JVIM and JAVMA 2015-2017 Flashcards
What association between glucose WB and Plasma and, peritneal fluid and peritoneal fluid supernatent to best to detect sepsis in dogs ?
whole blood to peritoneal fluid difference > 20 mg/dL had sens 40% and spec 100%
Hihger sens (85%) with plasma and PF or PF supernatent at 20 mg/dL
Plasma and plasma fluid was 100% spec at > 38 mg/dL
Usefulness of WB, plasma, PF, and PFS glucose concentrations obtained by a veterinary POC glucometer to identify septic peritonitis in dogs with peritoneal effusion JAVMA 2015
What cleaning solutions are best for endotracheal tube?
Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide
Efficacy of endotracheal tube disinfection strategies for elimination of Streptococcus zooepidemicus and Bordetella bronchiseptica JAVMA 2015
What specific antigen may help to differentiate between blastomycosis and histoplasma infection in dogs?
Evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to a recombinant Blastomyces dhesion-1 repeat antigen as an aid in the diagnosis of blastomycosis in dogs JAVMA 2015
Is leptospirosis vaccination associatied with increased risk for adverse reaction?
Yes - more likely to be lethargic, demonstrate inappetence, reaction at the injection site (including signs of tenderness or pain, cutaneous swelling or mass, local hair loss, or lameness in a limb close to the injection site), nonspecific vaccine reaction (including cough, nasal discharge, shivering, diarrhea, or vomiting
Incidence rates and risk factors for owner-reported adverse events following vaccination of dogs that did or did not receive a Leptospira vaccine JAVMA 2015
Are leptospiral vaccinations more likely to generate a hypersensitvity respsonse when compared to nonleptospiral?
Incidence rates and risk factors for owner-reported adverse events following vaccination of dogs that did or did not receive a Leptospira vaccine JAVMA 2015
What are the expected outcomes in dogs receiving radiation therapy for treatment of malignant melanoma?
Similar survival times to surgery
MST only impacted by disease stage, not subtype of radiation
Outcomes of dogs undergoing radiotherapy for treatment of oral malignant melanoma: 111 cases (2006-2012) JAVMA 2015
What effect does repeating petting session have on WBC, neutrophil, lymphocytes,parasite prevalence and cortisol levels in shelter dogs?
Only decreased cortisol levels
Effects of repeated petting sessions on leukocyte counts, intestinal parasite prevalence, and plasma cortisol concentration of dogs housed in a county animal shelter JAVMA 2015
What is the effect of feeding a urinary stone prevention diet on cats with FIC?
Reduced frequency and severity
Same cats continue to have similar number of recurrences
Comparison of foods with differing nutritional profiles for long-term management of acute nonobstructive idiopathic cystitis in cats JAVMA 2015
Is renomegaly a reliable predictor of ureteral obstruction in cats?
Kidney enlargement >5,1 cm was not associated with obstruction - but larger kidneys are present in ureteral obstruction
No diff in creatinine vs CKD cats compared to normal cats
Palpation is not reliable for renomegaly detection
Respective associations between ureteral obstruction and renomegaly, urine specific gravity, and serum creatinine concentration in cats: 29 cases (2006-2013) JAVMA 2015
Is percutaneous ethanol ablation a viable treatment option for te treatment of priary hyperparathyroidism in dogs?
Yes - 85% success rate
In these dogs, calcium normalized in 72 hours
Recurrence in 17/19 with 1 month follow up
Respective associations between ureteral obstruction and renomegaly, urine specific gravity, and serum creatinine concentration in cats: 29 cases (2006-2013) JAVMA 2015
What are known factors associated with pathologic fractures in dogs with primary bone neoplasia?
38% of dogs developed bone fracture
5X risk for femur, tibia, ula, humerus
Lytic lesions more likely
Femur > tibia > humerus > radius > ulna
Factors associated with pathological fractures in dogs with appendicular primary bone neoplasia: 84 cases (2007-2013) JAVMA 2015
What are the most common sites of cervical disc herniation in chondrodystrophoid dogs?
