Infectious 2015-2019 Flashcards
What is the overall prevelance of T. cruzi in shelter dogs in Texas?
18.1% in 608 shelter dogs
D. immitis in 16%
Repeated cross-sectional study of Trypanosoma cruzi in shelter dogs in Texas, in the context of Dirofilaria immitis and tick-borne pathogen prevalence JIVM 2019
What were some noted clinicopathologic findings in 41 dogs w/ natural E. ewingii infecection?
Renal disease 17 % IMHA 15%
Neutrophilia 57%, increased ALP 57%, ALT 40%, SDMA 32%
Proteinuria 74%
Concurrent E/ canis in 43% by IFA and ELISA 83%
Concurrent bartonella in 3%, Rickettsia 31%, B. burgdorferia 2%
Clinicopathological findings in 41 dogs (2008-2018) naturally infected with Ehrlichia ewingii JVIM 2019
What is the spectrum of activity for carbapenem?
Broad spectrum of activity against gram‐positive and gram‐negative aerobes and anaerobes
Used to treat multidrug resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae infections, including Escherichia coli and Salmonella
Usage patterns of carbapenem antimicrobials in dogs and cats at a veterinary tertiary care hospital
JVIM 2019
Were culture results correlated with appropriate use of carabenems?
No - up to 50% of cases were not de-escalated
Survival rate was higher in patients that were administered these therapies.
Usage patterns of carbapenem antimicrobials in dogs and cats at a veterinary tertiary care hospital JVIM 2019
What is the association of B. canis inefection and serum lipid, lipoprotine and apoprotein concentrations in dogs?
Marked acute phase protein response
Sig lower median cholesterol, phospholipids and alpha-proteins
Higher APoA-1
Serum amyloid A correlated w/ HDL diameter nad ApoA-1
Association of acute Babesia canis infection and serum lipid, lipoprotein, and apoprotein concentrations in dogs JVIM 2019
What impact does T. cruzi infection have on cardiac function in dogs?
More likely to have VPC, combinations of ECG abnormalities and cTNI > 0.129 ng,mL
dogs were sig younger
no breed or sex
Odds were 13X if housemate or litter mate was concurrently infected
Risk factors and select cardiac characteristics in dogs naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi presenting to a teaching hospital in Texas JVIM 2019
What is the expected prevalence of Babesia spp.?
2.9% of North American dogs
prevalence of Babesia spp. and clinical characteristics of Babesia vulpes infections in North American dogs JVIM 2019
What is the most common species of Babesia in NA dogs?
Gibsoni 1.7%, Vulpes 0.2%, Gibsoni + vuples .031%
prevalence of Babesia spp. and clinical characteristics of Babesia vulpes infections in North American dogs JVIM 2019
What breeds are most likely affected by B. vulpes?
Pitt-bull and American statfordshire terrier
prevalence of Babesia spp. and clinical characteristics of Babesia vulpes infections in North American dogs JVIM 2019
What are the possible clinicopathologic findings for dogs affected by B. vulpes?
Anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypergloculinemia, hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria
prevalence of Babesia spp. and clinical characteristics of Babesia vulpes infections in North American dogs JVIM 2019
How accurate are point-of-care cryptococcal antigen tests at succesful detection of infection?
CrAg LFA (Immy, Norman, OK) Senss 92%, spec 93%
CryptoPS (Biosynex, Strasbourg, France)
Sens 80%, spec 96%
Evaluation of the clinical performance of 2 point-of-care cryptococcal antigen tests in dogs and cats JVIM 2019
Is minocycline an adequate substitute for doxycycline in the treatment of nonacute B. canis in dogs?
10 mg/kg PO q 12 hr minocycline X 28 days equivlat to same dose of doxycycline
Efficacy of Minocycline in Naturally Occurring Nonacute Ehrlichia canis Infection in Dogs JVIM 2018
What is the prevalence of bartonella in dogs from NA?
3.26% spp; koelerae > henselae > vinsoni
intact males > castrated or females
Mixed > pure bred
No seasonality
Broad distrubtipon
coninfection coommon
Bartonella Seroepidemiology in Dogs from North America, 2008–2014
How accurate is a POC B. gibsoni test?
gibsoni test and sppecies nonspecic similar (spec 99% ; 90 vs 87% sens)
Adequate as a screening test for shelter dogs
Rapid Diagnosis of Babesia gibsoni by Point-of-Need Testing by Insulated Isothermal PCR in Dogs at High Risk of Infection JVIM 2018
What are the benefits of fecal microbiotia transplant in puppies with parvovirus?
