phenobarbital or KBr affect blood levles of Keppra in dogs?
Concurrent use of phenobarbital or phenobarbital + KBr increase keprpra clearance
KBR+ keppra does not
Phenobarbital appears to affect drug clearance of Keppra
At the time of publication, no accepted dose range
blood levels 5.52 ug/mL and 3.06 ug/mL with pheno and pheno+ kbr
5-40ug/mL is human range
Is rectal Zonisamide an effect treatment option in seizuring dogs?
What dog breed has been shown to have a LGI2 mutation?
Lagotto Romagnolo
benign familial juvenile epilepsy - these
Leucine-rich glioma-activated protein - dysfunction can cause hyperexcitability
concurrent ADHD like sympoms
What is the association of estrus and seizures in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy?
increased likelihood w/ estrogen
decreased likelihood with progesterone
38% of dogs had seizures when in heat and 13% had seizures 1-3 months after (end of diestrus)
What are the pharmacokinetics of Keppra after a single dose?
30 mg/kg of ER with or w/o food results in concentrations above accepted human therapeutic cocentration (5-40 ug/mL)
What is the know prevalence and heritability of symptomatic syringomyelia in CKCS?
15% prevalence
95% had littermates w/ spinal cord changes
What is the long-term outcome in symptomatic and asymptomatic littermates with CKCS?
Syrinx diameter & mean syrinx:spinal cord ratio were sig correlated w/ c.s.
If a dog w/ a syrinx had no c.s. by 6 yo, 93% chance of remaining asymptomatic
Is CT an acceptable surrogate to MRI for the diagnosis of cerebellar herniation in CKCS?
MRI is the preferred for bestt accuracy for the evaluation of other comonents of Chiari like disease
What is the clinical significance of the medullary position at the craniocerical jnction in mature CKCS?
Higher medullary kinking index association w/ neuro signs
More caudal brainstem position related to the presence of syringomyelia
What is the clinical significance of atlantoaxial bands and the craniocervical junction syndrome in mature CKCS?
prevalence of AA bands high
sig association w/ bands and SM
What are some known MRI findings in dogs after head trauma?
intra and extra axial hemorrahge
subdural extra axial on side of truama most common
What are some general population statistics for cervical IVD herniation in chondrodystrophoid and noncondrodystrophoid small breed dogs?
beagles most common
C2-C3 most common
C5-c6 more common in Yorkies and Chihuahuas
Shih Tzu and torkies sig older at the time of diagnosis compared to Pomeranians (9yr vs 6 yr)
Yorkie had sig higher number of affected sites compared to Dachshunds
Yorkie sig longer recovery time
What are some general findings for TL IVD herniation in English Cocker Spaniels?
Midlumbar and caudal more likely in English Springer than Dachhund
English w/ caudal lumbar had lnger median duration of c/s, more likely to have unilateral pelvic disc lameness or spinal hyperesthesia than other sites
Caudal lumbar disc herniation recovered more quickly and ahd lesss severed disease
Risk factors for diskospondylitis in dogs after spinal decompression surgery for intervertebral disc herniation
2.2% of dogs
GSD 9.8 X more likely
Larger dogs
How do dogs compare with ischemic myelopathy and acute noncompressive nucleus pulposis extrusion?
English Staffordshire over represented in ischmic
Border collies acute noncompressive
noncompressive older, vocalization, hyperesthesia, C1-C4 lesion - ambulatory at the time of discharge
ischemic - L4-S3, long term fecal incontinence
long-tem QOL and outcome did not differ
What are known features stimulus-specific seizures in dogs with reflex epilepsy?
19% of dogs had seizures that were not induced by location or situation
Sedation provides no benefit
What association does size of tumor affect post-surgical outcome in patients with intracranial glioma?
No association w/ MST
Low-grade small tumors had longer survival compared to high grade
What are general characteristics and risk factors for intervertebral disk extrusions in Pekingese dogs?
Uncommon in <2 yrs
Primarily in TL (T12-T13) > cervical (6-7)
Radiographically calcified disk were sig greated in extrusive discs vs nonextrusive
black coat color more likely to have disease
increased median BW and females more likely to have extrusi
What are the general considerations in cats with juvenile-onset seizures?
15 cats, Median age 27 weeks
cluster in 6, status in 2
age of onset, presence of cluster, seizure localization not associated w/ classification
7/15 cats had structural disease - FIP, head trauma, porencephaly, bilateral occipital arachnoid diverticula, noninfectious meningoencephalitis
FIP and noninfectious meningo did poorly
4 idiopathic - pheno and pheno+ keppra in 2/4
4 reactive - PSS
What are the noted outcomes in dogs with nonsurgical treatment for congenital thoracic vertebral body malformations?
all brachycephalic, 6 months
all ambulatory paraparesis and ataxia
4 dogs euthanized d/t progression, 2 underwent sx d/t progression, 7 dogs survived >160 despite progression
all had progression in spite of various medication therapies
What were the noted findings in a group of 4 related Norweigian Buhunds?
12 weeks old, progressive ataxia, negative for infectious
Histopath - reduce calbindin D28K and inositl triphosphate receptor 1 by Purkinje cells
autosomal recessive
What is the incidence of and risk factors for major complications or death in dogs undergoing cytoreductive surgery for treatment of primary intracranial masses?
13.1% died, 18.8% major complications
abnormal neuro exam more likely to have complications or die
suboccipital approach associated with increased mortality
Most common post op complicaation was seizures (11.3%), worsening of neurosigns (3.8%) aspiration pneumonia (3.8%)
What are general risk factors for GME in dogs?
no sig difference in healthy w/ age, mw, bcs, human pop density, season, time of last vax
What are the expected outcomes in medically and surgically managed dogs with congenital hydrocephalus?
Prednisone - 6/12 improved
surgery dogs - 14/26 improved
What is the prevelence and clinical significance of electropraphic seizure activity
20% had electrographic seizures 12 % had electrophraphic status epliepticus
mortality was 48% for ES and 50% for ESE
Mortality was 19% w/o ES or ESE
ES and ESE risk factors: young age, overt seizure activity w/in 8 hr of EEG and history of cluster seizures
What effect does oral cannabinoid usage have on dogs undergoing traditional seizure management?
2 dogs w/ CBD became ataxic and were withdrawn
CBD group had decreased seizure frequency by 30%
Proportion of responder similar bt groups
CBD had increased in ALP (500 increase to 1400)
What is the impact on location sampling and diagnostic result in patients with SRMA?
18 dogs had false neg at one site and confirmation at other
Proportion of CSF that had a TNCC w/in reference interval comparable
With increased age, likelihood of remarkable TNCC decreased
Recommondation for sampling of cerebellomedullar cistern as well as lumbar subarachnoid space to confirm dx
What are some neurologic and MRI imaging feacures of GSD dogs with CM?
Males > females (out of 10 dogs)
Chronic > acute
Ataxia in 9, 1 cervical hyperesthesia
Compression site variable bt C4 and C7
Osseous proliferation of articular processes sole or contributaory cause in 6/10
8/10 had concurrent dorsdal compression d/t ligamenta flava hypertrophy