C2-C3 - Beagle, Dachshund, Shih Tzu, Pekingese
Cervical intervertebral disk herniation in chondrodystrophoid and nonchondrodystrophoid small-breed dogs: 187 cases (1993-2013) JAVMA 2015
What are the most common sites of cervical disc herniation in nonchondrodystrophoid dogs?
C4-C5 - Pomeranian, Torkie
C5-C6, C6-C7 - Yorkie, Chiuahua
- *Yorkie has higher mean number of affected discs compared to dachshund
- *Yorkie had longer mean recovery type
Cervical intervertebral disk herniation in chondrodystrophoid and nonchondrodystrophoid small-breed dogs: 187 cases (1993-2013) JAVMA 2015
What are two key factors associated with cervical disc herniation in nonchondrodystrophoid dogs?
Higher mean number of affected discs
longer recover times
Cervical intervertebral disk herniation in chondrodystrophoid and nonchondrodystrophoid small-breed dogs: 187 cases (1993-2013) JAVMA 2015
What are common risk factors for development of aspiration pneumonia after unilateral arytenoid lateralization
Opiod using during anesthesia
Previous aspiration pneumonia did not affect risk
Risk factors for the development of aspiration pneumonia after unilateral arytenoids lateralization in dogs with laryngeal paralysis: 232 cases javma 2016
What are the clinical signs of black walnut ingestion - how is ingestion of the wood of the tree different from ingestion of the nut?
Wood - more likely to have neuro signs
Nuts - more likely to have GI signs
1) Clinical signs associated with ingestion of black walnut tree (Juglans nigra) wood, nuts, and hulls in dogs: 93 cases (2001–2012) JAVMA 2016
What is the remission rate of IMPA in dogs receiving cyclosporine therapy?
~70% - similar to prednisone
secondary infection occured in 2/10 of patients
Comparison of the efficacy of prednisone and cyclosporine for treatment of dogs with primary immune-mediated polyarthritis javma 0216
is there clinical benefit to administration of intraoperative lidocaine CRI for septic peritonitis?
Yes - increased odds of survival 8.77
Effect of intraoperative constant rate infusion of lidocaine on short term survival of dogs with septic peritonitis: 75 cases javma 2016
What is te reobstruction rate for patients undergoing urtetral surgyer w/ or w/o stent placement?
22% - no sig difference in reobstruction rate bt
time to reobstruction 203 days
most commonly d/t stones
Infection more likely in those w/ stents
Outcomes of ureteral surgery and ureteral stenting in cats: 117 cases (2006–2014) JAVMA 2016
Is a percutaneous hydraulic occluder a viable treatment option for cats?
Demonstrated successful in 3 cats
cystoscopy-assocated urethral tear, constipation, stranguria, hematuria, UTI as complications
Use of a percutaneously controlled hydraulic occluder for treatment of refractory urinary incontinence in three female cats JAVMA
What was the most common lab abnormality in Shih tzus with hepatocutaneous syndrome?
Microcytosis is also seen
Hepatocutaneous syndrome in Shih Tzus: 31 cases (1996–2014)
JAVMA 2016
What are two identified risk factors for leptospirosis infection?
Exposure to water and wild life
**Dematitis or otitis present in 14% of cases
Characterization of leptospirosis among dogs in Oregon, 2007–2011 JAVMA 2016
Are xylazine and dexmedeomidine effect at inducing emesis in cats?
43% xylazine, 58% of dexmedetomidine
2) Evaluation and comparison of xylazine hydrochloride and dexmedetomidine hydrochloride for the induction of emesis in cats: 47 cases
What is the recommended isolation period of dogs diagnosed with H3N2 virus?
Minimum of 3 weeks
Prolonged intermittent virus shedding during an outbreak of canine influenza A H3N2 virus infection in dogs in three Chicago area shelters: 16 cases (March to May 2015) JAVMA 2016
What were the chocardiographic and histopathologic changes noted in a group of Rhodesian Ridgebacks with sudden death?
None were noted.
Autosomal recessive
Ventricular arrhythmias in Rhodesian Ridgebacks with a family history of sudden death and results of a pedigree analysis for potential inheritance patterns JAVMA 2016
What is the efficacy of maropitant in cats w/ induced nausea with dexmedetomidine or morphine?
