Neurological Assessment Flashcards
What are the goals of clinical NP assessment ?
Assess level of cognitive functioning, to identify dysfunction and localise it (dissociation)
Provide an objective measure
Provide information for the rehabilitative progress
Be sensitive to mild impairments which may otherwise be missed (e.g. traumatic brain injury)
Provide corroborating evidence of abnormality where imaging would fail to identify structural abnormalities (e.g. epilepsy)
Determine efficacy of treatments
Provide patient and family with understanding of condition
Assess for mood disorders
What are methods of clinicial assessment?
- Pen and Paper
- Standarised compuerised tests
- Test batteries
What are Test batteries?
Collections of tests assessing differetn cognitive functions
What are results from test batteries compared with to assess deficits?
Normative samples
What is the hierarchy to cognitive functions?
Sensation and perception -> Visuospaital processing -> Executive function -> Attention -> Memory -> Psychomotor speed -> Language skills
What is attention?
Selective processing of certain stimuli
How can attention be assessed?
Trail making - sselective attention - join the dots in ascending order of th enumbers as quickly as possible
Why some test batteries vary?
Some require more theroital expertise and more qualititive while others do not require much knowledge to administer
What are the characteristics of an ideal test battery?
- Capture the spectrum of different cognitive functions and separate them
- Good psychometric properties (E.g Reliability, Validity, Sensitivity)
- Translational
- Large normative database
- Verified
What is translational meaning in ideal test batteries?
Directly related to neural cirucitry and neurochemical systems
What is the CANTAB?
Computerised suite of neuropsychological tests examining a range of cognitive functions
What are the limits of the standardised approach to NP assessment?
- New constructs are made
- Long process to collect norms
- Norm may not be applicable to patient
What are the goals of cognitive NP assessment?
- Aim to advance therory on neural underpinning of pscyhological functions
- Associations and dissociations between different psychological functions
- Same as clinical assessent
- Experimental
What is experimental in congitive NP assessment?
Focussed on research question or topic (e.g people presenting with a paritcular cognitive impariment)
What is an example of a test battery with a large sample?
Luria- Nebraska Battery (Golden, 1981)