Neurology Flashcards
How do you monitor Respiratory Function in Guillan-Barre?
Vital Capacity
Sx: Diffuse HA worse in AM, vision changes, AM N/V, CN deficits, imbalance, cushing reflex
Intracranial HTN (get MRI/CT)
Cushing Reflex
Bradycardia and HTN
What CN deficit do you see in Uncal Herniation?
Causes of Subdural hematoma
bridging vv tear 2/2 blunt trauma
Drug to give in SAH to prevent cerebral aa vasospasm
Asymmetric Limb Weakness
ALS EMG readings
widespread mm denervation and motor block
AE’s of aminoglycosides
Ototox and nephrotox
Tx of acute MS attack
What does pronator drift test for?
UMN damage in upper extremities
What is the strongest RF for stroke?
What is the most common site of hypertensive hemorrhages in brain?
With what condition in trigeminal neuralgia associated
Sx: Parkinsonism, autonomic dysfcn, widespread neurological deficits
Shy drager syndrome (Multi-system atrophy)
Cherry red spots are seen in _____?
Tay sachs, neimann-pick, retinal aa occlusion
What is Todd’s Palsy?
Motor defect 15-24 h after seizure
Tx for essential tremor
AE of primidone
Porphyria (GI, psych, neuro abnl)
Argyll-Roberston pupil
accomodates to near obj, but does not react to light
Most common cause of conjunctivitis
Adenovirus (VERY CONTAGIOUS), URI/diarrheal illness too
What imaging to get in suspected stroke?
CT brain w/o contrast
Cerebral Salt wasting syndrome
hyponatremia 2/2 SIADH
Painless, sudden loss of vision. Flash. Floaters. Sometimes 2/2 trauma
retinal detachment
Disorders with lens subluxation/dislocation
Marfans, homocystinuria, Alport
Inflammation of lacrimal sac
dacroscleritis (strep/staph)
Shingles of ear/CNVIII involvement
Ramsay-hunt syndrome
Tx of ramsay hunt syndrome
antivirals, pain meds, steroids
Condition assoc w retinal hamartomas
Tuberous Sclerosis