Motor control of voluntary actions Flashcards
What are th three classes of movement?
- Reflexes
- Voluntary movement
- Rhythmic motor patterns
What is an exmaple of rhythmic motor pattern?
Walking, running, chewing
What is the purpose of the cortex in the General Model of the Motor System?
Planning, initaitng and directing movement
What is the purpose of the Spinal Cord in General Model of the Motor System?
Execution and reflexes
What is in the feedback circuit?
Assoication cortex, secondary motor cortex, primary motor cortex, brain stem motor nuclei, spinal motor circuit
What is the hierachary of the General Model of the SensoriMotor System?
Assoication cortex
Secondary motor cortex
Primary motor cortex
Brain stem motor nuclei
Spinal motor circuit
What is the purpose of Strategy in the Motor Control Hierarchy?
Goal of movement
Where does Strategy occur?
Neocortex and basal ganglia
What is the Tactics in Motor Control Hierarchy?
Sequence of muscle contractions arranged in space & time to smoothly and accurately achieve the strategic goal
What is the Execution in Motor Control Hierarchy?
Activation of the motor neuron and interneuron pools that generate the movement
Where does Execution occur?
Brain stem, spinal cord
What is Parallel Procesisng?
Flows in parallel over many pathway
What is Functional Segregation?
Contain functionally distinct areas that specalise in diffrent analysis
What are the different parts to the Secondary motor cortex?
Supplementary motor area
Premotor cortex
Where is the Primary motor cortex?
Precentral gyrus
What are the sides of the body that the Primary motor cortex controls?
Left primary motor cortex controls the right side.
Right primary motor cortex controls the left side
What is the motor homunculus?
Somatotopic map of the msucles int he primary motor cortex
What is the function of Primary motor cortex?
Responsible for causing movements of parts of the body on the opposite side
What does Primary motor cortex code for?
1) Muscle Force
2) Direction of Movement
3) End Point of a Movement (Final Posture)
What happens to the muscle force if there is a resistive load?
More muscle force needed to move the hand - Primary motor coretex neuronal firing increased
What is the Population Coding Hypothesis?
Direction to move represents a weighted sum of the directions signalled by the population of cells in the motor cortex