Neurology Flashcards
Neural tube development
1) Notochord induces ectoderm to differentiate into neuroectoderm and form neural plate
2) Neural plate gives rise to neural tube and neural crest cells
3) Notochord becomes nucleus pulposus of intervertbral disc
Alar plate- dorsal, sensory
Basal plate- ventral, motor
Regionalization of the brain
PRimary vesicles: prosencephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon (midbrain), rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
Secondary vescles
-prosencephalon – telencephalon (cerebral hemispheres and lateral venticles) and diencephalon (thalamus and third ventricle)
-mesencephalon – midbrain and cerebral aqueduct
rhombencephalon –metencephalon (pons and cerebellum) and myelencephalon (medulla); both contribute to fourth ventricle
Neuroectoderm derivatives
CNS neurons, epednymal cells that line the ventricles and make CSF, oligodendroglia, astrocytes
Neural crest derivatives
PNS neurons and schwann cells
mesoderm derivatives
microglia (hematopoietic lineage)
Testing for neural tube defects
Elevated AFP in maternal serum and amniotic fliud
Elevated AChE in amniotic fluid
Spina bifida occulta
Failure of bony spinal canal to close without any structural herniation and with dura intact. AFP is normal. Least severe neural tube defect.
Meningocele and Meningomyelocele
Meningocele: meninges only herniate through bony defect
Meningomyelocele: meninges and nural tissue hernate through bony defect; associated with chiari II malformation
both have risk of ascending infection
Look like plaquode on skin
Not a neural tube defect. Failure of left and right hemispheres to separate. Can be caused by sonic hedgehog mutations. Associated with Patau syndrome and FAS. Associated with cleft palate/lip, cyclopia
Chiari II
Hernation of cerebellar tonsils and vermis through foramen magnum. Aqueductal sternosis and hydrocephalus as result. Meningomyelocele (neural tube defect) is associatd
Dandy Walker malformation
Agenesis of cerebellar vermis with cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle. Associated with hydrocephalus and spina bifida
Cystic cavity in spinal cord. Typicall damages corssing anterior spinal commisurral fibers leading to cape like loss of pain and temp in upper extremities. Associated with chiari I
Chiari I malformation
Cerebellar tonsils herniate. Associated with syringomyelia. Usually asymptomatic in childhood
Tongue development
1st and second branchial arches: anterior 2/3 with sensation from V3, taste from VII
3rd and 4th arches form posterior 1/3 with sensation and taste from IX and X
Motor from X (palatoglossus) and XII (all others)
Nissl stain
Stains RER and can be used to visualize cell bodies and dendrites of neurons. Doesn’t stain axon as RER is not present: proteins are synthesized in the cell body and transported down the axon
Wallerian degeneration
In response to axonal injury, the nerve degenerates distal to the injury and the axon retracts proximally, allowing for regeneration if in the PNS. Regeneration occurs slowly over weeks to months.
Functions: physical support, repair, potassium metabolism, removal of excess neurotransmitter (take up glutamate and convert to glutamine), component of BBB, reactive gliosis in response to neuronal injury, match cerebral blood flow to synaptic activity
Marker: GFAP
Derivative of neuroectoderm
HIV in the brain
Infect microglia, which fuse to form multinucleated giant cells in the CNS
Scwann cells
Each Schwann cell myelinates 1 PNS axon. Promote axonal regeneration. Derived from neural crest
Myelinate axons of CNS. Each oligodendrocyte can myelinate many axons. Derived from neuroectoderm. Fried egg appearance
Types of sensory receptors: free nerve endings, meissner corpuscles, pacinian corpuscles, merkel discs, ruffini corpuscles
Free nerve endings: Carry pain on C fibers, temp on Adelta fibers. Located in skin and seome viscera
Meissner corpuscles: Carry fine touch and position on large myelinated fibers that adapt quickly. Found on hairless skin
Pacinian corpuscles: Carry vibration and pressure on large myelinated fibiers that adapt quickly. Found in deep skin layers, ligaments, and joints.
