neurology Flashcards
treatment of trigeminal neuralgia
resting tremor, cogwheel rigidity, bradykinesia, postural instability
loss of dopamine in the substantia nigra
tremor with movement, hx in family, propranolol
essential tremor
is there a tx for intention tremor?
NO, based in cerebellum
AD, anticipation, chorea, trinucleotide repeat
first line tx for cluster HA
verapamil as ppx for _____ HA
cluster HA
*** 3 ppx meds for migraine HA
propranolol, topiramate, valproic acid
young woman on OCP with HA, papilledma, and LP with opening pressure > 25
pseudo tumor cerebri
*** tx of pseudo tumor cerebri
Serial LPs
VP shunt
*** suspect cord compression, what rx to give?
plaques and tangles, chromosome 21, diffuse cortical atrophy
frontotemporal degeneration, personality changes
Pick’s disease
undercooked meat, myoclonus, dementia in young person
wet, wobbly, weird
normal pressure hydrocephalus - increased ICP, sx relieved with LP
how to differentiate labrynthitis from vestibular neuritis
labrynthitis = hearing loss
hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo
meniere’s disease
meniere’s tx
salt restrict, thiazides, meclizine for anti-vertigo
corneal copper accumulation on slit lamp + dysarthria, dystonia, depression
Wilson’s disease, copper accumulation in brain and liver
*** pill-rolling tremor, fluctuating cognition and visual hallucinations, dementia BEFORE PD symptoms
Dementia with Lewy Bodies
ataxia, urinary incontinence, dilated ventricals on brain imaging
normal-pressure hydrocephalus
*** microatheroma, lipohyalinosis, internal capsule of brain, pure motor hemiparesis
lacunar infarct
risk factors for lacunar infarct
HTN, hyperlipidemia, DM, smoking
*** bridging veins + concave hemorrhage that crosses suture lines
subdural hematoma
head/neck pain + ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis
carotid artery dissection
profound neurological deficits - hemi sensory and vision loss
carotid artery thrombosis with infraction to cerebral hemisphere
pt on OCP or with malignancy + new HA, AMS, seizures, focal neuro deficits
cerebral sinus thrombosis
thunderclap HA + ruptured saccular aneurysm
subarachnoid hemorrhage
*** oligoclonal IgG bands on CSF
albuminocytologic dissociation
Guillan Barre
CSF with neutrophillic pleocytosis
bacterial CNS infection, meningitis
HIV with AMS, EBV DNA in CSF, solitary ring-enhancing lesions
primary CNS lymphoma
tremor of both hands with ACTION, relieved by alcohol, tx with propranolol
essential tremor
tremor at REST that decreases with voluntary movement
tremor WORSE as hand reaches target + ataxia, dysmetria, gait disorder
cerebellar dysfunction
encephalopathy, ocular dysfunction, gait ataxia
wernicke encephalopathy due to THIAMINE deficiency
what are TWO important things to rule out in FIRST time seizure
metabolic causes (electrolytes, blood glucose) and toxic causes (urine drug screen)
if urine tox screen and metabolic labs are BOTH NORMAL, what next in first seizure workup?
imaging to rule out structural cause + EEG
lacunar infarct/posterior limb of internal capsule
unilateral motor impairment - NO sensory or visual deficits
MCA occlusion
CONTRALATERAL somatosensory + motor deficit
Homonymous hemianopia
Conjugate eye deviation toward side of infarct
ACA occlusion
CONTRALATERAL somatosensory + motor deficit
Lack of will/initiative
Dyspraxia, emotional disturbance, urinary incontinence
occlusion of this artery can result in urinary incontinence
occlusion of these TWO arteries can result in contralateral somatosensory and motor deficits