Improved vomiting, signs of nausea did not vary amongs dogs that did or did not receive maropitant
Effects of maropitant in cats receiving dexmedetomidine and morphine JAVMA 2016
What are key differences in dogs undergoing splenectomy with benign vs malignant lesions.
PCV - higher in benign
MST - 436 d vs 110 day
More likely to have hypoechoic lesion in malignant
Incidence of malignancy and outcomes for dogs undergoing splenectomy for incidentally detected nonruptured splenic nodules or masses: 105 cases (2009–2013) JAVMA 2016
What is the most important factor associated with development of diskospondylitis post decompressive surgery for IVDD?
Size - > 20 kg
GSD in uinivariate
Only occured in 2% of cases
Risk factors for diskospondylitis in dogs after spinal decompression surgery for intervertebral disk herniation JAVMA 2016
What factors increase the likelihood for diagnosis of a heart base mass on survey thoracic radiographs?
Mass like opacity cranial to the heart that are effacing or sillhouting with the cardiac sillhouette or tracheal deviation
Overal survery is a specific but poorly sensitive test
Sensitivity, specificity, and interobserver variability of survey thoracic radiography for the detection of heart base masses in dogs
JAVMA 2016
What is the survival rate of septic cats?
most cats were septic on arrival
most were peritonitis
Epidemiology of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis in cats hospitalized in a veterinary teaching hospital JAVMA 2016
What are the expected symptoms of diphenhydramide toxiciosis in dogs?
infrequent and mild
Severe toxicity can be observed at doses of 45 mg/kg
PO is most common route for toxicosis
Diphenhydramine exposure in dogs: 621 cases (2008–2013) JAVMA 2016
What connection is there between laryngeal edema and function?
Up to 54% of patients with cough for any reason are likely to have laryngeall edema
19% of coughing dogs w/o other airway disease have either paresis or paralysis; cause and effect is unknown
Laryngeal structure and function in dogs with cough JAVMA 2016
Is trazodone a reasonable anxiolytic for cats prior to treatment?
no sig differene in tpr or bp bt trazodone and non trazodone groups
Efficacy of a single dose of trazodone hydrochloride given to cats prior to veterinary visits to reduce signs of transport- and examination-related anxiety JAVMA 2016
What is the most common leptospiral serovar amongst infected dogs in North America?
L. kirschneri serovar grippotyphosa
Variable-number tandem-repeat analysis of leptospiral DNA isolated from canine urine samples molecularly confirmed to contain pathogenic leptospires JAVMA 2016
What are the expected outcomes for cats treated with famciclovir for the treatment of ocular, respiratory or dermatolig c disease related to feline herpes virus?
Greater improvement in 90 mg/kg vs 40 mg/kg PO q 8 hr
shorter time to clinical improvment, shorter treatment times
minimal side effects 10/59 - diarrhea, anorexia, increased thirst w/o change to USSG, vomiting
JAVMA 2016
What was the most common initial radiographic change noted in juvenile dogs with diskospondylitits?
Narrowed disc space and subluxation of adjacent vertebrae
end plate lysis noted later in disease
Dogs had known blunt trauma, dog bite or systemic illness
JAVMA 2016
What improves the treatment success of giardia duodenalis in group- housed dogs?
Removal from primary housing after 5 days to allow for compelte cleaning
Febendazole was used daily for 10 days
Tear film concentrations of doxycycline following oral administration in ophthalmologically normal dogs JAVMA 2016
What are key differences in the epidemiology of FCE vs acute noncopmpressive nucleous puplposus extrusion of the spinal cord due to disk herniation in dogs? (Royal Veterinary Hospital)
FCE = English Staffordshire Bull Terriers, non-painfull, younger, L4-S3 Lesion
IVDD herniations = Border Collies older, C1-C5, painful, ambulatory at discharge
What is the most common reason for esophageal surgery in dogs? In cats?
FB. Stricture.
Good short term outcome (90% survival rate)
Long term - persistent regurgitation, stricture
Perioperative morbidity and outcome of esophageal surgery in dogs and cats : 72 cases JAVMA 2016
What are the most common breeds associated with Tetralogy of Fallot?