Merkel discs: Carry pressure, deep touch, and position on large myelinated fibers that adapt slowly. Found in fingertips and superficial skin
Ruffini corpuscles: Carry pressure information on slow adapting dendritic endings within the capsule
Layers of a peripheral nerve
Endoneurium: surrounds single nerve fibers
Perineurium: surround fasicle of nerve fibers
Epineurium: dense connective tissue surrounding entire nerve
Location of neurotransmitter synthesis: NE, DA, 5-HT, ACh, GABA
NE: locus ceruleus of the pons Dopamine: ventral tegmentum and substantia niagra of midbrain 5-HT: Raphe nuclei in brainstem ACh: Basal nucleus of Meynert GABA: nucleus accumbens
Components of BBB
- Tight junctions between nonfenestrated capillary endothelial cells
- Basement membrane
- Astrocyte foot processes
Area of hypothalamus not protected by BBB that senses changes in osmolarity.
Area postrema
Area of hypothalamus not protected by BBB that responds to emetics
Supraoptic nucleus
Part of hypothalamus that makes ADH
PAraventricular nucleus
Part of hypothalamus that makes oxytocin
Hypothalamus: lateral, ventromedial, anterior, posterior, suprachiasmic nucleus
Lateral area: hunger, inhibited by leptin
Ventromedial area: Satiety, stimulated by leptin
Anterior hypothalamus: Cooling, parasympathetic
Posterior hypothalamus: Heating, sympathetic
Suprachiasmic nucleus: Circadian rhythm
Circadan rhythm
Controlled by suprachiasmic nucleus. Drives nocturnal release of ACTH, prolactin, melatonin, norepinephrin.
Effect of CNS depressants on sleep
EtOH, benzos, and barbs decrease REM sleep and delta wave sleep
Pathology of different sleep stages
Non-REM stage N2: bruxism (teeth grinding)
Non-REM stage N3: sleepwalking, night terrors, bed wetting
Thalamic nuclei
VPL: Spinothalamic tract and dorsal column relay to sensory cortex
VPM: Trigeminal and taste relat to sensory cortex
LGNL Received vision info from CNII and sends to calcarine sulcus
MGN: Reveives auditory info from sup olive and inf collicular and sends to auditory cortex
VL: Reveives motor info from basal ganglia and cerebellum and relays to motor cortex
Limbic system
Includes hippocampus, amygdala, fornix, mamillary bodies, and cingulate gyrus
Central pontine myelinolysis
Result of overly rapidly correcting hyponatremia. Results in acute paralysis, LOC, locked in syndrome
Pathways through basal ganglia
Excitatory: Cortical inputs stimulate striatum; striatum stimulates release of GABA which disinhibits the thalamus via GPi/SNr
Inhibitors: Cortical inputs stimulate striatum, disinhibits STN via GPe, STN stimulates GPI/SNr to inhibit thalamus.
Dopamine receptors
D1: stimulates excitatory pathway
D2: inhibits inhibitory pathway
both increase motion
Decreased activity of subthalamic nucleus decreasing GPint activity, increasing thalamic activity and causing flailing. Sudden wild flailing of 1 arm and sometimes ipsilateral leg due to damage to contralateral subthalamic nucleus
Slow writhing movements of the fingers seen with lesions to basal ganglia, such as in Huntington
Treatment of essential tremor
beta blcokers
Sudden, brief, uncontrolled muscle contraction seen iwth metabolic abnormalities
Pathology of PD
Lewy bodies of alpha synuclein which have intracellular eosinophilic inclusions. Loss of dopaminergic neurons of substantia niagra
Neurotransmitters in HD
DA increased
GABA decreased
ACh decreased
Broca aphasia
Nonfluent aphasia with intact comprehension, impaired repetition.
