Immunology Flashcards
Immune response against giardia
IgA and Th cells. Eosinophils more responsible for helminths vs the trophozoite giardia
Sirolimus MOA
Inhibits mTOR pathway, disupting IL-2 signal transduction, preventing G1 to S progression and lymphcyte proliferation
Rituximab MOA
Chimeric antibody that targets CD20, depleting B cells.
Function of Th2 cells
Promote humoral immune response by secreting IL-4 and IL-5, which activate B cells.
produced by macrophages. Activates Th0 cells, promoting them to differentiate into Th1 and Th2. Endogenous pyrogen
Produced by Th1 cells. Stimulates development of CD4+, CD8+, and B cells.
Produced by Th cells. Stimulates growth and differentiation of bone marrow stem cells
Produced by Th2 cells. helps regulate balance between Th1 and Th2 populations. Inhibits synthesis of interferon gamma, leading to decrease in Th1s.
Synthesized by macrophages. Stimulates Th1 growth and evelopemnt.
Produced by Th2 cells. Facilitates growth of B cells and Th2 cells. Stimulates antibody isotype switching.
Type I interferons
Interferon alpha and beta. Made by most cells when infected by virus. Signal infected and neighboring cells to ahlt protein synthesis if the cell is infected with dsRNA.
Type II interferons
Interferon gamma. Produced by T cells and NK cells. Promotes Th1 differentiation, increases MHC class II expression, increases intracellular killing by macrophages.
Hyper-IgM syndrome
Inability of B cells to isotype switch. Presents with lymphod hyperplasia and recurrent sinopulmonary infections.
Transplant rejection types
Hyperacute: occurs in minutes to hours due to preformed antibodies against graft in patient’s blood. Results in gross mottling and cyanosis and thrombotic occlusion
Acute: occurs in first 6 mos due to induction of humoral/cellular activation of naive immune cells against donor antigens. Hmoral rejection results in CD4 deposition, nuetrophils, and neccrotizing vasculitis. Cellular response results in lymphocytic infiltratates and endotheliitis
Chronic: occurs in months to years due to chronic low grade immune response refractory to immunosuppressants; results in vascular wall thickeining/luminal narrowing and interstitial fibrosis and parenchyma atrophy
Langhans giant cell
T-cell activated macrophages with multiple nuclei organized peripherally in a horseshoe shape. Nonspecific finding in granulomatous conditions.