Terrier (texts will say Keeshond and English Bull dog
4) Epidemiological, clinical, and echocardiographic features and survival times of dogs and cats with tetralogy of Fallot: 31 cases (2003–2014) JAVMA 2016
What is the estimated survival time of dogs with Tetralogy of Fallot?
Age at death: 23.4 months
Survival time from diagnosis to cardiac related eath was related to murmur - shorter for low grade murmur
Epidemiological, clinical, and echocardiographic features and survival times of dogs and cats with tetralogy of Fallot: 31 cases (2003–2014) JAVMA 2016
What joint is most likely affected by erosive IMPA? What size dog?
Small dogs
Dogs can respond well to immune suppressive therapy
Clinical features and pathological joint changes in dogs with erosive immune-mediated polyarthritis: 13 cases (2004–2012) JAVMA 2016
What is the frequency of incidental adrenal gland masses?
9.3% - more likely in older
ALP and USG not related
Prevalence of adrenal gland masses as incidental findings during abdominal computed tomography in dogs: 270 cases (2013–2014 JAVMA 2016
What is the correlation between BCS and CaOx stones?
Dogs in this study with CaOx stones did not ave acidic urine or CaOx crystalluria at the time of diagnosis
Comparison of body condition score and urinalysis variables between dogs with and without calcium oxalate uroliths JAVMA 2016
Is trazodone an effective anxiolytic for hospitalized dogs?
Reduced lip licking, panting and whining; reduced number of stress related behaviors and frenetic and freeze behaviors
JAVMA 2016
Is there a benefit to concurrent administration of furosemdie and cyclophosphamide in regards to hemorrhagic cystitis?
Overall prevalence 3.6% - seems to help
Incidence of sterile hemorrhagic cystitis in tumor-bearing dogs concurrently treated with oral metronomic cyclophosphamide chemotherapy and furosemide: 55 cases (2009–2015) JAVMA 2016
Which of the following is effected by hospitalization?
a) gastric emptying
c) gastric pH
Emptying but not pH
Effect of hospitalization on gastrointestinal motility and pH in dogs JAVMA 2017
What is the primary factor associated with seropositivity for feLV and FIV?
In general: Ault, clinical disease, sexually intact male
Resp disease FIV < feLV
Oral disease FIV > feLV
Bite wounds FIV > feLV
Cats acquired as a newly adopted pet (maybe age related) less likely to test positive
4) Seroprevalences of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats in the United States and Canada and risk factors for seropositivity
What are the key differences between a laprascopic and exploratory laparotomy for dogs with GI obstruction?
Longer w/ lap vs not
Possible conversion to exploratory lap from laprascopic
3 out of 16 did not have complete exam
1) Diagnostic usefulness of laparoscopy versus exploratory laparotomy for dogs with suspected gastrointestinal obstruction JAVMA 2017
How does CT compare to abdominal ultrasound in diagnosis of mechanical obstruction - time, positive detection rate
Ct shorter
Ct was consistently correct
Ultrasonographic and computed tomographic characterization and localization of suspected mechanical gastrointestinal obstruction in dogs JAVMA 2017
How does feline facial pheromone effect stress scores on shelter cats?
No sig difference
Owner-reliqunquished, cats in feral vs adult room were more stressed
Longer stay in holding room resulted in lower
Effect of a synthetic feline facial pheromone product on stress scores and incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in shelter cats JAVMA 2017
How does mast cell percentage in normal vs allergic vs locall MCT compare?
0% vs 0.05 (up to 0.55%) vs 0.4% (up to 77.4%)
Normal sized LN still had possible mets - recommend always aspirate local LN in dogs w/ MCT
Cytologic comparison of the percentage of mast cells in lymph node aspirate samples from clinically normal dogs versus dogs with allergic dermatologic disease and dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors JAVMA 2017
What are some benefits in ureteral bypass device vs stent in cat?
Shorter procedure and hospitalization time
Less likely to be symptomatic w/ UTI signs
Decreased risk of occlusion
Comparison between double-pigtail ureteral stents and ureteral bypass devices for treatment of ureterolithiasis in cats JAVMA 2017
What condition is most highly associated with aortic thromboemboism in dogs?
