Neuro-Ophthalmology Vol. 2 Flashcards
What bone of the skull contains the carotid canal?
Petrous portion of the temporal bone
What nerve parallels the internal carotid artery and provides the parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal gland?
Greater superficial petrosal nerve
What artery supplies the cranial nerves as they enter the cavernous sinus?
Dorsal meningeal artery
Where does the internal carotid artery become intradural?
At the anterior clinioid process (just before giving off the ophthalmic artery}
What structure makes up the terminal portion of the lesser wing of the sphenoid?
Anterior clinoid process
Where does the internal carotid artery give off the ophthalmic artery?
Just before entering the orbit through the optic canal
Where does the central retinal artery enter the optic nerve?
10 to 12 mm posterior to the globe
What does the central retinal artery branch into within the eye?
Superior and inferior vascular arcades
What artery supplies the lateral rectus muscle?
Anterior ciliary artery via the lacrimal artery
What arteries are responsible for the majority of blood flow to the ciliary body?
Superior and inferior muscular branches of the ophthalmic artery
What blood supply may protect the macula in certain patients with CRAO?
Cilioretinal artery (30% of patients)
What arteries form the circle of Zinn-Haller surrounding the optic disc?
Short posterior ciliary arteries
What artery arises from the internal carotid artery distal to the ophthalmic artery to supply to the optic tract distally to the LGN?
Anterior choroidal artery
What artery supplies blood to the optic tract distally to the LGN?
Anterior choroidal artery
Name the 3 clinical manifestations of optic tract syndrome.
- Homonynous hemianopia 2.Band atrophy of the optic disc 3. RAPD
What structure allows blood flow between the carotid and vetebrobasilar circulation?
Circle of Willis
What arteries make up the circle of Willis?
Anterior and posterior communicating arteries
What arteries supply the optic chiasm?
Proximal anterior cerebral artery and anterior communicating artery
What artery supplies the occipital tip representing the macula?
Middle cerebral artery (accounts for macular sparing visual fields with PCA occlusion)
Where does the right vertebral artery originate?
Innominate artery
Where does the left vertebral artery originate?
Subclavian artery
What arteries do the vertebral arteries give rise to before joining to form the basilar artery?
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
What vein is responsible for absorbing CSF via the arachnoid villi?
Superior sagittal sinus
What structure represents the confluence of the cranial venous sinuses?
Torcular Herophili
What structure do the cavernous sinuses drain into?
Superior and inferior petrosal sinus
Into what structure do the superior and inferior orbital veins drain into?
Cavernous sinus