occlusion of this artery results in aphasia
*** If a person is right handed and has an occlusion of the Left MCA, what unique symptom may they develop?
Occlusion of the MCA of the dominant lobe can lead to ____
Occlusion of the MCA of the NON-dominant lobe can lead to _____
hemineglect or anosognosia (lack of awareness regarding one’s illness)
antibodies against ACh receptors of the motor end plate
myasthenia gravis
eyes, neck and upper extremity fluctuating weakness
myasthenia gravis
inflammatory demyelination and ascending paralysis
autoimmune demyelination of white matter tracts in CNS
inability to raise the eyebrow, close the eye, drooping of mouth corner, disappearance of nasolabial fold
Bell’s palsy - peripheral neuropathy of 7th cranial nerve `
4 migraine preventative meds
topiramate, divalproex sodium, TCA, beta blockers
“washed-out” color vision in young woman + afferent pupillary defect on exam
MS with optic neuritis
*** acute painless vision loss + exam with retinal whitening and cherry red spot
central retinal artery occlusion
*** drusen yellow deposits
macular degeneration, central vision leoss
*** gradual painless peripheral vision loss + exam with increased cup:disc ratio
open-angle glaucoma
*** floaters, flashes of light + peripheral vision loss
retinal detahcment
*** rapid severe eye pain, halos around lights, pupil dilated and minimally responsive to light, tearing, HA, N/V
acute angle glaucoma
anorexic/alcoholic with confusion, horizontal nystagmus and wide-based gait
Wernicke encephalopathy - give thiamine then glucose
large ischemic strokes and those treated with thrombolytics are at risk of ____
hemorrhagic transformation - if suspect, get an emergent noncontrast CT, surgical decompression needed
imaging to rule out brain bleed
CT WITHOUT contrast
visual defects, HA, sx of hormonal deficiencies
think SELLAR mass - pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, meningioma
arises from Rathke’s pouch, compresses optic chiasm, bitemporal blindness
*** tumor that causes HA, hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, balance problems
cerebellopontine angle tumors
*** bridging veins, crescent-shaped hypodensity that crosses the suture lines
subdural hematoma
early personality changes, compulsive behaviors, executive dysfunction
fronto-temporal dementia
loss of GABA, caudate nucleus and putamen atrophy, CAG trinucleotide, AD with anticipation
Huntington disease
*** loss of ACh producing neurons in nucleus basalis of Meynert
loss of dopamine-producing neurons
brain abscess bugs
strep viridans and staph aureus
*** this toxin BLOCKS the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters glycine and GABA
*** flaccid paralysis, impariment of presynaptic ACh release
this physical exam finding is sensitive and specific for upper motor neuron OR pyramidal/corticospinal tract disease
pronator drift
ataxia, intention tremor, imparied rapid alternating movements
cerebellar dysfunction
*** movement of distal phalange with patients eyes closed and Romberg test *stand with eyes closed
tests for proprioception
CSF with normal glucose and lymph predominance
viral meningitis
CSF with low glucose < 40 and high WBC
bacterial meningitis
this nerve is injured with anterior hip dislocation or pelvic surgery
obturator nerve - weakness with adduction
*** Two most common cancer metastases to brain
lung and breast
*** Patient is found to have multiple brain metastases, what cancers are likely?
lung and malignant melanoma
CD4 < 100, fever, HA, AMS, seizures, multiple ring-enhancing lesions
*** brain cysts at various stages of developement
neurocysticercosis - pork tapeworm
degenerative disease with parkinsonism, autonomic dysfunction, widespread neurological signs
multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome)
anhydrosis, miosis, ptosis
Horner syndrome
*** chemo rx that can cause peripheral neuropathy
vincristine, paclitaxel and cisplatin
ascending paralysis preceded by URI or diarrheal illness
CSF with high protein and normal WBC and glucose
*** GBS tx
IVIG and plasmapharesis
cerebellar hemorrhage sx
occipital HA, neck stiffness, N/V, nystagmus, ipsilateral hemiataxia
*** How often do nerve deficits related to MS generally hang around? vs TIA?
MS = days to weeks, TIA = seconds to minutes
*** 3 things to treat acute MS exacerbation
glucocorticoids, immunoglobulins, plasma exchange therapy
acute confusion, extreme hyperthermia, tachycardia, coagulopathic bleeding after prolonged exposure to high temp
exertional heat stroke
*** unilateral foot drop, impaired ankle dorsiflexion, preserved plantar flexion, sensory changes over dorsal foot and lateral shin
common fibular neuropathy due to compressive injury
subcortical white matter demyelination
MOA and application of pyridostigmine
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, myasthenia gravis tx
patient with ptosis found to have thymoma on chest CT
myasthenia gravis
myasthenia crisis tx
plasmapharesis and immunoglobulin
*** ____ is the only antiplatelet agent that is effective in reducing the risk of early recurrence of ischemic stroke
aspirin; given to all patients with 24 hrs of presentation for stroke
*** What to do for patients > 70% stenosis or carotid AND symptomatic?
*** early side effects of carbidopa-levidopa
hallucinations, confusion, agitation, dizziness, somnolence, nausea
painless flashes, floaters and curtain across visual field
retinal detachment
autoantibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the NMJ
pt with fever, AMS, focal neuro deficits, seizures and CSF with normal glucose, elevated WBC with lymphocytes, tx with acyclovir
herpes encephalitis
another word for vasovagal syncope