Multicenter evaluation of signalment and comorbid conditions associated with aortic thrombotic disease in dogs JAVMA 2017
What breed may have an enhanced risk for ATE?
Shetland Sheepdog
Multicenter evaluation of signalment and comorbid conditions associated with aortic thrombotic disease in dogs JAVMA 2017
What is the most significant predictor of survival time in dogs with hemangiosarcoma treated with splenectomy and chemotherapy?
Histologic grade
1 yr survival 42% vs 16% if mitotic figures < 11
**Many chemotherapy protocols used, 30 dog study
Evaluation of clinical and histologic factors associated with survival time in dogs with stage II splenic hemangiosarcoma treated by splenectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy: 30 cases (2011–2014) JAVMA 2017
What are key differences in anaphylaxis and sepsis at the time of hospital admission?
Anaphylaxis - higher eosinophil count, higher AST, lower blood pH, shorter duration of signs, collapse more likely
SIRS criteria met
Sepsis - sig higher bands, serum glob, serum ALP, lower BG, longer duratio nof signs, abdominal pain, inappatence
**Both had effsion, intestinal thickening, thickened GB wall; no difference in BP
Comparison of clinical findings between dogs with suspected anaphylaxis and dogs with confirmed sepsis JAVMA 2017
What is isoniazid and what are the toxic manifestations?
What factors are associated with increased liklihood of survival?
Isonicotinic - treatment of tuberculosis
Seizures and other CNS; GI, cardiovascular, resp possible but less common
61/87 survived
Increased survival with lower dose and administration of pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
Toxicosis d/t GABA inhibition d/t degredation of B6 and enhanced clearance
Isoniazid toxicosis in dogs: 137 cases (2004–2014) JAVMA 2017
Is there benefit to administration of diphenhydramine prior to surgical removal of mast cell tumors?
Antihistaminic and cardiorespiratory effects of diphenhydramine hydrochloride in anesthetized dogs undergoing excision of mast cell tumors JAVMA 2017
Is a point of care urine culture system an adequate substitute for testing through a reference lab?
Sens 93% and Spec 100%
Not good at establishing susceptibility (40% accuracy)
Clinical performance of a commercial point-of-care urine culture system for identification of bacteriuria in dogs JAVMA 2017
What are some noted coagulation abnormalities noted in cats with confirmed sepsis?
Prolonged Ptt, increased d-dimers, protein c and antithrombin
DIC uncommon
Clinical, laboratory, and hemostatic findings in cats with naturally occurring sepsis JAVMA 2017
What is the anticipated survival rate and associated factors for dogs treated outpatient for parvo virus?
25% mortality rate
Dogs fed q 2-4 hr had a lower mortality rate
age, bw, sex not significant
treatment not controlled but most received SQ fluids, Maropitant, 1/2 received Convenia
Evaluation of mortality rate and predictors of outcome in dogs receiving outpatient treatment for parvoviral enteritis JAVMA 2017
What is effect of BW and brachycephaly in dogs in regards to heat tolerance?
BW sig impaccts
Bracycephaly sig impacts
Effect of brachycephaly and body condition score on respiratory thermoregulation of healthy dogs JAVMA 2017
Is gabapentin a viable treatment to mitigate stress in cats prior to veterinary examination?
Sedation occurs which resolves w/in 8 hr
Effects of a single preappointment dose of gabapentin on signs of stress in cats during transportation and veterinary examination Javma 2017
What is the survival benefit of metastasectomy in osteosarcoma patients previously treated w/ amputation and chemotherapy?
MST w/o tx - ~ 50 days
MST w/ 232 days
Dogs w/ only pulmnary metastasis seemed to haev a survival benefit
Prognosis for dogs with stage III osteosarcoma following treatment with amputation and chemotherapy with and without metastasectomy JAVMA 2017
What are the possible systemic effects of cutebrebra infection?
SIRS - 50% dog, 14% of cats (all dogs <4.5KG)
40% dogs had DIC (none in cats)
Overall mortality 17%