Broca area in inferior frontal gyrus of frontal lobe
Wernicke aphasia
Fluent aphasia with impaired comprehension and repetition.
Wernicke area is in superior temporal gyrus of termporal lobe
Conduction aphasia
Poor repetition but fluent speech and intact comprehension
Can be caused by damage to arcuate fasciculus
Global aphasia
Nonfluent aphasia with impaired comprehension
Transcortical motor aphasia
Nonfluent, good comprehension, intact repetition
Transcortical sensory aphasia
Poor comprehension, fluent speech, intact repetition
Mixed transcortical aphasia
Nonfluent speech, poor comprehension, intanct repetition
Kluver Bucy syndrome
Bilateral damage to amygdalae. Disinhibited behavior with hyperphagia, hypersexuality, hyperorality. Associated with HSV-1
Frontal lobe lesions
Cause disinhibition, problems with concentration, orietnation, judgement, possible reemergence of primitive reflexes
Parietal-temporal cortex lesions
Nondominant: hemispatial neglect syndrome
Dominant: Gerstmann syndrome of agraphia, acalculia, finger agnosia, left-right disorientation
Reticular activating system lesions
Reduced levels of arousal and wakefulness
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Pathology: affects mammillary bodies
Presentation: confusion, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, memory loss, personality changes, confabulation
Basal ganglia lesions
Resting tremor, chorea, athetosis
Cerebellar lesions
Hemisphere: Intention tremor, limb ataxia, loss of balance. Ipsilateral defects; fall toward side of lesion
Vermis: Truncal ataxia, dysarthria
Hippocampal lesions
Anterograde amnesia
Defects to paramedian pontine reticular formation vs frontal eye fields
Paramedian pontine reticular formation: eyes look away from side of lesion
Frontal eye fields: eye look toward lesion
Regulation of cerebral perfusion
Driven by Pco2. Po2 modulates only in severe hypoxemia. Increased Pco2 increases cerebral perfusion pressure. Decreased O2
Therapeutic hyperventilation
Decreases Pco2 which helps to decrease intracranial pressure in acute cerebral edema via vasoconstrtion (brain thinks it has plenty of oxygen if CO2 is low). Hypventilation in panic attacks decreases perfusion leading to fainting.
Cerebral perfusion pressure
So, hypotension or incresaed intracranial pressure can decrease cerebral perfusion
Presentation of MCA stroke
Can get contralateral paralysis of upper limb and face due to effect on motor cortex
Can get contralateral sensory loss of uppper limb and face due to effect on sensory cortex
Can get aphasia or hemineglect due to effect on ermporal lobe and frontal lobe
Presentation of lenticulostriate artery stroke
Affects striatum and internal capsule. Contralateral hemiparesis/hemiplegia. Often lacunar infarct secondary to unmanaged hypertension
Presentation of anterior spinal artery stroke
Affects lateral corticospinal tract: contralateral hemiparesis of upper and lower limbs
Affects medial lemniscus: loss of contralateral proprioception
Affects caudal medulla: ipsilateral hypoglossal dysfunction with tongue deviating ipsilaterally
Presentation of PICA stroke
Affects lateral medulla: vomiting, vertigo, nystagmus due to cerebellar dysfunction and effect on vestibular nuclei. Decreased pain and temp sensation from ipsilateral face, contralateral body due to effect on lateral spinothalamic tract. Dysphagia and hoarseness due to effect on nucleus ambiguus. Ipsilateral horner syndrome due to effect on sympathetic fibers
Presentation of AICA stroke
Affects lateral pons including middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles. Presents with vomiting, vertigo, nystagmus, face paralysis, ataxia, dysmetria
Presentation of PCA stroke
Affects occipital cortex and visual cortex. Contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing
Presentation of basilar artery stroke
Locked in syndrome. Preserved consciousness and blinking with quadriplegia and loss of mouth, face, tongue movements
Presentation of anterior communicating artery stroke
Most often due to aneurysm. Presents with visual field defect