Shorter hospitalization time
Quicker resolution of diarrhea
No sig diffeence on mortality (36 w/o and 21 % w/)
Fecal microbiota transplantation in puppies with canine parvovirus infection JVIM 2018
What are some challenges in the implementation of an antimicrobial stewardship program?
client expectations, competition w/ other practices, cost of culture, lack of access to education, training and AMS (antimicrobial stewardship)
Barriers to and enablers of implementing antimicrobial stewardship programs in veterinary practices JVIM 2018
What is the prevalence of neurologic side effects after topical therapy for sinonasa aspergillosis w/ cribriform plate lysis?
1/9 dogs had one seizure - this dog had prior seizure activity
Treatment success was similar to other studies
Sinonasal aspergillosis: Outcome after topical treatment in dogs with cribriform plate lysis JVIM 2018
What is the noted prevalence of atovoqone B. gibsoni resistance in US?
M128 w/ coneys atovoquone resistant was in 12.1% of B. gobsoni.
Babesia gibsoni cytochrome b mutations in canine blood samples submitted to a US veterinary diagnostic laboratory JVIM 2018
What species of bartonella are most commonly implicated in endocarditis in dogs?
Bartonella henselae (Bh), Bartonella koehlerae (Bk), and Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (Bvb) have been the most frequently documented species in North America
** B. vinsonii ssp. berkhoffi may be most common
Evaluation of cell culture-grown Bartonella antigens in immunofluorescent antibody assays for the serological diagnosis of bartonellosis in dogs
What are the expected clinicopathologic features and MRI findings in cats with nuerologic FIP?
Multifocal > vestibular > spinal w/o CNS
CBC/Chem normal in 7/24
20% Ventriculomegaly
15/19 had TW2 hyperintense on FLAIR - interstitial edema
meningeal nehancement in 22
Clinicopathologic features and magnetic resonance imaging findings in 24 cats with histopathologically confirmed neurologic feline infectious peritonitis JVIM 2017
What is the treatment success rate for administration of azithromycin and atovaquone for the tx of B. gibsoni in dogs?
Azithromycin 10 mg/kg po q 24 h + atovoquone 13.4 mg/kg po q 8 hr for 10 days
negative PCR at 30 and 60 days
Efficacy of azithromycin and compounded atovaquone for treatment of Babesia gibsoni in dogs JVIM 2017
What are the most common hemostatic abnormalities in dogs with leptospirosis?
Anemia > thrombocytopenia > hyperfibrinogenmiea
23% had DIC
Hemorrhagic, hemostatic, and thromboelastometric disorders in dogs with clinical diagnosis of Leptospirosis: a prospective study JVIM 2017
What are the expected TEM findings in dogs with leptospirosis?
c. Normal TEM (40%), hypercoagulable (40%), hypocoagulable (20%)
Dogs had lower mortality rate w/ hypercoag vs hypocoag
Hemorrhagic, hemostatic, and thromboelastometric disorders in dogs with clinical diagnosis of Leptospirosis: a prospective study JVIM 2017
What is the level of concordance between PCR and ELISA testing for FIV in cats?
Overall good
7 cats ELIDA + and PCR neg
4 cats PCR + and ELISA neg
Using VI as a reference standard, there were 4 false‐positive PCR results, 5 false‐positive ELISA results, and 1 false‐negative PCR result (1 cat lost to follow‐up).
Recommend check different testing modalities if high suspcion for FIV
Commercially available ELISA and PCR tests for detection of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus JVIM 2017
What is the expected performance of 4 POC screening tests for FeLV and FIV?
SNAP sig more sens and spec
Witness and Anigen sig more specific vs VetScan
No sig diff for FIV
Performance of 4 point-of-care screening tests for Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus JVIM 2017
What fibrinogen related abnormalities have been noted in naturall infected dogs w/ Angiostrongylus vasorum?
Hyperfibrinolysis in 67% w/ C/S and 11% w/o c/s of bleeding
Hyperfibrinolysis associated w/o hypofibrinogemia in 605 of cases
Hyperfinbrinolysis decreased or resolved w/ tranesamic acid
Survival 67% NOT sig differe b/ dog w/ or w/o bleeding
Hyperfibrinolysis and hypofibrinogenemia diagnosed with ROTEM in dogs naturally infected with Angiostrongylus vasorum JVIM 2017
What is the expected prevalence of vector borne pathogen associated immune-mediated disease (done in California?
