Fundamentals Vol. 2 Flashcards
What is the length of the average adult palpebral fissure?
27 to 30 mm
What is the height of the average adult palpebral fissure?
8 to 11 mm
By how much does the average elevator muscle raise the upper eyelid?
15 mm
By how much does the average frontalis muscle raise the eyelid?
2 mm
What is the innervation of the levator muscle?
CN Ill
Where is the thinnest skin of the body located?
Where does the levator aponeurosis have its firmest attachment?
On the anterior aspect of the tarsus about 3 mm superior to the eyelid margin
Which lacrimal punctum is located more medially?
Superior punctum
What structure corresponds to the avascular plane of the eyelid?
Gray line
What structure corresponds with the most superficial portion of the orbicularis muscle?
Gray line
What is the name of the muscle associated with the gray line?
Muscle of Riolan
Which facial muscle has fibers with the smallest diameter?
Orbicularis oculi
What is the innervation of the facial muscle?
Which portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle functions solely as a voluntary muscle?
Orbital portion
Which portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle functions voluntary and involuntary in spontaneous and reflex blinking?
Palpebral portion
Which portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle plays a role in drainage of tears?
Pretarsal portion
What are the only apocrine glands of the orbit?
Glands of Moll
What is the mode of secretion of sebaceous glands?
Holocrine secretion
What is the function of the Glands of Moll?
Sweat secretion
What is the function of the goblet cells?
Mucus secretion
What is the function of the meibomian glands and Glands of Zeiss?
Oil secretion
What lies just posterior to the orbital septum in the eyelids?
Orbital fat
What is the attachment site of the orbital septum in the eyelids?
Levator aponeurosis
What is the origin of the levator palpebrae muscle?
Lesser wing of the sphenoid
Where does the levator palpebrae muscle divide into the levator aponeurosis and Muller’s muscle?
Near Whitnall’s ligament
What is the innervation of the levator palpebrae muscle?
Superior division of CN Ill
What is the origin of the analogue to Muller’s muscle in the lower eyelid?
Capsulopalebral head of the inferior rectus muscle
What is the attachment of Muller’s muscle?
Upper border of the tarsus
What type of muscle is Muller’s muscle?
Smooth, non-striated muscle
What is the average width of the tarsal plate?
29 mm
What is the innervation of Muller’s muscle?
Sympathetic fibers
What are the tarsal plates composed of?
Dense connective tissue
What is the average thickness of the tarsal plate?
1 mm
What is the mode of secretion of lacrimal glands?
Exocrine secretion