33% of dogs had exposure
Ehrlichia and Babesia most common
Convalescent sampling, repeat PCR and use of novel PCR gene improved detection
Prevalence of vector borne pathogens in southern CA dogs with clinical and laboratory abnormalities consistent with immune-mediated disease JVIM 2017
What is the time frame from vaccination in which detection of PCR from organisms w/in modified live vaccination?
PCR detected via nasal and pharyngeal swabs w/n 3-10 days aftr vaccination for Adenovirus 2, B. bronchiseptica and parainfluenza
Adenovirus 2, Bordetella bronchiseptica, and parainfluenza molecular diagnostic assay results in puppies after vaccination with modified live vaccines JVIM 2016
What is the value in monitoring antigen levels i cats with histoplasmosis?
Urine antigen decreases w/ treatment
Urine Ag elimination sens but less specific for disease remission
Antigen concentrations as an indicator of clinical remission and disease relapse in cats with histoplasmosis JVIM 2016
What is the prevalence of enteropathogenis in dogs that frequent dog parks in a study from California?
38%: 54% of these dogs did not have diarrhea
Younger dogs more likely
Fecal consistency associated with presence and number of enteropathogens detected
More frequent visits correlated with softer stools
Prevalence of enteropathogens in dogs attending 3 regional dog parks in Northern California JVIM 2016
What prevalence of dogs visiting dog parts were seen to have giardia infection?
Nonzoonotic C and D
PCR produced false negatives in 41% of cases that had positive floatation results
Dogs with looser stools were more likely to have giardia
Prevalence of enteropathogens in dogs attending 3 regional dog parks in Northern California JVIM 2016
What is the role of canine circovirus in diarrhea?
Prevalence 9 % here (11% in others)
no correlation
Prevalence of enteropathogens in dogs attending 3 regional dog parks in Northern California JVIM 2016
What are some known prognostic factors associated with acute B. canis infections
Higher lactate, TG, phosphate and lower HCT, WBC, PLT and proteins
Prognostic markers in acute Babesia canis infections JVIM 2016
What is tick-borne relapsing fever?
Caused by spirochete bacteria Borrelia turicatae and Borrelia hermsii, transmitted by Ornithodoros spp. ticks
Resolves w/ doxycycline
characterized by thrombocytopenia and the presence of spirochetes on blood smear
Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever in Dogs
What azole can be used to successfully treat disseminated aspergillosis in dogs?
40% remission, 60% clinical improvement
high rate of relapse during tx or after cesssatio of tx - most dogs euthanized
No adverse events
Long-term survival >1 yr is possible
Treatment of disseminated Aspergillosis with Posaconazole in 10 dogs JVIM 2016
What clinical features and MRI findings have been reported in dogs w/ CNS aspergillosis?
5/7 cases had vestibular signs
Hemorrhagic infartions and mass lesions noted
Normal MRI noted
Clinical features and MRI findings in 7 dogs with CNS Aspergillosis JVIM 2015
What is the role of bartonella in degenerative joint disease in cats?
Age, total DJD score, appendicular bone pain score and total pain socree were sig inversely related to Bartonella seroreactivity
Less likely to have DJD w/ bartonella
Relationship between degenerative joint disease, pain, and Bartonella seroreactivity in domesticated cats JVIM 2015
What coagulation derrangements have been noted in dogs with blastomycosis?
Luekocytosis, hyperfibrinogemia and increased thrombin antithrombi complextes
No sig diff in PT, PTT, TEG or thrombin generation
Hypercoagulability in dogs with blastomycosis JVIM 2015
For what duration can E. ewingii infection persist after natral tick infestation?
Up to 733 d.
Persistent Ehrlichia ewingii infection in dogs after natural tick infestation JVIM 2015
Is there any clinical benefit to the use of amdiodarone + itraconazole to treat T. cruzi infection in dogs?
Clinical improvement was noted in treated group
MST was longer (24 vs 16 months) in treated group
Echocardiogram did not improve
Investigation of a combination of amiodarone and itraconazole for treatment of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) in dogs JAVMA 2019
Is there a significant administration in drug absorption for compounded vs brand name itraconazole?
Compounded absorbed poorly and inconsistently - 2-8% of reference
Liquid itraconazole is absorbed more quickly
malf life 18-16 hours
Comparison of absorption characteristics of oral reference and compounded itraconazole formulations in healthy cats JAVMA 2018
What are some clinical signs, and exepcted treatment outcomes in dogs with histoplasmosis?
Working and herding breeds more likely to have disseminated vs toy breeds more likekly to have GI
Diagnosis is often based off cytology of rectal scrape or blood film
Clinical remission in 64% with fluconazole and 71% with itraconazole - no sig difference
Clinical signs, treatment, and prognostic factors for dogs with histoplasmosis JAVMA 2018
What are some negative prognastic indictaors for digs with histoplasmosis?
Great Pyrenes breed, dyspnea, O2 supplementation, icterus, palpalbe organomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypercalcemia, increased alp and hyperbilirubinemia
Clinical signs, treatment, and prognostic factors for dogs with histoplasmosis JAVMA 2018
What are prognostic predictors for survival in panleukeopenia?
20% survival rate
Lethargy, hypothermia (<100 F), low BW at hospital admission, decreased leukocytes during stay
Interferon – ω not associated with survival
Survival estimates and outcome predictors for shelter cats with feline panleukopenia virus infectionJAVA 2018
In a study of 64 dogs with mycotic rhinusitis-rhinosinusitis - what was the treatment outcome with meticuous debridement and 1% clotrimazole application?
68% first time, 94% second time
Mostly golden retrievers
34 had adjuntive itraconazole
6) Topical treatment of mycotic rhinitis-rhinosinusitis in dogs with meticulous debridement and 1% clotrimazole cream: 64 cases (2007–2014) JAVMA 2018
What is the seroprevalence of FeLV and FIV infection in cats in the US and Canada?
3% feLV, 3.6% FIIV
Adults, outdoor, clinical disease, sexually intact increased odds for both
Oral disease - 10% FIV 4.8 % feLV
Bite wounds - 12% FIV 5.5% felv
Unhealthy cats - 14% with either or both compared to 3.6% healthy cats
Seroprevalences of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats in the United States and Canada and risk factors for seropositivity JAVMA 2018
What are some clinical, laboraory and hemostatic findings in cats with naturally ocurring sepsis?
Most common cause - pyo (10) > peritonitiis > panleukopenia > bite wound >abscess w/ diffuse cellulitis > pyometra
APTT, d-dimer sig higher
protein c, antithrombin sig lower
DIC uncommon - 18%
no clinicopathologic abnormalities were sig associated w/ death
Clinical, laboratory, and hemostatic findings in cats with naturally occurring sepsis JAVMA 2018
What are some predictors of outcome for outpatient therapy for parvoviral enteritis?
75% sruvived
No sig diff in age, body weight or sex
Dogs that were feady q 2-4 hours had a reduce mortality - only associated w/ positive outcome
Evaluation of mortality rate and predictors of outcome in dogs receiving outpatient treatment for parvoviral enteritis JAVMA 2018
What are some noted systemic manifestations of cuterebra infection in dogs and cats?
Mostly dogs < 4.5 kg
50% dogs, 14% had SIRS
40% DIC in dogs, no cats
Overall mortality rate was 17%
Systemic manifestations of Cuterebra infection in dogs and cats: 42 cases (2000–2014) JAVMA 2018
What is the clinical benefit for the oral administration of famciclovir for treatment of ocular, respiratory or dermatologic disease secondary to feline herpes virus?
Median time to improvement was shorter and degree of improvement greater.
17% had advere effects
Oral administration of famciclovir for treatment of spontaneous ocular, respiratory, or dermatologic disease attributed to feline herpesvirus 1: 59 cases (2006-2013)JAVMA 2016
What is the diagnostic utility of an antibody based assay vs an antigen assay for the detection of blastomyycosis?
rBAD-1 antigen antibody testing had a high sensitivity and is a useful adjunnctive test to traditional antigen testing
Evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to a recombinant Blastomyces adhesin-1 repeat antigen as an aid in the diagnosis of blastomycosis in dogs JAVMA 2015
Do anti inflammatories assist with survival times in dogs with pulmonary blatomycosis?
JVECC 2017
This organism is noted on endoscopic biopsy of the colonic wall in a dog with tenesums, hematochezia, anemia and eosinophilia? What is the next appropriate therapeutic intervention?

Subtotal collectomy with itraconazole, terbinafine and a short course of steroids
Successful management of 3 dogs with colonic pythiosis using itraconzaole, terbinafine, and prednisone JVIM 2019